[Part 3/4]

Gorilla-sama, in the first place, doesn't trust people easily. She was almost paralyzed and thrown into hell in her childhood due to her father's plot of poisoning her. Considering her background, it's no surprise. Despite her arrogant and overconfident attitude, she surprisingly owns a significant number of curse-detecting tools and even goes as far as using shikigami to cook and taste the food herself. She often utilizes a taster.

And it seemed that her suspicion had intensified even more since the awakening of the clan's head who had trapped her.

She also could not trust the people in the inn, and apparently she was doing the same thing everywhere she went. And Shiro had been fed the leftovers. Or perhaps, she feared that her usable pawns would be poisoned...?

"So, yesterday, there was more leftover food than usual, so I thought I'd bring it for Tomobe-san... I-Is that... not okay?"

The little white fox girl, gazing up at me with a worried look in her eyes. I didn't have the courage to say no to her innocent gaze that seemed devoid of any ulterior motives.

"No... Well, yeah. Since I just finished a job, I'm hungry too. Shall we eat?"

In response to my acceptance, Shiro's face lit up with unmistakable joy. I hurriedly prepared a table and chairs for her. I placed two bento boxes on the table and set up a teapot and teacup with hot water. I didn't forget to bring a basin for washing hands. I cautioned Shiro, who was urging me to hurry, and had her rinse her hands with water from the water jar. Finally, I completed the preparation of the meal.

"Now, let's open them... This is amazing."

As I opened the bento box, which was not particularly expensive but had a large size, I couldn't help but admire its contents.

The main dish was fish, yellowtail to be precise. It was a thick-cut, glossy grilled yellowtail with a rich layer of fat. There was also marinated herring with rolled omelet and vinegar and kelp-marinated sliced herring. Chicken and taro stew were also part of the ensemble.

There were various side dishes such as simmered burdock root, black soybeans, seasoned greens, and pickles, totaling seven dishes.

The rice was a savory dish of mountain vegetables and chicken cooked together with a side of fragrant vegetables. The broth had soaked into the rice, making it so delicious that one could keep eating endlessly.

"It's an impressive assortment... But I'm sure there are still many complaints from the princess."

Although it was a feast that made one's mouth water just by looking at it, it was not a top-notch ingredient considering that it was made with ingredients that could be found in a rural inn. From Gorilla-sama, who had expensive tastes, it might be considered as ordinary food.


Shiro let out a dry laugh, her expression indescribable. Oops, this is not the time to complain to the person when I'm about to eat.

"...Well, there's no mistaking that it smells delicious. Shall we start eating?"

And so, Shiro and I began eating our respective bentos. Oh, d*mn, this is seriously tasty.

(Kayo usually treats me to Western or Chinese cuisine.)

Well, those aren't bad either... but the food that truly satisfies my body is different. I mean, I'm not in an environment like in my previous life where I could eat universal cuisines anytime and anywhere as a matter of course. So, traditional Japanese cuisine, Washoku, seemed to suit this body the best.

"Mmm, it's tasty... Hey, Shiro, how about your tea? Do you want a refill of hot water?"

As I noticed that I had finished my tea, I poured some more from the teapot and asked Shiro. While pouring lukewarm water into Shiro's teacup, I suddenly realized that the flavors of the bento seemed slightly intense.

"...Did you add salt or soy sauce when you packed the bento?"

"? No, I didn't."

I couldn't help but ask Shiro, who tilted her head in confusion, and she denied it with a perplexed expression.

"I see... well, it's fine."

I quickly dismissed the thought and took a sip of the lukewarm water, then resumed eating. While eating, I wondered about it in my mind. Well, Gorilla-sama, who doesn't sweat the small stuff, might have thought to make the seasoning milder... well, it doesn't matter.

I quickly pushed aside the fleeting doubt that crossed my mind. There's no way it was poisoned or anything. For me, who was tired after finishing a job earlier, the slightly intense flavors were actually a blessing. I refocused my attention on the bento in front of me and... that's when my hand stopped.

"...? Tomobe-san, what's wrong?"

"Oh, sorry... I just remembered something. Wait for me for a moment."

I stood up, put on my attire, and explained to Shiro that I had something to take care of. Then I walked out of the tent, guided by an inexplicable instinct, through the camp...

And I arrived there. In a corner of the forest covered with trees and bushes, with limited visibility.

In a small corner of the hill where I could overlook "Mayoiga."


In the cold winter wind, I trembled slightly. For a moment, I caught a glimpse of the majestic and unsettling exterior of "Mayoiga," and then I waited. I waited for the visitor...

"For suddenly summoning, did I disturb you?"

Without much time passing, she appeared. With the sound of rustling grass, a cold voice echoed from behind me.

"...You surprised me. What wind brought you here? Did you really come here in person?"

I turned around and asked her while expressing my surprise. This was truly unexpected. If she had whispered into my ear using her shikigami as usual, that would have been one thing, but to call me in this way...

In front of my eyes was a weak and exhausted girl, held in the arms of a large bear-like yokai (Onikuma)...

* * *

At a glance, I understood that something was wrong with her. Her complexion was unnaturally pale, lacking any trace of color, and her eyes looked tired and dull, indicating accumulated fatigue. Her already slender figure seemed even more emaciated, as if it had been carved out with a saw. Each breath she took seemed to strain her chest, and even breathing appeared to be a struggle.

But there was one thing that remained the same—her gaze, cold and indifferent as always. Paradoxically, that was the only thing that reassured me. I involuntarily held my breath, struggling to find the right words to say.

"...It's been a long time since we directly faced each other, servant. But please refrain from rudely staring at people. It's extremely impolite, you know?"

Botan, held in the arms of the Onikuma, spoke with a contemptuous tone while cradling the small body. However... unlike the usual coldness I witnessed through the hummingbird, her words now seemed to carry a sense of strong tone. Perhaps due to the awkward atmosphere, I was momentarily dumbfounded. However, I quickly opened my mouth.

"W-Well, I apologize... It was an unexpected..."

"Unexpected, you say? ...No need to put on an act. I can imagine the reason for your astonishment."

As I tried to hastily explain myself, Botan sneered. It seemed almost self-deprecating. A complex smile curled up the corners of her mouth.

"I, too, apologize for demanding this sudden meeting without considering your circumstances or position. I didn't have much time either."


"Yes, that's right."

Botan's cold laughter resurfaced, followed by a bout of coughing. With each cough, she grimaced in pain, as if her insides were rupturing and her bones cracking.


"Don't move from there!"

As I tried to rush over, a sharp command and the growling threat from the Onikuma stopped me in my tracks. I took only a few steps toward them and froze in place.

"Cough... Cough... For the sake of both of us, please don't come any closer... Haah, are you an idiot? You shouldn't be near someone who's suffering so much."

Botan's words were the natural common sense of an exorcist. Whether she was cursed, possessed, or had her identity swapped, it was possible. Even if she was in pain right before my eyes, that's precisely why I shouldn't approach her recklessly.

"That was... careless of me."

"Indeed, it was incredibly careless of you. It's about time you learn why you're in such a terrible state."

As I apologized, Botan scoffed with disdain. After delivering her cold remarks, she made a bitter face and clicked her tongue as if remembering something.

"I've lost control..."


"I made a foolish decision out of my own stupidity."

As I tilted my head in confusion, Botan gave me a scornful look and then whispered something to the Onikuma. The bear made a troubled expression, bringing its free hand to its mouth. It glanced back and forth between Botan and me a few times.

"Just follow my orders. Do your part of the equation."

'Oh, oh, did you change your mind at the last minute? It's not good, you know, procrastinating on unpleasant matters.'

A hoarse voice sounded, seemingly denying Botan's orders. A hummingbird appeared above my head, but then, '(. ・`з・)ノ That's my place!' How could that be?

"...Grandfather, what do you want?"

'Hahaha, I came to impart some wise advice to my stubborn granddaughter, serving as a guide in life.'

"Aren't those just the stubborn ramblings of an old man?"

The hummingbird spoke in a nonchalant tone, irritating Botan with its displeased expression.

'You say so, but... do you have any alternative solutions? If you were not an idiot, you should have understood the situation by now.'


As Botan ignored the hummingbird's words, the hummingbird continued to point out.

'How many pills do you have left? How much time doe you have left?'

"I said silence, didn't I?"

Ignoring Botan's words once again, the hummingbird persisted. Botan warned once more.

'How many days did it take from the city outside the capital to get here? How much precious time was wasted? Finally, you've come this far, and yet you hesitate before me? Such a pitiful tale. If only there had been such consideration, the current situation would not be as it is now...'

"I told you to be silent!!!"

The girl shouts, interrupting the hummingbird's words. Her eyes widen, her voice grows harsh. It was a sudden transformation as if she had touched a raw nerve. Instinctively, I brace myself.

However, it seems that such energy does not last long. She quickly distorts her expression in agony, and in the arms of the Onikuma, Matsushige's granddaughter becomes limp, as if drained of blood. Desperately taking deep breaths and trembling, her body shivers. Even so, her gaze immediately turns to me, to the hummingbird. She glares with sharp eyes. The atmosphere becomes heavy.

"...Please stop. I can take care of myself. Isn't that your greatest concern? ...I don't need any pretense of concern for a fake family member."

In a voice that sounded exhausted, Botan speaks, her voice trembling. This time, the hummingbird says nothing. Silence fills the air. Only the faint sound of leaves rustling and rubbing against each other can be heard...


"I've shown my unsightly side. Please forget about it."

"Are you referring to your very existence?"

"As I said before, it's better to refrain from meddling in other people's affairs recklessly. Ignoring matters that don't concern others is the wise way to navigate life."

Botan muttered, exasperated by my remark. She sneered.

"That's quite a joke. If something were to happen to you, I'd be troubled as well, you know?"

"If my grandfather is around, it wouldn't be much of a problem. It would simply reduce the frequency of our interactions."

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