[Part 3/4]

The lineage of exorcists in the northern region is complex. Families here and there have been convening meetings, putting forth candidates for the next head, all in the hopes of acquiring the name and assets of the Renge family. The Onitsuki family was also caught up in this whirlpool, having secured the child of the concubine, Kikyou.

Whether their aim was her or not, there have been several attempts by infiltrators to breach the Onitsuki estate. Among those disguises, some were cleverly concealing poisoned needles. It's unclear which family sent them. The traces were meticulously erased. It's certain that there was more than one. There was even the possibility that the imperial court was planning to seize the estate through the dissolution of the family, taking control of their assets.

In secret, Kikyou, along with Kurou, also plan to retreat to the Hayama's land. They will go into hiding, and Kikyou will disguised as maids. The suggestion apparently led by the esteemed advisor is likely aimed at protecting Kikyou, who could serve as a pawn in the inheritance issue. The Onitsuki mansion, engulfed in conspiracies, is no longer safe. The threats come not only from external assassins but also from those within the Onitsuki household and the residents of the mansion. They are not necessarily wealthy individuals. In fact, several people have approached Kikyou for the sake of her lineage and family name...

"Be careful not to prioritize things incorrectly. Don't try to take on everything at once. It would be troublesome if you push yourself too hard and end up failing, drawing unwanted attention... You might end up like him."

It's not just about Hina. Even without actively seeking detailed information, it's apparent that things have become quite troublesome since he becomes a servant. Sarujirou still thinks Kurou is inexperienced when it comes to living.

"Fortunately, the esteemed advisor seems to be on our side. She used to dote on him like a grandchild..."

Though it's unlikely that the Black Butterfly Lady would be bound for such a trivial reason... One of the reasons why Sarujirou can support him with the curse-tools is because of her covert instructions. However, Sarujirou finds it difficult to grasp her intentions.

(But I shouldn't dig too deep, or I might be silenced.)

Regarding his surroundings, it seems that everyone is making use of him as a pawn in political struggles and conspiracies, partly because of Hina. While Sarujirou genuinely wants to help as a friend, it's not wise to make rash moves and risk stepping on someone's tail. He could only provide assistance within the limits of what can be concealed. At least, for now.

...And Sarujirou couldn't divulge such deep things to Kurou in front of him.

"Well, that's the situation. ...Don't worry too much. Leave it to the other side and focus on pursuing your own happiness. Don't trouble Ayaka, okay?"

After a brief silence, Sarujirou casually announced to ease Kurou's concerns. Kurou responded with a wry smile to the words of the nonchalant curse-tool craftman.

"Hahaha. Indeed, I've been causing trouble for Ayaka as childhood friends..."

No, that's not it. Sarujirou nearly blurted out the words but managed to swallow them. It seemed that both his friend, who had become a servant, and the young boy before him were somewhat unaware of these intricacies. Well, he deliberately chose not to point it out. Getting stabbed in the back due to tangled emotions is their own responsibility. Sarujirou couldn't afford to deal with such complications.

"Well, in life, it's important to make compromises, you know? You should know your limits and what you can bear on your small shoulders."

Sarujirou's remark, which sounded like an offhand comment, wasn't irresponsible. It was advice as a guide in life. An understanding of facing reality... There are limits to what a person can bear. There are limits to what one can take on. It was advice not to make the mistake of choosing which to take away and which to discard.

"...I understand."

Kurou responded until there and fell silent. Sarujirou might not be satisfied, but Kurou also had things that couldn't be easily reconciled.

No matter how much he tries to forget, the guilt doesn't disappear. Even if he forgets, the other person won't forget.

And not only grudges but also feelings, over time, swell up and suddenly demand their due, with accumulated interest. There's no escaping from that payment. One shouldn't try to escape. At least, Kurou felt that way.

...Which of the two perspectives is the true reality, Sarujirou, who has limited wisdom, couldn't assert.

"...Anyway, you left it halfway."

Sarujirou glanced at the silent Kurou and mumbled as he poured sake into his own cup, peering into the bottle. Then, he directed the bottle toward Kurou.


"You barely drink, don't you? I will pour it for you. If you don't get used to it now, as soon as you go there, the local folks will get you drunk and make you father a child with some unknown woman."

"What's that all about?"

Kurou chuckled at Sarujirou's strangely specific threat but reluctantly offered his cup. He received the cup filled with the milky white liquid, about half of the usual amount. It had a taste mixed with bitterness and sweetness. Perhaps it was due to his constitution? Even if he drank it slowly, he would get drunk quickly. Kurou thought he wasn't good with booze.

...Come to think of it, was his father a heavy drinker? Upon reflection, his father would often get drunk and abuse his family. Or perhaps his weakness for alcohol was inherited from his father. Thinking so made Kurou feel a little melancholic.

"...? What are you doing?"

"Hmm, just wait a moment."

Suddenly, Sarujirou stood up and started rummaging through the shelves behind him. Perhaps due to the alcohol taking effect, Sarujirou's face turned slightly red as he struggled amidst the disarrayed shelves... and then he found it.

"Come to think of it, I was planning to give this to you... It's perfect. I thought it could also be used as a snack with drinks."

"Is this... a wakizashi?"

Placed prominently on the table, it resembled the dagger owned by his friend's servant. However, it was longer than that and adorned with decorations predominantly in lacquer and silver foil. Kurou naturally picked it up, examining the intricate embellishments. And then he spotted it—the engraved inscription.

"A crow, is it?"

"It's the family crest of the Hayama Onitsuki family."

With the addition of a crow to the Onitsuki family crest, it symbolized the Hayama Onitsuki family, which once held significant influence within the Hidden Group.

"It's a personal congratulatory gift. I should mention that, as a pure weapon, it's superior to the one Yun-shoku (允職) carries."

Moreover, that dagger was also crafted by Sarujirou himself. It was his masterpiece at the time. After several years, it's no wonder that his current masterpiece would surpass it.

...Although comparing the two is somewhat meaningless, considering the additional curses placed by the second princess of the Onitsuki family.

"But... does this one also have a curse?"

"That's not me who cast it, it's that guy. Well, it's only someone who curse the servant. Consider it as a talisman of sorts, better than nothing."

Of course, Kurou is now just a landlord, neither a samurai (warrior) nor an exorcist. In the first place, being in a situation where a wakizashi is needed is already halfway to a dead end. It truly became an object resembling a talisman.

"...I didn't hear that you had prepared something like this."

"Hahaha, surprised?"

"...Yes. I'm very grateful."

In response to Sarujirou's question, Kurou relaxed his expression and answered. Unbeknownst to himself, he had been holding the wakizashi he acquired. Since that day, it had become the most precious gift to him.

And the young boy thought to himself. It would be nice if, at least, before settling the debts and facing the consequences of the past, he could gather with his old friends like this once again... He wished for it from the bottom of his heart.

* * *

"Excuse me... Whoa, is Mari the only one here?"

I mumbled as I entered the hut, responding to Sarujirou's request. Glancing around the sparsely furnished room with inexpensive items scattered about, I noticed a figure sitting in the center. As my voice reached them, they lifted their head in response.

"Huh? Oh... so, it's Tomobe-sama, is it?"

[(* ゚∀゚) I'm back! The warriors have returned from the World of Darkness!!]

The girl, facing me with closed eyelids, wore a somewhat astonished expression. Hey, foolish spider over there, apologize.

"O-Oh, you're back already... I-I'm sorry! Right now, I'm...!"

"Hold on, calm down. Don't rush."

I moved closer and prevented her from rushing towards me while on her knees.

"But if you've returned home, I should prepare a change of clothes or a bucket..."

"No need. I'm planning to go out again anyway. What's wrong? Why are you so flustered?"

I ask, stopping to go to the shelf in the kitchen where I keep the bottles (sealed with protective charms against youkai). Mari is at a loss, embarrassed, and blushes when asked.

"N-No... I was just playing alone while everyone was away, so..."

[(´ー`) I took a nap! (o≧▽゜)o I feel refreshed now!]

Ignoring the nonsense echoing in my mind for now, I smiled at Mari.

"You've finished your work, right? If that's the case, you can use the remaining time however you like. No complaints here."

Upon looking around, I noticed neatly folded laundry and completed sewing work by her side. The floor was spotless, and it was likely the same for the walls and furniture in the room. She had certainly done a meticulous job.

"Actually, I apologize for interrupting your break. Once I'm done, I'll leave right away."

"You don't need to... Your brother living here too, just like you. Please don't worry about it."

Despite my reassuring words, Mari responded with a somewhat downcast tone. Maybe I made a small mistake?

"My bad, my bad. I didn't phrase it well. I just wanted to say that I don't mind what you're doing. ...You're still doing a great job as always."

I praised her work, rubbing the floor with my finger.

"Anyway, is it okay for you to play go alone like this? If you're feeling bored, I can buy something for you next time."

I suggested, looking at the cheap go board sitting in front of her. She must have been playing alone, as black and white go stones were scattered across the board.

"No, it's not a problem... I can enjoy playing go alone like this. It won't bother anyone..."

[ヾ(*´∇`)ノ Papa, let's play...]

Her voice at the end sounded a little lonely. With limited entertainment options that didn't involve involving others, it was understandable that she played tabletop games alone. Of course, I ignore the demands of the White Spider, but still...

"Oh, you seems a good match. And Mari... how about playing a game after dinner?"

Observing the state of the board, I made a suggestion. After playing a few games, I realized that she was trying out new strategies. She rapidly improved even if I looked away for a moment. Recently, if we played five games, I would lose four. Iruka got sulky after losing too much and has been avoiding playing against Mari lately. '( ´・∀・`) My little sister is really troublesome!!'... Well, let's just ignore the word.

"Really? Yes, I'll be waiting eagerly!!"

Mari's pure joy in response to my casual suggestion was unparalleled. Her innocent smile bloomed brightly, like a blossoming flower.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry. I got carried away like a child..."

Immediately after, she realized her own blunder and apologized, looking embarrassed.


However, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her behavior. Although I felt bad for Mari, her gentle, modest, and delicate nature struck a chord with me personally.

...And with the mention of her delicate health, I momentarily recalled the young girl of Matsushige, and once again, I'm speechless with guilt. Come to think of it, we haven't had any contact lately. I want to believe it's only because she's concerned about third parties finding out...

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