Mob Yandere

Book 7 Epilogue, (9)

[Part 9/10]

If I followed the direction the children indicated, I would find it. It was a small house, neither big nor small within the village. White smoke rose from the hearth. It seemed like someone was cooking.

To avoid being impolite, I took off my mask and knocked on the door. The old woman who came out was astonished when she saw me. I bowed and introduced myself. The cautious old woman didn't introduce herself, and it was only natural. People didn't want to risk being cursed.

However, as soon as I uttered that name, the old woman fell silent. She was dumbfounded and shocked. It was then that a young girl in her teens, who was probably cooking, appeared with a surprised expression, calling out to her grandmother from behind. When she saw me, she too became cautious.

I bowed again and introduced myself, explaining the matter briefly as time was short. The girl was taken aback. Despite that, I continued to explain further, stating my purpose for coming here, who sent me, and then presented it— a small comb decorated with lacquer and gold leaf, probably a hair accessory bought by her brother with his meager salary in preparation for his sister's marriage.

The girl looked perplexed when the comb was handed to her. She wore an expression as if she didn't understand what I was saying. It seemed that news from the capital hadn't reached this countryside yet. As soon as she grasped my words, her expression changed. She turned pale. Right away, she began yelling at me, using hurtful words. Crying and refusing to believe what I said, she scolded me. She even started throwing things in a fit of anger.

Luckily, she didn't throw the comb.

The girl was about to lunge at me, but the old woman hurriedly intervened to stop her. I bowed one last time and turned around. I wasn't too hurt by their predictable reaction.

With trembling steps, I slowly made my way towards the village gate.

"...Well, this is troublesome."

As the saying goes, "It's good to go, it's scary to come back"? At the village gate, besides an old man who appeared to be the village chief, there were around thirty men armed with hoes, clubs, and spears. There was even a man who looked like a hunter, aiming a bow.

"Oh, what a mess. I can't believe they didn't even notice the gatekeeper sleeping."

I sighed in exasperation at the sloppy security measures. This area of Hieda County, surrounded by mountains and able to coordinate with the remaining three villages nearby, seemed to have a lower sense of crisis when it came to youkai and thieves compared to elsewhere. And that's why things like this happen.

Now, as I pondered how to get through and continue on my way, it happened.

"Hey, what's going on? Huh? Are you telling me that these villagers can't take down even one servant unless dozens of them gather?"



With those words, several men were thrown into the air.

"D*mn, they attacked from behind!?"

The archer hastily turned around and shot an arrow, but as expected, Iruka easily deflected it.

Even without her specialized axe, the cheap axe she acquired from those guys seemed more than enough for her.

"Yun-shoku (Yun-shoku (允職))!!"

"I'll help you now!!"

Following that, my subordinates, armed with shields and swords, charged at the villagers. They didn't intend to kill. They simply aimed to disarm the villagers of their hoe, spears, and other weapons, knocking them unconscious with their shields. Without proper armor, the villagers' fighting capabilities were quickly halved. Even those who were still unharmed grew fearful.

"Hey, don't you run away, village chief!"


And so, when the village chief, trying to be the first to escape, saw an axe pointed at his throat, the outcome was clear. With Iruka threatening him, the panicked village chief ordered the villagers to drop their weapons.

"...I thought you were an idiot."

"You're doing the same thing. But that doesn't mean I'll just abandon you."

Iruka laughed at my remark. I let out a sigh.

"I'll show my gratitude. You should too. We've been saved. Though it would be nice if you could be a bit gentler."

Knowing I was speaking arrogantly from a position of being saved, I looked at the fallen and groaning villagers. Well, I can't blame them too much. They weren't taught much about combat, so they couldn't hold back... Well then, I need to resolve this peacefully.


As I stepped forward, the village chief let out a scream of fear. Internally, I felt exasperated, but I kneeled down and spoke.

"Village chief, I apologize for intruding into the village without permission. I had a matter that required direct entry... This is a gesture of compensation. It also covers the treatment of the villagers."

With that proclamation, I presented the two pieces of Tama-ro-nishu-gin I received from the young lady of the trading company some time ago. One was a bribe for the village chief, and the other was for the medical expenses of the villagers.

"This is..."

"We ask that you treat everything that happened here as if it never occurred. Is that acceptable?"

As I pleaded, the village chief nodded with a series of small nods. He even had a slight smirk on his face. The power of money is great. After glimpsing that, I put on a mask of a Hannya and beckoned Iruka and his group to leave the village.

...Naturally, no one attacked us from behind.

"...Are you sure about this? Giving away such a large sum of money?"

"If money can solve the problem, it makes things easier. If I have to point out something, it's because of your sudden use of violence that I had to give two coins instead of one."

"Tch, ungrateful."

Iruka clicked her tongue at my sarcasm and continued.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it have been better to talk to the gatekeeper from the beginning?"

"It's not like I didn't think about it. He probably wouldn't let me in. Beside, I was told to hand it over myself."

There was also a possibility that the comb would be confiscated. That's why I avoided sending it to the local officials for the same reason. Going there in person was the only sure option. When I asked Murasaki right after waking up, she had a reluctant expression... but I was surprised when I received permission from the Head of the Servant.

"After all, it's just a promise with the dead."

"I understand it's self-indulgent."

In the first place, a significant portion of this case is my responsibility, and I only fulfilled Hikorokurō's dying wish. The others couldn't even deliver the will. They would complain that it's unfair. I can't brag about doing something good. It's truly just self-satisfaction.


"What? Do you have something to say?"

I asked Iruka, who had an indescribable expression. However, Iruka immediately clicked her tongue and averted her gaze. "I don't know," she coldly replied. I don't understand what's going on. I want her to be clear, to be honest...

"Tomobe-san! Are you okay!? There was some commotion..."

'(* ̄∇ ̄)ノ Good job, my little sister!'

I was thinking that, but my thoughts were immediately interrupted. It was probably because Shiro who had been observing the commotion between us and the villagers at a distance was running toward us with a pale face. It's worth noting that Iruka was annoyed by the stupid spider's arrogant words, but I'll ignore it for now.

"Oh, I'm fine. ...Sorry for taking a detour. When we get home..."

The half-youkai white fox clung to my arm, looking up at me with a worried expression. I was about to reply, but I hesitated for a moment. Seeing the white's figure looking up at me, I recalled a scene from the village.

'Why can't Brother (Nii-san) come back!?'

'I don't understand! Why was Brother killed by a youkai!?'

'Why didn't we even receive his body!?'

'Isn't your job to exterminate monsters!? Why are you alive while Brother is dead!?'

'Give Brother back! Give him back, you murderer!!'

It was not an unfounded accusation. It's true that youkai extermination was my responsibility. Yet, I undoubtedly involved him, their brother, and he died because of my mistake. It's entirely my fault that he died, so, that's why...


'(´・ω・`)? What's wrong?'

I snapped back to reality at the anxious voice. I directed my gaze to the white girl in front of me. I forced a smile beneath my mask. I'm glad I'm wearing a mask. It was probably a clumsy smile.

...and then I speak.

"...I'm fine. Let's go home."

That's right. Let's go home. Let's go back as soon as possible. Let's go back to that warm place where I'm allowed to return.

"It's gotten quite late, huh?"

Looking up at the sky, I murmured. There are many things I think about deep down. Nevertheless, to sort out this weariness and the chaotic thoughts that are about to overflow...

"Let's go home..."

Right now, I just wanted to return to that place I should go back to, to the place where I can go back, to that warm space as soon as possible...

* * *

Deep within the remote, undisclosed location in the northern region, Kamui finally arrived at the entrance of a stone chamber, gasping for breath.

"Haah... haah... Guh!? This is no laughing matter. Okay?"

Gradually, the shapeless shadow turned into a figure that looked like a person, and the tired Kamui looked exhausted. Kamui had been beaten several times by powerful gods, and attacked unexpectedly by servants, which made Kamui visibly tired. Getting hit in the face with a burst of spiritual energy was especially painful, and it left Kamui feeling half-conscious and dazed.

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