Mob Yandere

Book 7 Epilogue, (7)

[Part 7/10]

Kayo declares while playfully sticking out her tongue. However, Otsuru can't help but think that someone who dismisses the idea of being matched with young masters from esteemed families in the central region or noble lords based solely on their portraits has no right to make such statements.

"I completely forgot about rest too! After all, I'm so busy with work every day!... Well then, I'll rest here! Time is money, you know!"

As Kayo is scolded, she hurriedly glances around, trying to evade the criticism, and rushes into the room, locking the door from the inside.

"Oh, right! Please prepare the bath as well! I'll take a bath after dinner!"

She opens the door halfway and makes her announcement. And before a pursuit of lecturing could be unleashed, she hastily closes the door with force and locks it once again.

"Haa, what is she doing..."

...It goes without saying that Otsuru sighed deeply, shrugging her shoulders. Despite Kayo's growing business savvy, her underlying childish mindset remained a cause for concern.

"...Goodness, you're such a bother. I'm not your mother-in-law, you know."

On the other hand, Kayo, who had successfully barricaded herself in the guest room, sighed with a weary expression. She reaffirmed her decision to stay locked in this room until things settled down.

...In any case, this meeting must not be seen by others.

"Phew... I guess we only need candlesticks for lighting. Could you please arrange that for me?"

After glancing around the dim and deserted room, Kayo made a request to no one in particular.

In an instant, without any warning, the candlesticks set up in the room all lit up simultaneously, casting a faint glow on the eclectic Western-style guest room.

"I apologize for the trouble."

In the midst of this seemingly supernatural phenomenon, or perhaps the work of a tanuki or fox, Kayo remained completely unfazed. Instead, with a carefree smile, she swiftly took a seat in a nearby armchair, sinking deep into its embrace.

'Isn't it said that one should surround themselves with good company? You've gone through quite a bit of trouble this time, haven't you?'

'Regarding the incident the other day, I appreciate your concern. However... it seems you've spent quite a sum of money. Was it worth it?'

At that very moment, two shadows emerged from behind Kayo as if peering over her shoulder. With their elegant voices, they revealed themselves as a graceful pheasant and a white egret. They appeared as if they had been there all along, as if they had materialized out of thin air.

However, this was within Kayo's expectations, and she showed no trace of surprise as she greeted them with a welcoming smile. Naturally, she exchanged greetings.

"Madam Advisor, Second Princess. Good to see you. Yes, there is no problem. After all, half of the inventory was already overstocked anyway."

Kayo's words were indeed true. Lately, not only in the Northern region but throughout Fusō-kuni, there had been numerous incidents related to youkai. While the destruction of villages was not uncommon, the soaring transportation costs and price increases resulting from it led to a decrease in purchases.

The lives of the merchants and producers are also at stake. If they have excess inventory and cannot ship it this month, it becomes a problem. As winter approaches, transportation becomes difficult, and in the worst case, they have to keep the inventory until the snow melts. Selling it off to the imperial court here wouldn't be a bad choice in that case.

'But even so, it pains me. ...I've burdened you with the dirty work, as in the incident in Hotoya Village. I don't know how to thank you...'

The white egret expressed a formal sense of apology. The turmoil in Hotoya Village in the early autumn was publicly treated as a hoax by Kayo's misunderstanding and spread as a rumor to the public. And this time's incident... while it could be considered a service to the imperial court, from the perspective of the trading company, it was simply selling off inventory at an unfairly low price, which was not particularly pleasing.

"Do you have any issues or complaints within the trading company?"

Therefore, the advisor was worried about Kayo. She was concerned about Kayo's position, as it was useful for protecting he.

"'No problem' is too vague of a statement. However, it does depend on my efforts... I've been giving it my all, you know?" Kayo's response, in the end, transformed into a complaint mixed with frustration.

In truth, Kayo's argument held some validity. Considering the profits she had generated since arriving in the Northern region, the savings she had achieved by cutting unnecessary expenses, the exploration of new markets and demands, and the connections she had established, even after subtracting the setbacks caused by her frequent eccentric behavior, there was still a considerable amount of profit. Nevertheless, the higher-ups and executives... not just the Shiratomi merchants, but also the desires of people, seemed to know no bounds.

"In general, it's not wise to hoard excessive amounts in the storehouses unnecessarily... Well, this kind of discussion isn't relevant to either of you, so let's end it here. If I may voice my concern, can I assume that I can rely on various forms of your support if I need them?"

Realizing that delving into overly technical discussions would be pointless, Kayo promptly cuts it short and asks for a straightforward confirmation. The two Shikigami gracefully lower their heads in response.

'Hehehe, that's reassuring to hear.'

The second princess lets out a laughter that rolls like a tinkling bell. While laughing, she also expresses her gratitude.

It's easy if everything can be resolved with money. However, in this world, there are some things that money can't fix, albeit rare. And dealing with such things is particularly troublesome because rational negotiation doesn't work.

Kayo is well aware that her power is meaningless when it comes to dealing with humans and youkai driven by emotions, and ultimately, violence can only be countered with violence. That's why she genuinely appreciates the promise from Onitsuki's women.

(Well, that's all there is to it.)

...However, she couldn't help but feel repulsed deep down by the peculiar preferences of the Madam Advisor who commands the egret shikigami.

Although she didn't know all the background circumstances behind the Madam Advisor's inclinations, she had received some information from the second princess, with whom she had formed an alliance. And what she had heard was deeply unsettling. In fact, it was quite disgusting.

It's only natural. What a shame for an old woman to become infatuated with a distorted first love... What is she rambling about while being a married woman with several children? When she heard from the second princess, "Maybe she's making up excuses and trying to seduce him with aphrodisiacs," she felt disgusted, and when she heard, "Undoubtedly, during the act, she must regresses into childish behavior and calls him 'big brother' and acts all spoiled," she even got goosebumps.

The interruption was most likely a staged act during the clothing presentation from Kayo, which she does to gauge her mood.

As a hobby and for practical purposes, Kayo also designs clothing and fashion. She regularly showcases some of her creations to the second princess of Onitsuki, and recently, to the Madam Advisor as well. However, she was left speechless when asked for a 'Bunny Hostess Reception - With Bunny Ear Accessories' as a hidden menu item. Furthermore, when the Madam Advisor demanded a tightly fitted black-dyed outfit with smaller fabric adjustments, Kayo couldn't help but secretly criticize her in her mind, urging her to consider her age.

She even made a compromise with her by including a white-dyed fishnet tights, for heaven's sake!

"Your consideration, both from the princess and the Madam Advisor, is truly helpful."

Of course, she doesn't mention any of that. Kayo humbly bows her head, showing respect to the aging woman who mistook her age. After all, she had thrown away all her shame and dignity when she pleaded with the second princess.

'Hehehe, so honest and lovely. ...And clever too. I feel relieved that you're not headstrong. Quick-tempered girls tend to do whatever they please, don't they? It's quite a hassle to clean up after them. In that regard, I can trust and rely on you because you're cautious.'

Kayo accepts the compliments from the Madam Advisor with a cheerful demeanor, even though she wanted to call her a d*mn old woman who exposes not only her back but even her pubic area. She knew well enough that it was just a formal exchange on the other side.

'Oh, my, such harsh words from my dear grandmother. It's as if I'm making outrageous demands'

The second princess playfully questions her grandmother. She pretends to be playful while putting up a defense. However, the Madam Advisor, being her grandmother and an Advisor at that, is well aware of such things, and the Egret Shikigami covers her mouth with its feathers, smiling.

'That's the truth, isn't it? I thought you must have had some insurance prepared. I can understand that, but using that jade... Isn't it too flashy for your own good?'

'It can't be helped. Even if he transforms into any form, I can love him, but isn't it better for his sake not to undergo such a mutation, even if only temporary?'

The Second Princess's shikigami tilted her head in a somewhat impudent manner.

'Even if I were to clean up this mess? Surely, you must understand the value of that jade.'

'Even if he were to transform into a youkai, the aftermath would be troublesome. Besides, isn't it my dear grandmother's role in the first place?'


The egret shikigami wore a smile that seemed friendly. She smiles and remains silent. Kayo, as well as the second princess of Onitsuki, responded with equally amiable smiles.

They knew. They knew the widow's intentions. They knew why she forcibly pushed that child (Shirowakamaru?) into this position. It was merely a means to crush him, the one who would become a monster, and return him to humanity using that method.

The true aim was to violate and crush that wretched child, to use the pretext of being his master to approach him. Bound by guilt, he wouldn't refuse. And afterwards, she would gradually manipulate his disturbed and defenseless emotions... Truly befitting the name "Black Butterfly Woman." Cunning.

However, that plan was ultimately thwarted by her own choice.




Recognizing the unfavorable odds stacked against them, Kochou smiled, and the other two followed suit, almost as if disappearing into a haze. Their laughter felt hollow, devoid of genuine joy. Kayo couldn't help but think that they made quite an indecent trio of women.

(If I recall... was it 'Prisoner's dilemma'?)

She suddenly recalled a passage from a philosophy book she had read to improve her negotiation skills as a merchant. It argued that if everyone distrusted their counterpart and pursued their own optimal solution, ultimately everyone would lose.

Fortunately, at present, the three of them in this place were facing the same direction. They were progressing toward the same goal. Therefore, internal strife would be a waste of time and resources. By focusing on their single-minded love for him, they were freed from the ugly competition. It was truly remarkable. Love was a magnificent emotion.

...Although she couldn't just shelf it and forget about it.

'...By the way, I never expected that child, Shisui, to be so proactive in his actions.'

And to break free from the disadvantageous situation, the advisor brought up a change of topic. However, as mentioned earlier, questioning it would be futile, and Kayo and Aoi both shared the same sentiment.

"Lord Shisui... is he Tomobe-san's superior?"

'Yes, indeed. This time, he made quite a remarkable move. I never expected him to be so proactive.'

Kayo took the lead in addressing the topic. Then Aoi's expression seemed skeptical. It bore an air of caution and doubt.

It seemed that the actions of the head of the servant group in this incident appeared unnatural and peculiar to the second princess.

"If I recall correctly, he was originally the head candidate of the Onitsuki family?"

'Yes, that's right. But he easily gave up that position.'

'Could it be out of fear of the head of the family? Is there a possibility that he viewed the risk of being entrapped like me?'

'That's unlikely. If that were the case, then even more so, he wouldn't make any moves now.'

Indeed, how many years had it been since Aoi's father, Yuusei, lay on his deathbed? To stir him into action after he had awakened... it only served to raise unnecessary suspicions.

'Rather, it was surprising how easily he accepted his nephew's proposal.'

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