Mob Yandere

Book 7 Epilogue, (3)

[Part 3/10]

"Yes, it's extremely fortunate that the situation has been resolved."

While there's a saying that everything turns out well if the outcome is good, it would not be a pleasant situation for the Imperial Court if the troubles they faced were made known. They wouldn't want to share their failures and the best choice seems to be keeping quiet.

"Now, what about the aftermath?"

"The punishment for each exorcist family has been effectively waived. There are too many of them, and the actual damage hasn't been significant. Above all, the Onitsuki family took the initiative."

The Onitsuki family quickly took control and brought together about twenty families of exorcists responsible for monitoring the Namahage. The Grand Minister, who had planned to individually visit each family and apply pressure, was unable to do so. Consequently, the treatment they received from the Imperial Court was merely symbolic and ineffective.

"They handled it quite skillfully. It must be bitter for the Imperial court to lose such an excellent opportunity to interfere with the exorcist families in the Northern region."

"Moreover, the Onitsuki family has established ties with the Tachibana Trading Company and has been ingratiating themselves with the court and various exorcist families. Given the incident with the Yamanba, it seems they have turned a disaster into an opportunity."

It is known to some extent that the Onitsuki family has connections with the Tachibana Trading Company. In this recent case, it was revealed that many of the supplies that should have been stockpiled in each county for the circulation of the Namahage only existed on paper. To make up for this shortfall, the Tachibana Trading Company provided the necessary supplies to the court at almost no profit, and it was thanks to the influence of the Onitsuki family. Furthermore, indirectly, the Onitsuki family provided valuable weapons for the defeat of the Yamanba.

"I heard about the incident last year. It was a top-grade jade crystal that crystallized from spiritual veins. There are many possible uses for it, but who would have thought it would be used to absorb the surrounding youkai energy like that?"

Jade that has absorbed a large amount of impurities such as youkai energy would have quite limited applications. It may be rare in a sense, but there wouldn't be many who would willingly handle it.

"In the operation in question, the auxiliary unit that joined forces along the way also cooperated. It can be said that they took into consideration the face of the court. Given everything they have done, it seems the court had no choice but to make concessions."

The separate squad of the Onitsuki family's monitoring team, which was dispatched to search for the Namahage, joined forces with the army that they encountered along the way. They lured and crushed both the Namahage and the Yamanba, using the jade as bait and ultimately neutralizing the Yamanba. They also managed to secure the Namahage's arm and present it as an offering.

The price they paid was the annihilation of the army, which carried out diversionary and delaying tactics, which could be seen as fortunate for the court. They were able to cover up the court's negligence, incompetence, powerlessness, and corruption. The Onitsuki family itself lost its position as a result of the collective negotiations and expressed gratitude to the dissatisfied court noble at the banquet, considering their own position.

"Indeed, the Onitsuki family, a prestigious family that has lasted for eight centuries, knows well how to handle their relationship with the central government."

While the court is an oppressive ruler over the exorcist families, it is also their protector and, above all, an organization with a strong sense of suspicion. Being too distant, too hostile, too sycophantic, or too deeply involved could lead to destruction. In that regard, Azuma thought that the Onitsuki family's attitude was balanced.

(I was worried, but was it the right decision to entrust her to them?)

In Azuma's mind, the image of the white fox girl she had been protecting for just a short time resurfaced. Although she only receives letters from her once a month, where she mentions facing some challenges, she seems satisfied with her life there. Seeing the outcome of this incident, it seemed that entrusting her to the Onitsuki family, the large household, was the right decision.

"Lord Azuma(Azuma-dono)?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. I was just lost in thought for a moment."

Omnyouji Bureau Head looked at Azuma, who fell into sudden silence, with a puzzled expression. However, Azuma only responded with a wry smile.

And after a while, the two continued their conversation for nearly half an hour. Azuma, placing her teacup on the tray, finally broached the subject.

"Well, then. It's about time I prepare the brats' meals. I apologize, but I'll have to ask you to excuse me... So, Kirisou, could you please tell me the main reason you came to me?"

The room fell momentarily silent at Azuma's words. And then, as if steeling herself, Kirisou took action.

"Lord Azuma Hibari(Azuma Hibari-dono)... No, Elder Sister(Gishijō-sama). I humbly request something. Could you please consider returning to the Omnyouji Bureau as an exorcist?"

In a respectful posture, Kirisou bowed down to the point of touching the floor, imploring the Head of the Omnyouji Bureau, beseeching her previous colleague for assistance. He pleaded.


A comrade in battle, someone Azuma had cared for like a younger brother, now stood before her in silence. It was only natural. After all, Azuma had once been stripped of her rank and position by the imperial court, exiled and banished. And now, to be told to return and assist as a successor... anyone would find it uncomfortable.

"I beg of you...!"

Kirisou understood. He understood it all too well. Yet, He had no choice but to plead. Having served for a long time as an exorcist within the Omnyouji Bureau, having lived through the long passage of time, knowing the era of great war, Azuma's wealth of experience alone had led him to become her successor. But his current position was an unbearable burden, one that did not suit his stature.

He felt sorry for this, aware that he could no longer fulfill his responsibilities, that was why he turned to Azuma, his senior, his elder sister, seeking help...

"Sigh... I don't mind being relied upon by a younger brother, but..."

Azuma's troubled words twisted Kirisou's expression. He clenched his lips tightly, closing his eyes. As someone who had known her for a long time, he understood the turmoil within her. He knew the answer in Azuma's heart...

"I understand that I'm burdening you. I know I'm causing you trouble. However..."

"Don't say any more. I understand your struggles. The politics of the imperial court don't suit your earnest nature."

Rather, Azuma found it strange that she ended up with this successor in the first place.

"I held the position of bureau head for a long time out of loyalty to the Emperor, the Emperor who recommended me. And all the Emperors since, for six generations... every one of them treated me with respect regardless of my status."

Though not as much as before, those with spiritual power were still feared and looked down upon. And half-youkai were even more disdainfully treated. It was particularly true within the palace.

From her perspective, the position of the Head of the Omnyouji Bureau was not something she particularly attached. However, she understood that the emperors she had served respected her and never looked down on her. They valued her expertise and even showed appreciation for her work.

Therefore, she felt a sense of duty to respond his respect and support. She understood that she was responsible for the failure to protect the previous emperors from the curse and the scandal caused by the Omnyouji Bureau. Even if she were to be punished, she couldn't complain. She knew that being pardoned by the current emperor's ascension and only being stripped of her position and exiled outside the city walls was an act of leniency.

"Besides, being exiled outside the walls also brings some things into view. Living with these brats isn't so bad."

Azuma smiled as she looked around. To her surprise, she discovered numerous abandoned half-youkai children. As an exorcist, she had encountered half-youkai thieves and criminals who rebelled against the imperial court. In the past, she had been apathetic towards their struggles. However, now Azuma felt a sense of responsibility to care for these orphans as a way to make amends for her previous indifference. And in doing so, she found happiness.

"They may still be little brats, but they've grown taller. It's fun teaching them various things. They're selfish bunch, but they're willing to help. And I don't have to worry about the court nobles. It's a carefree existence." Azuma chuckled, but her expression made Kirisou uneasy. He couldn't raise his head to show that discomfort. He understood how despicable it would be to reveal such emotions in this situation.

"Can't you calm down? ...As the Head of the Omnyouji Bureau, you shouldn't be so pitiful."

Azuma calmed down her junior and then continued speaking after a short break.

"Even if I were to return, I can't become the head again, of course. At most, I could serve as an advisor... By the way, do you have the necessary support to back me up?"

Azuma questioned, doubting whether her junior could go against the intentions of the court nobles, even if he desired her return. It was essential to have someone with the authority to uplift and support him.

"In that regard, please rest assured! The Minister of the Right has agreed with this proposal. And if necessary, I will take full responsibility for the negotiations and coordination."

"The Minister of the Right, huh? ...That means he considers the situation serious," Azuma said, her face showing deep concern as she crossed her arms. The reason the Ministers of the Right were known as scheming ministers was because he reacted to even the slightest abnormalities and prepared for the worst-case scenario. And indeed, throughout history, his concerns and preparations had been proven right on many occasions.

"In the past few years, there have been several significant incidents involving youkai, and it's important for us to be ready for them."

"I see... In that case, I can't say no. But tell the Minister of the Right to wait for about a year. ...And there's no need for such a grand position either. I will serve as an assistant and advisor to the head. It's not about redeeming my honor."

"Elder Sister(Gishijō-sama)... No, I understand. I will convey your message to the Minister of the Right."

Azuma's words made the bureau head frown a little, but he quickly lowered his head respectfully and agreed.

"It's fine. It's a request from my dear junior. Besides, if the Minister of the Right is urging my return, it must be because he has legitimate concerns. I want to do what I can for these kids too," Azuma said, expressing her willingness to help.

Although discrimination against half-youkai still existed in Fusō-kuni, it wasn't as severe as in ancient times. However, if a major incident were to occur in the future, there was a fear that the instability of Fusō-kuni could lead to grievances being directed at the children.

"My apologies for the inconvenience, "Elder Sister(Gishijō-sama). ...Well then, as you wish, I shall take my leave."

"Okay, I'll see you off."

Kirisou stood up, followed by Azuma. The two of them exited the reception room together.

"Hitomi, we're done here. Let's return to the palace. ...What are you doing?"

As they stepped onto the veranda, the Head of Omnyouji Bureau called out to his companions who were waiting in the garden. He furrowed his brow and tilted his head in a puzzled manner as he observed something unusual.

"H-Head of the Orphanage...!? No, these, these brats are!?"

"Hey, hey, big sister, what kind of games do you like?"

"Let's play with imagination!"

"Why are you covering your face, big sis? Are you shy?"

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