MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 637 Four Pillars: Cooling Off

For a long while after the argument between Faulus and Valyr, the entire campsite remained silent. Though the four in the campsite still hadn't finished eating yet, Hal and the other two avoided talking to Faulus for the meantime.

After all, it wasn't easy for them to look over something like that.

As for Faulus, after internalizing the fact that he had indeed said those words, the alchemist briefly looked at the three before looking at the plate of food he had yet to finish.

Ever since Valyr lashed out at his words and headed to his tent early, the man had been pondering as to the actual reason why he had said something like that all of a sudden.

Though, even after going through every nook, cranny, and recess in the corners of his mind, Faulus could not find a reason at all.

Wanting to find out the answer so badly, he even went so far as to push his mind to its limits to see if he had formed a grudge between the young man or if he had caused some sort of misunderstanding in the past.

Yet, nothing of the sort appeared even after minutes of searching.

"What has gotten into me?" Giving up on finding answers for the meantime, Faulus softly asked himself, staring at his hands in silence. For a brief moment, he wondered whether he was the one controlling his body.

Letting out a faint sigh, the alchemist quickly finished his plate of food before making his way to his own tent. While doing so, he briefly gazed at the tent where Valyr was, hoping to apologize to the man for what he had done.

"…" Yet, after standing in place for a few seconds, he eventually made his way to his tent, imagining what Valyr must've felt in that kind of situation.

'The problem might only get worse if I apologize right now,' thought Faulus to himself, softly shaking his head. 'In that situation, my apology would just look insincere.'

"I'm seriously gonna get to the bottom of this." Lying down on his bed for the night, Faulus silently made a promise to himself, eventually closing his eyes after some time.

With both Faulus and Valyr heading to their tents early for the night, it was no surprise that the remaining three had sped up their eating. 

Then again, with none of them having any grudges between one another, the three of them still took a bit of time to finish their food. After all, having company made food taste better.

Eventually, once they were done, they cleaned up the place for a bit before heading to their respective tents.

Looking at each other for a bit, the three of them bitterly smiled as they let out faint sighs. As the three of them entered their tents, each of them was sure that the other two were thinking of the same thing.

'I really hope the two of them sort this out tomorrow.'

'If not, I don't know if we'd even reach the end of the inheritance.'

"Haah." With one of his arms over his eyes, Valyr let out a low sigh as he stared at the ceiling of his tent.

For quite some time, he had been thinking about the argument that unfolded between him and Valyr. Because of it, he was also reminded of the incident that happened after finding their first aberration.

However, with no one like Hal stopping the incident from escalating any further, the young man grew more and more incensed the more he listened to Faulus' suggestion.

After all, from his perspective, it seemed like Faulus wanted him to sacrifice himself for the sake of them.

Just because he was stronger than them in combat.

'It really leaves a sour taste in my mouth,' Valyr inwardly muttered to himself, removing the arm off his eyes. After that, he let out yet another sigh as he gave himself more time to ponder over the situation.

'Then again, with all things considered, the five of us have only been together for about a week in total.' At this thought, Valyr gradually closed his eyes. 'If anything, I shouldn't have expected a strong relationship to come out of that much time.'

Vividly recalling the argument that transpired between him and Faulus earlier, Valyr took notice of the expression on Faulus' face after he had said his piece.

From what he could remember, the alchemist's face was greatly filled with regret, showing that he had no intentions of saying those words at all. 

Yet, for some reason, he could feel an intangible smirk lying underneath the alchemist's expression.

'You're becoming delusional.' Being reminded of the time his mind derived baseless conclusions while fighting against his first primitive humanoid, Valyr shook his head for a bit as he discarded all of the useless thoughts lingering in his mind.

Then, the young man let out yet another sigh, feeling as if all of the anger welling up inside him all this time had become superficial all of a sudden.

'Now that I think about it, there really isn't a reason for any of us to form strong relationships with one another,' said the young man to himself. 'After all, we're all prodigies in our own fields. Plus, we came to this inheritance to achieve our personal goals.'

'Haah… what am I even thinking?' Catching himself before he delved deep into a rabbit hole that did not look to have any end, Valyr stared at the tent's ceiling for a bit before covering his eyes with his arms once more.

At this point, the anger he had felt due to the incident had been thoroughly washed away. Nevertheless, the fact that Faulus had targeted him twice still didn't sit right with him.

"I seriously hope he apologizes at the very least," muttered Valyr to himself. Then, he sat up on his bed, opening up the list of skills he currently owned.

"If he does that, then there's still hope for our relationship to make amends." Taking note of all of the skills he had 'replaced' in the Enlightenment Skill Pavilion, as well as a couple more skills that were unleveled, Valyr went ahead and maxed all of them to Level 10 for the meantime.

Though he had the Skill Keys necessary to break through the level bottlenecks, he did not have enough to max out all of them.

Aside from that, the amount of information that inundated his mind from upgrading over 20 skills was already nearing the limits of what his mind could somewhat tolerate. If he were to use his Skill Keys and go over, he was certain he'd remain unconsciousness for quite some time.

Giving time for the feeling of great strain in his mind to subside, the young man eventually laid down on his bed once more and closed his eyes for the night.

'I really hope tomorrow bodes well for all of us.'

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