
[You have ascended to Rank 2.]

[As you have ascended to a higher class, your VIT to HP coefficient has changed from 1:12 to 1:18.]

[As you have ascended to a higher class, your INT to MP coefficient has changed from 1:12 to 1:18.]

"With that much of an improvement in the ratio, I think I already match the amount of HP I had back in the duel against Leron." As he muttered to himself while going through the notifications he had received after going through the ascension process, Valyr's expression was mostly neutral. After all, most of the notifications at the beginning were the ones he had already expected to see, such as the improvement in his HP and MP ratio.

Though, as he continued going through the list, a faint hint of excitement appeared on his face, becoming more and more intense as the notifications laid out the improvement in his stats after the ascension.

[Your species 'Human (1st Unsealing)' has been changed to 'Human (2nd Unsealing)'. As you have transitioned to a higher-level species, you have gained +7 VIT, +7 STR, +5 AGI, +13 DEX, +13 INT, +5 WIS, +7 PER, and +2 LUK.]

[Your class 'True Prodigious Blacksmith (Mythic)' has been improved to adapt to Rank 2 standards.]

[You have gained +4 VIT, +4 STR, +4 AGI, +7 DEX, +7 INT, +2 WIS, +3 PER, and +1 LUK.]

[You have gained 4 unassigned stat points.]

"What an increase." Reading through the notification that broke down the amount of stats he had gained from transitioning to a higher-level species, Valyr briefly whistled out in amazement. As he had already chosen Human (1st Unsealing) during his ascension process to Rank 1, then it only made sense for him to continue with its progression as the choice was available to him.

However, unlike his choices during the ascension process to Rank 1, there were far more species available for him to transition into as a Rank 2 class holder, with a few of them even deviating from being human and leaning into something that only appeared human-like. Nevertheless, since reaching the peak of the Human species was a tried and tested path by many players in his past life, as well as the fact that the other choices were considerably worse than removing the 2nd seal within him, his eventual decision was natural.

'Then again, there was that one variant Human species among the choices that seemed to be better than undergoing through the 2nd unsealing,' Valyr thought to himself, recalling the list of species he could choose during the ascension process. 'But for some reason, why do I feel like choosing that species would put me in greater danger?'

As the question came to mind, Valyr pondered over it for a bit in silence, remembering the differences between the variant Human species he had seen and the benefits of undergoing through the 2nd unsealing. By the end of his contemplation over the matter, he concluded that choosing the variant species would give him quite a substantial benefit to his strength.

Though, from the feeling of danger he felt back when he was about to select it, he was inclined to think that there had to be some sort of trade-off in obtaining the strength. With that, he ended up going with his first choice in the end, though he had a feeling that the choice would appear once more after he went through his ascension to Rank 3.

Once he was done mulling over his choice of species to ascend into, he then looked at the improvement his class had undergone through the ascension, being impressed while at the same time somewhat scared of the increase an ascension brought. "Mythic classes are definitely scary."

"I can't even begin to imagine how much stats someone with an Ancient class would obtain." As the words came out of his mouth, Valyr's body slightly shuddered from what he had imagined. Deciding that there was no point in thinking over multiple what-ifs, he then moved his attention to the notifications regarding the subclass he had recently obtained.

[Your subclass 'Neophyte Shadow Serpentine Lancer (Uncommon)' has been improved to adapt to Rank 2 standards.]

[You have gained +2 VIT, +1 STR, +3 AGI, +4 DEX.]

"Definitely a substantial improvement." Valyr nodded after taking a look at the notifications, satisfied with the increase in stats the subclass gave him per level. With that, he wondered how much stats the Shadow Serpentine Lancer subclass would give him, already getting the feeling that his DEX stat would reach an incredibly high number once he had reached the peak of Rank 2.

And that was with his current subclass.

'I wonder if becoming a Shadow Serpentine Lancer would increase my PER stat every level,' thought Valyr to himself. 'I feel like there's a chance that it would be the case. After all, from the feeling I'm getting from the subclass so far, I feel like it's going to push me into a combat style that takes greater advantage of the enemies' weak points.'

'And PER is going to help with that.' With the thought in mind, he took a look at the remaining notifications he had to read through, slightly left at a loss for words once he noticed that he had only reached the halfway point of the list.

Seeing that the remaining notifications tackled the skills he had gained from the ascension, as well as other miscellaneous notifications, Valyr decided to take a look at how much his stats had improved. Though he had taken a brief look at his stats after obtaining his current subclass, he still felt like the difference between his stats right now and his stats from the life and death duel wasn't that much.

Sure, he had gained a subclass and all that, but during the life and death duel, he was wearing a set of armor that greatly boosted his stats to more or less the same amount as the subclass. With that, he thought to himself that the increase wouldn't be that much, commanding the system to bring up his status screen in front of him.

However, once he had taken a look at the screen in front of him that listed down all of his stats, it was then did he realize that he was very, very wrong.

"Holy fuck."



[Valyr Zeihardt]

Class: True Prodigious Blacksmith (Rank 2 — Mythic)

Subclass: Neophyte Shadow Serpentine Lancer (Uncommon)

Species: Human (2nd Unsealing)

Level: 26

Power Level: 2,771 (B+)

Unused XP: 9,376,020


HP: 2,568/2,568

MP: 3,905/3,905

Attack: 1,007 - 1,051

Defense: 399 - 399

Stats: 123 VIT, 135 STR, 135 AGI, 279 DEX, 187 INT, 79 WIS, 109 PER, 45 LUK (4 unassigned points)

Remarks: There are no other words one could use to describe you at the moment other than the word 'monster'. Did you take illegal elixirs or something?


Sucking in a great amount of cold air through his teeth, Valyr stared at the screen in front of him with his mouth wide agape, with many parts of his current status screen leaving him at a great loss for words.

"I could totally pass off as a dungeon boss of some sort with my current HP and MP." As Valyr muttered these words to himself in shock, he recalled the amount of HP and MP he had back then during the life and death duel.

At the very instant he had recalled how much he had back then, he instantly took note that his current HP was substantially greater than the amount of HP he had during the duel, which was something he had expected due to the improvement in the ratio.

However, what truly left him at a loss for words was the amount of MP he currently had, being roughly double the amount he had access to while he was engaging against Leron during the duel. Fortunately, he eventually came to accept the absurd improvement as he pondered through it, coming to the conclusion that it was just the improvement in the ratio and the distribution of the stats he gained from his class working to make it happen.

"Four digit attack…" After getting over how much HP and MP he had, he then focused his attention towards his Attack stat, not understanding how his Attack stat had improved so much from just one ascension. Sure, the previous number was an absurdly high number for someone at Rank 1 to achieve, being something a lot of common Rank 2 classes and even Rank 3 classes had difficulty obtaining, but he still understood how it had gotten to that point.

Thankfully, after looking the part of the notification list he had yet to read for a bit, he found his answer.


[As you have ascended to a higher class, your Attack stat coefficient has changed from 1:2 to 1:3.]

"I see." After reading the notification, everything in Valyr's mind swiftly fell into place, finally allowing him to realize how he now had an absurdly high Attack stat. Of course, that did not excuse the fact that his Attack stat rivaled those with common classes at the higher ranks, making him once more realize how utterly broken a Mythic class was.

Eventually, his eyes gravitated towards the amount of unused XP he still had, causing his body to shudder once more as he thought about the improvement his stats would undergo if he used all of his XP towards increasing his level. Though he knew that he was now a force to be reckoned with in many ways, he eventually decided to invest all of his XP into his skills first and max them out before proceeding to use his XP on his level.

"Speaking of which, I should take a look at the skills I gained." With that, Valyr went ahead and looked through his remaining notifications.

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