MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 75: Entering the Friendly Wolf Den! (1/2)

Chapter 75: Entering the Friendly Wolf Den! (1/2)

In the New Leaf Forest, a man and beast were facing one another.

The creature growled, showcasing its deadly sharp fangs and claws. Anyone seeing this scene would have 100% determined the monster to be— super cute!

Jack was currently training the little wolf to show an intimidating appearance, but it still had trouble with that given how soft and fluffy it looked. No matter how scary it tried looking, it felt like it was pouting.

“Alright, this should do the trick. Use that!” Whatever. Cuteness could actually work here.

“Woo!” (Resolute)

It was time. The duo made their way toward the wolf progenitor. Their current objective was simple: convince the wolf to let them through the super-secret dungeon in there.

But they had barely taken a step inside that they were faced with another “deadly” beast.

< Happy Wolf Cub Level 6 >

They both froze. Another copy of the wolf cub had already replaced the little wolf. Well, this one had slight physical differences but was otherwise so freaking similar.

Jack’s pet froze in shock. What was this?! It peered at the new mob with confusion as if it couldn’t understand how its father had already replaced it with another. This had to be a pretty hard blow to his identity.

“Woo?!” (Perplexed)

“Woo?” (Uncertain)

“Woo…” (Negotiating)

“Woo!” (Happy)

But then it suddenly began its tail. It seemed like it didn’t bother being replaced in the least. There suddenly was a friend! How amazing was that?!

The two began to playfight, seemingly ignoring Jack’s presence. He smiled warmly, seeing such a cute scene. Still, this had to be the worst guard wolf ever! Instead of sounding the alarm, it had begun playing with the intruders!

A few minutes later, the little wolf seemed to remember Jack’s presence. He ran back to him, eager to show him the friend he had just made. The new pup was following behind with its tongue out, looking incredibly silly.

Afterward, Jack couldn’t help but rub their fur gleefully. If there had been a counter for affinity with NPCs, it would have been going up like crazy! Perhaps something like that:

Scratched wolf pup behind the ears: It’s super effective! +30 Affinity!

Rubbed wolf pup’s belly: It’s even more effective! +40 Affinity!

Showed small wolf a new trick, the worm: It’s as effective as hilarious! +50 Affinity!

Jack was smiling from ear to ear. Crazy how much joy petting an animal could bring. There was no scheming here nor worry. They were simply enjoying the moment.

But he couldn’t remain there forever either.

“Alright, let’s proceed deeper, shall we?”

“Woo?!” (Jerking in shock)

It had suddenly remembered what they were here for. A minute later, they entered an incredibly deadly area.

The wolf progenitor was there, imposing, black, and incredibly fucking strong. Yet it growled at Jack, completely helpless. It didn’t dare attack one bit, considering the man’s new armor.

+ Wolf Pup Armor! (Literally)

Jack had both puppies wrapped around him as he stood his ground. He was using the creature’s offspring as an actual shield.

Was it despicable? Maybe, but who cared! He pointed toward the wall with the wolf design, not even trying to hide his purpose.

“I need you to open this place for me,” Jack said.

The wolf progenitor only growled more in return. As if it would cater to the whims of the crazy human! But then it heard its kid yelping to show support. There was also the other wolf that felt oddly familiar growling at it cutely.

It sneered and showed signs of wanting to pounce on him but eventually did head toward the wall. It then spat out some blood at it. As soon as it touched the wall, the wolf pattern began glowing a silvery dark light.

A second later, the entire cave wall was now glowing. Jack sighed to himself: here we go again. That’s when a silver light began to fill the surroundings. The entirety of the New Leaf Forest suddenly basked in it.

As it did, faint echoes of wolf howls could be heard, akin to a very primal melody. The players all jerked in shock, many dying from a fox’s attack while distracted.

“What the heck was that?!”

“Bright light and a wolf howl, oh god!”

“Don’t tell me the Demon King discovered a new dungeon?!”

“How can he be so fast? He’s already playing in wolf territory, isn’t he? Crazy!”

“Hehe, he wouldn’t be the Demon King if he weren’t crazy. This is to be expected!”

“Oh shit! Guys, won’t this mean that there will be a new dungeon event soon?! What if it also lasts one week?!”

Many froze in shock. Wait, timeout! They already had trouble with becoming strong enough to run the Fox Grove..and now this?! What was even the level requirement for this one? Also, why hadn’t there been an announcement?

Ah, perhaps there had only been one before because it was the very first dungeon.

They once more realized the gap between them and the Demon King, smiling wryly. Yet they didn’t feel inferior or despair. After all, he was akin to an idol at this point. They just had to do their best to catch up!

Back in the cave, the dungeon entrance was now finally opened. It mysteriously glowed with the promise of adventure.

Their party left that one random pup behind as they took a step inside the portal.

[Entered Dimensional Dungeon Wolf Den!]

[First Run of the Day: Bonus Loot!]

[Difficulty = Normal]

This place required level 6 to enter, but it was in no way easy to clear at that level, especially solo.

As soon as they entered, Jack felt a burst of pride oozing from his partner. Every time they ran a dungeon nowadays, it would show a proud and cute face, for it had managed not to vomit!

They inspected their surroundings.

They had spawned in a small cave, one filled with the musky smell of fur and the iron one of blood. Bones were lying all over the place.

As soon as he saw this, Jack’s face changed.

“We gotta get the fuck away from here!”

Creator’s Thought

The strongest thing isn’t something that is impossible to destroy. Nope, it is something that is easily destroyed yet that your enemy won’t dare to hurt. Then again, I’m really not suggesting taking children as meat shields….only saying it is effective!

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