He stared at the little egg, slowly cracking on the egg increased from one to two to more, and finally a tiny part of the egg fell…

The egg in his hand broke, and a small head moved out of the eggshell. Grave stared at the small creature coming out of the egg. It was light baby green in color with shiny ruby-red eyes. There were 2 small horns on its head. The palm-size snake moved out of the egg and looked at him. The snake's eyes had golden slits and a black pattern on the center of its head between the horns. 

Hissss it hissed in an inaudible sound and moved its pink split tongue in the air. There was a small green aura present around the snake. 

The snake hissed at him again and licked his hand. He was dumbstruck seeing the creature. 

The snake slowly climbed up his hand. He continued to stare at the snake when the baby snake reached his neck and stopped. 

Before he could do anything small snake opened its small mouth and bit his neck. He felt a sting for a second and then the snake moved down to his shoulder and coiled up on his shoulder. 

The baby snake yawn and laid on his shoulder. He smiled and slowly petted the snake. This little guy was completely mysterious. He rubbed his neck. The area where the snake bit became black.

He saw the baby snake sleeping on his shoulder, ignoring it as he looked around and found himself in a place with trees all around. He knew all this was an illusion and only needed to find a way to get out.

Grave wanted to know what kind of being he created. 


Everything shook, trees toppled, and the lake water disappeared into the giant cracks in the ground.

In a few seconds, the entire world crumbled apart and he found himself standing on a plain land full of cracks with nothing. 

An enormous space crack appeared in the sky and a voice came.

[ho ho look what we have here] 

A massive pressure came from the space crack. Grave went down on his knees and grabbed his head. 

He felt the voice shaking his mind. 'Fck, it's my mind space.' As he realized that all the land disappeared and he found himself in white space. The larger space crack was still there. 


He heard the low voice and found the baby snake on his head. 

[Oh this little one on very interesting. Mmm, how something like this can be born? Is this some kind of mutation?] The voice from the space crack continued. [Human, how you have mine child with you send my child back to me.] 

He looked at the space crack. 'fck, I didn't know that world tree will show his presence in my mind space. I am fcked up now.' 


  He saw the little snake shaking its head and licking his forehead. He got himself together and said, "Why are you claiming this child that I develop?"

[Puny creature, you dare to talk back to me. I don't care about you. I am the progenitor of this child. Child come with me.]

Hiss hisss The little snake hissed loudly. 

[oh it looks like you are rebellious. Puny human, send the child to me and I will give you a blessing.] 

"Fck your blessing," he hid the baby snake behind him. "I will not give the little one to anyone." 

[haha it seems I have to use some force] As the world tree said, a massive root came out of the space crack. The world tree root was Soo big that he look like an ant in front of an elephant. 

The root moved toward him. "I will not go down just like that." The black sword appeared in his hand. 

  [haha what will you do with that toy] As the world tree said, the sword flew above Grave hand and a massive amount of back fog came out of it. 

[What, how can you be the contractor of an exile?] The world tree paused. 

The back fog formed a massive black portal, and a massive eye appeared on the other side. 

[no this is bad] The world tree tried to move its root back, but at that time a massive hand full of rotten flesh and multiple blades coming out of flesh moved to the roots and one blade sliced the root in one motion. 

The rotten Hand grabbed the root and took it inside the black portal. 

There was silence. The black portal suddenly started to close up. Grave moved at this time and kicked the handle of the sword and shouted at it, "Why the fck did you swallow the whole root? Do you want to rot in some corner?"

[aaahhhhhhahhh] A angry roar came from the black portal. 

"Shut up. Do you want me to disregard this sword?" He kicked the sword again. "I only want two drops of blood from the world tree root. I will throw away the sword if you can't even give me that." 

[ahhhh aha ahhh] The beast inside the black portal screamed at him. He shivered at every scream, but he did not back down. The portal became smaller and 2 shiny red blood drop with golden rune came to him. Finally, the black portal closed, leaving behind some black fog. 

He focused on the floating blood drops beside him. They had powerful healing properties. 

'These are good, but it might not be enough for them.' He turned to look at the big world tree portal that has a blue layer above it. 

[Sigh I see you are lucky. Human, I will not forget this humiliation. I will make sure to capture you if only you can survive that long, hahaha.] World tree voice filled with resentment came.

He knew he would have world tree followers wanting to kill him outside. From now on he would become wanted for them. He glanced at the back cloud in annoyance. This was his mind space, and he just let the sword leave the corrosion cloud in his mind. Truly a double edge item. 

From the size of the black cloud, he only had a few months before becoming like those mindless players with bounded weapons. This was bad. He had to do something about this. He saw the slowly closing space crack and said to the world tree, "Sir Divine, I have an offer for you." 

[oh did you realize your mistake? I don't have much time, send the little child here.]

Hisss hisss. The little snake wrapped its body around his hand. It was shaking. He petted it to make it calm and said to the world tree, "Sir Divine, sorry, I will not give you the little one. But I can tell you the method I used to create the little one. I knew with your divine intelligence you will not have any problem replicating my method."

[haha what a high pride you have! You think I will forgive with only that.] 

Grave shook his head. "Sir, divine I think you are mistaken. I don't care about your forgiveness. In exchange for the method, you need to give me 5 high grades of restorative leaves + help me remove the corrosion in my mind space completely."

[What! How dare you ask me something like that?]

"Sir divine, think with a calm mind. It's a win-win for both of us. You what to miss such a significant chance." 

There was silence and the portal continued to get smaller. After some time World Tree said, [1 high-grade restorative leaf plus I will remove your mind corrosion.] 

He haggled a little and said, "Nothing below 2 restorative leaves."

[ahh I will kill you for sure but for now, okay? Now send me the method.]

He moved his hand up. "Wait a minute. We need to create the divine contract to ensure fairness."

[How did you know about the contract?]

"Does it matter?"

[you did not mention that earlier.] 

"So you want to cheat me?" 

[I am a divine being. I do not cheat. ]

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm He just stared at the portal with a face full of mockery smile. In the past life, divine beings were never to be trusted unless they made the divine contract. 

[Fine, let's do the divine contract.] 

Grave smiled and said loudly, [I request for the divine contract with the world tree] 

A flash of lightning fell, and two pages appear in front of him. One close to him other near the space crack.

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