" Leo, me and my brother have to go to work... "

Styk spoke while looking at the ground. He was feeling sorry to leave Leo alone even though they insisted on following him to record everything.

Seeing his reactions I nodded my head before bidding goodbye to both brothers. As soon as their bodies turned into Light particles I raised my clenched fist right in the air.

" Yes! "

Going backwards I burnt the spider and all three Nagas I've fought previously.

< 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘 𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙭4 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨! >

~ +0.3% 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝘿𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙚

~ -0.3% 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝘾𝙤𝙨𝙩


Moving back I've sent 5 Shadows ahead of me to scout the area. Since everything was covered in the shadows my soldiers were practically invisible.

Strolling down the cave I've climbed on top of Fenrir who wasn't very willing to allow it.

10 Minutes after sending my shadows to scout ahead I felt them encounter an enemy and soon one of them was dead.

[ +2 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬 𝙀𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙮 ]

My previously joyous mood shifted into a more serious one seeing one of my summons die.

I knew that a simple Naga or a Spider wouldn't be able to kill even a single soldier, hence it had to be a group of enemies or the monster who held a weapon.

With shining eyes I urged Fenrir to sprint forward hoping that Naga was in possession of a Water Spear.

Unfortunately some dreams have to be crushed...

After spending a few minutes running we walked up to the scene of my Shadows getting smashed by an injured Naga... wielding an axe... an axe made by connecting wood and rock with some vine.

I wasn't petty, not at all, I just simply created a Shadow Blast powered by SE and threw it right at the Naga's face.


The cave shook while I approached the dead body with intent to burn it. Unfortunately there was nothing left to burn.

Clicking my tongue I resummoned another Shadow Soldier and sent him forward to scout ahead.

In such a formation we moved for another 5 minutes when suddenly All 5 of my Shadows were Killed instantly.

Seeing that the enemy is strong I guessed that the opponent might be an Elite, high level Naga with a weapon.

Climbing down from Fenrir's back I gave him a cooked pork before absorbing him into the beast tattoo.

Carefully placing my feet I made sure to move as quietly as possible even though it was painfully slow.


I barely managed to shift my body to the side feeling something thin pierce through my shoulder.

" Agh! "

A muffled sound escaped from my mouth. If I hadn't reacted at the last second my heart would be pierced.

Taking a cover around the corner I quickly consumed A Health potion.


I heard something rubbing against the hard floor. Instantly I knew it was Naga's scales.

Casting a Lightning Bolt I used my other hand to hold a staff engulfed in white aura, scorching in white fire.

As the sound got close and closer I became more and more calm as if my emotions were forcefully dulled.


As soon as the monster was 10 meters away from me I threw a Bolt towards its direction.

Unfortunately the Red scale Naga managed to block the bolt, even though its palms were pierced.

My eyebrows rose seeing that the monster managed to react to my spell from this close up.

Calling 2 Shadow soldiers by my side I ordered to attack the creature.

I was aiming to assess the Naga's strength before engaging. I was yet to be powerful enough to clear the cave easily, I had put my life on the line if I wanted to move forward. This is no grinding spot for me, it is do or die.

Crunch... Whoosh...

Both soldiers were killed in one exchange, while the first shadow was simply sent flying towards the wall as the Naga hit him with its tail; the other one was bitten by the monster's powerful fangs.

Now I was pretty much knowledgeable about who I'm dealing with.

Casting two Lightning Bolts I raised my hands high in the air before throwing one projectile directly to the beast and another slightly to its right.

Unsurprisingly the monster evaded the first Bolt by rolling to the side, not even seeing the second bolt.

-378 Magical Damage!

My spell hit the Naga's hard scales slightly damaging it.


The monster was hissing in pain but I didn't intend to let him recover.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

In similar manner two Lightning Bolts were once again launched towards the injured Naga.

Similar to the last time the monster managed to dodge the first one, but the second projectile reached its target.

-381 Magical Damage!

Some of the monster's scales were now slightly black in color as if exposed to the heat.

Unfortunately the monster had yet to fall and had a lot more Health.


I saw the air around the monster turn slightly red and quickly retreated backwards summoning 5 soldiers.


I didn't even manage to react as the first soldier was sent crashing against the cave wall immediately dying.

' Shit! '

Equipping my Staff I lit it on fire hoping that I'd be able to block a hit from the empowered Naga.

Unfortunately I wasn't expecting for the monster to use its long tail to hit my legs making me lose balance.


I fell on my back and felt air being forcefully pushed out of my lungs. I didn't even have a chance to recover as I saw a system message.

[ +10 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬 𝙀𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙮 ]

All of my soldiers were already defeated by the Naga.

Seeing as I had no time I instinctively rolled to the side.


That was a good move, since the Naga's explosive fist hit the place where my head was a few seconds ago.

Taking a dozen steps back I warily looked at the reptile. Its body after using the Skill seemed inflated, the muscles were bulging out seemingly close to exploding. Veins were visible all around its upper body making it look like a bodybuilder.

After barely escaping death I felt my heart thumping as if I was running a marathon.

' This game is unnecessarily real '

Bitterly grinning, I casted two Lightning Bolts and threw them at the Naga.

After using an Empowering Skill Naga was now faster and stronger, hence avoiding both projectiles by simply shifting its body to the side.

Boom... Boom...

My spells exploded behind the creature making the cave slightly tremble.

' I need to buy time '

Seeing the creature's power I understood I had no way to win until its Skill effect ran out. Slowly retreating backwards I created another Lightning Bolt and raised it above my head trying to scare off the Naga.

Unfortunately the beast had other plans, it seemed to lose a sense of reason after using [ Body Strengthening ]

Using its tail the creature somehow managed to leap high in the air and landed behind me blocking my exit.

I even noticed that the landing hurt its tail and there was blue blood gushing out under it, but the snake didn't even care, its gaze was focused onto me.

' Psychotic Reptile! '

I thought while so unfortunately forgetting how I previously sacrificed my arm for a successful attack in a fight against 15 players.

Spinning my Staff I lit it on fire creating a cool visual effect and making a burning shield that'd be hard to penetrate even if one doesn't feel pain.


𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 <𝙇𝙫. 𝟭> → <𝗟𝘃. 𝟮>

~ +1 𝙎𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙡

~ +1 𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙎𝙡𝙤𝙩


In the middle of the fight my new Skill got upgraded, unfortunately the system window appeared in my face momentarily surprising me.


Only a moment was needed for the Naga to leap towards me.

' Shadow Protection '

Luckily I still had my trustworthy shield which has gotten me out of many various situations. The monster not managing to stop crashed into the Shield hissing angrily.

- 126 Physical Damage!

The facial features of a monster were now distorted, if not for the cobra hood behind its head I'd think it's a beaten up pig.

Not wishing to give my enemy a chance to recover I threw a Lightning Bolt hoping that the monster is still confused after crashing into the shield.

Unfortunately the snake was already conscious of its surroundings and easily evaded the Lightning Bolt.

Good thing was that after crashing and evading my Spell the snake moved from its original spot, giving me a clear view of the tunnel leading to the cave's exit.

Using all my Shadow Energy I summoned as many soldiers as I possibly could. The sudden feeling of weakness hit me as the last Shadow came into the view. Summoning Fenrir I instructed him to run outside while my shadows will not allow Naga to follow me.

' I was overconfident... '

Clicking my tongue I understood that I was on cloud nine after having so many victories in the row and attempted to clear a cave hard even for a group of Lv. 20 players.

This time I had to take the loss, but I'll be back and clear it... multiple times if needed.

I thought, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

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