Feeling as if someone was drilling a hole in my skull I lifted my eyes to see the Grim Reaper use his skill < Fear of Death >.

Looking at my teammates I noticed them frantically trying to move their stunned bodies.

From experience I knew it wasn't possible, hence just calmly assessed the situation.

Since Boss used his skill that far away he won't be able to reach us in time.

After a few seconds we were freed from the Stun Status Effect and glancing at my party members I noticed all of them were still focused.

" Eli, Eric, since both of you are close range fighters, take the front line. Don't you dare get hit by the Reaper or else you'll die immediately! "

Quickly instructing how to proceed I walked closer to Ava while Eric and Eli rushed to the frontlines.

" Since you will not be able to kill that being by just endlessly casting spells, use them only from time to time to intercept its attack that might hit us. I trust you to keep us safe "

With that said I let the Demonic Flame dance on the surface of my staff before walking towards the boss.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

I could hear the air being pierced as the reaper swung his staff trying to cut Eli and Eric in half. Fortunately the monster's speed wasn't formidable due to its low Agility.

Trying to find an opening I suddenly noticed Eli trying to attack the reaper from behind.


Ava barely managed to intercept the boss's attack that would've split Eli's body in half.

" You can't sneak attack a being with 500 Sense! "

I shouted seeing that Eli is still confused by how the creature managed to almost kill her without even turning around.

' I should've prepared a plan beforehand '

Cursing myself for not thinking of my teammates' inexperience in the game I lowered my body to dodge the reaper's attack.


I swung my burning staff in a large arc hitting the reaper's ribs and making it take a few steps back.

- 298 Magical Damage!

Seeing the damage I felt a bit happy since I didn't know If demonic fire would work against the Boss. Both the Boss and my Skill have close ties to hell.

' Fortunate '

Using my staff as a sword I managed to hold on a minute longer until Eric took the boss's attention by using his new skill.

His Fists covered in fire hit the bosses abdomen dealing small yet consecutive damage.

- 21 Magical Damage!



The boss's Health was slowly moving towards 10,000.

Rattle... Rattle...

I suddenly heard rattling sounds all around us.

" Everyone retreat! Gather near me! "

Quickly looking towards Ava's direction I sent Fenrir to pick her up while helping Eli to disengage from the boss.

As soon as all of us gathered in one place one of the tombstones nearby started strangely moving. Suddenly a bone hand emerged from the ground and a skeleton similar to the Reaper came out from the ground. Even though he was weaponless his level was 5.

To me it didn't really matter, but to Ava, Eli and Eric who were around Lv. 7 the skeletons were still remarkable.

" You all jump on my pet's back! "

Quickly making all of them get on Fenrir I instructed him to evade the boss while running through the field.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

The wolf started running through the area being close enough to the skeletons, so my teammates could destroy them while they were passing nearby.

Seeing them relatively safe I turned my head towards the Boss surrounded by a large horde of Skeletons. The monsters surrounding the Reaper were different, some of them even had armor or weapons.

I even noticed 2 skeletons armed in good quality armor standing by the side of the Reaper acting like generals.

' I should make an advertisement for my mercenary services '

Before I began to fight I quickly went into my System window to find a red button with a text ' Record ' below it.

Pressing the button I started slowly making my way towards the first rows of the skeleton horde.

' It feels like I'm going against an army~ '

Trying to suppress the urge to smile or laugh I felt adrenaline rushing through my veins into my head.

Looking at the approaching monsters I even felt as if they were slower than previously.

' That's a result of fully focusing on the fight '

Quickly getting rid of the unnecessary thoughts I started cutting through the lines of soldiers as if they were frozen in time.

Wide open ribs...

Exposed neck...

Slow attack...

Like a machine, I kept moving through the enemy lines noticing the slight gaps in their defenses and killing them in one hit.

Moving further into the army I was soon surrounded from all sides. I could've easily escaped by using my other spells, but since I was recording I didn't want to reveal too much.

Swing... Swing...

Like a God of Death I moved through the battlefield harnessing lives from those nearby. Since I wasn't using a lot of Mana I could keep this up for another few hours, but the skeletons were starting to bother me.

- 3 HP

- 5 HP

From time to time some skeleton managed to graze the side of my chest, leg or other place dealing miniscule damage. Unfortunately against hundreds of skeletons the miniscule damage soon into 30 HP lost.

' I'll soon need a HP pot '

Quickly throwing a look to my teammates I notice their eyes gazing towards my direction. Raising my thumb up to let them know I was alright I once again dived into the legion of skeletons.

Wherever I went the destroyed bodies of skeletons followed. I was having a lot of fun, since it was one of my dreams to fight against an army.

I mean who wouldn't want to have power to rival even a legion!

Spinning my staff above my head I destroyed the skulls of skeletons nearby. Like a hammer the spinning staff smashed into the bones of soldiers instantly crushing them.


Suddenly I felt the presence of a strong soldier slowly nearing my location.

Lifting my eyes above the unending Skeletons I noticed the General to the left side of the Boss gone. The Reaper was also strangely leaning on a nearby tree indicating that he was hurt.

' He's weakened '

Sharpening my focus I turned my gaze towards the approaching general.

The skeleton had a long Katana and wore dirty red Samurai armor. Walking closer he unsheathed his weapon revealing the Katana's sky blue blade.

' Beautiful '

Even I, who was immersed into killing the skeletons nearby couldn't help, but admire the weapon's beauty.

After clearing the monsters nearby I lowered my body and bolted towards the Samurai.

As I was getting closer he also used his hinge legs to dash towards me.


We both passed each other and froze with our backs turned towards each other.


Suddenly the Skeleton fell on the ground lifeless.

' This is not some anime shit '

I cursed knowing what the scene looked like.

Turning my gaze to the horde I couldn't help, but sigh seeing how much of them there are still left. Endless heads of skeletons and some of them had items like scissors or even pocket knives.

' This'll be hard '

Jumping from one leg to another I shifted my balance towards right deflecting the fist of a nearby skeleton.


His skull was soon shattered apart by the other end of my staff.

' I should've learned some kind of Weapon art '

Reminiscing about my poor past choices I smashed another skeleton.

Even if my fighting style was efficient, it was made for swords. My only knowledge of how to wield a staff was from the early stages of the game when I tried to play as a spearman.

To bring out the full potential of being a Mage and having a good close combat ability I needed to drop the path of the sword.


After seemingly an endless time of smashing the skeletons I felt another presence approaching me. This time it was the second General that was coming towards me.

Looking at the skeleton I could see him slowly approaching the battle site not minding the skeletons constantly flooding towards my location.

He was wearing cloth armor and leather boots. Looking at his hands I noticed no weapon which left me slightly confused.

' I should kill these first '

Looking at the enormous numbers of the skeletons I spun my burning staff using my palm decimating 2 skeletons in a single strike.

Crack... Crack...

In a few seconds I had enough space to move towards the General.

I didn't want to dash in immediately, since I didn't know which weapon he held.

' If I don't engage now I'll probably be flooded with skeletons once again '

Cursing I chose to risk it and readied my posture to leap towards the skeleton.

Even though It was quite obvious that I'll go after his head he was still acting carefree, slowly walking towards my direction.

' Dumbass '

I sneered darting towards him.

Chik... Chik...

As I was nearing his location I suddenly saw the general equip a shotgun and reload the barrel.

" What the fuck is wrong with this legion! "

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