While the creature was devouring the unfortunate beast, the other rat managed to escape.

Warily looking at the being I wanted to raise my flame to see its full appearance, but it'd be problematic if a creature able to drive fear into rodents is notified about my presence.

I wanted to leave the vicinity, but since my Quest was to investigate the sewers I'll still have to face this creature later on and It'd be best if I knew where it was beforehand and to not be ambushed like the rats were.

Creating a Lightning Bolt I took a step out of my hiding spot and threw the projectile at the creature's head.


The projectile hit a hard surface, unfortunately it wasn't the being's head. At the last second the beast used its huge wings to shield itself from the incoming Bolt.

- 23 Magical Damage!

A devastating system notification informed me about my damage output. I had no chance to relax as I felt incoming danger and jumped to the side.


Looking where I previously was I noticed that the creature arrived near my location. Turning its face towards me sent chills down my spine.

Now that It was closer to me I could fully see its appearance. Its body had two large wings reinforced by scales. The creature looked a lot like a bat, but what gave me chills was the surprising appearance of its face.

It had no eyes, just a mouth and a nose. The bat also had cat ears that looked cute compared to its overall appearance. The bat itself was more of an abomination than a beast.

Swallowing my saliva I quickly Opened its Status screen.


~ Wind type beast that usually lives in the sewers

~ Omnivore; Aggressive

~ Immune to Blinding


Lv. 28

HP: 1500

MP: 500

STR: 1,200

AGL: 1,600

PDEF: 500

MDEF: 350

INT: 300



1️⃣ Wing Shield < Lv. 4 >

-- Cover yourself with wings to gain 90% damage resistance

~ No cost

~ 20 second cooldown


2️⃣ Screech of Fear < Lv. 3 >

-- Release a fear inducing screech that is able to intimidate weaker enemies

~ AoE damage

~ Cost 20 Mana

~ 1 minute cooldown



1️⃣ Echolocation < Lv. 6 >

-- Due to having no eyes you use Echolocation

~ No cost

~ No cooldown


2️⃣ Enhanced Hearing < Lv. 5 >

-- Enhances your hearing sense

~ No cost

~ No cooldown


3️⃣ Reinforced Wings < Lv. 5 >

-- Due to being a mixed race your wings are reinforced by scales

~ No cost

~ No cooldown


4️⃣ Low Poison Immunity < Lv. 3 >

-- Due to living in the sewers you've developed a low immunity to poison

~ No cost

~ No cooldown



1️⃣ Wind Current < Lv. 2 >

-- Create a wind current that'll enhance your speed while being in it

-- +20% Agility while in the Spell

~ Cost 50 Mana

~ 1 minute cooldown


2️⃣ Sound Amplification < Lv. 4 >

-- Use the wind affinity to amplify whatever sound

~ Cost 15 Mana

~ 30 second cooldown


Even looking at the bat's name gave me depression. How lucky can I be to meet a Draconic creature and an elite one at that.

Quickly glancing over its skills I noticed that its wings were probably the only thing affected by the Draconic bloodline.


Combining both < Sound Amplification > and < Screech of Fear > the bat tried to explode my ears drums.

Ignoring the painful sound I created another Lightning Bolt and made sure to raise my staff, so I wouldn't be taken in surprise due to its superior speed.

I didn't even manage to release the Bolt when the bat disappeared from my vision, only appearing a few meters before me. Since I held my Staff raised I was prepared for the strike, but was still thrown against the wall.


My back hit the tunnel's wall making me spit a mouthful of blood.

- 34 Physical Damage!

~ Player Leo has suffered form Status Effect < Internal Damage >

~ Player Leo will lose 15 HP per minute

~ Duration → 5 minutes; until a HP potion is ingested


Slowly standing up I downed a healing potion washing away the Status Effect.

Since I still held a Lightning Bolt I threw it while the bat was still afloat in the air.


Suddenly my thrown projectile changed its route and crashed against the wall. It didn't take me much time to understand that the bat used his < Wind Current > spell to change the Projectile's trajectory.

' What a versatile way to use a spell... '

I thought, looking at the bat's expressionless face. Even though it had no vision it could perfectly deduce my position by using Echolocation.

Thinking about the possible ways to defeat the monster I instantly rejected Fenrir's assistance, because he'd simply become a prey to a bat, because of his inability to fly and lack of aerial spells.

Unfortunately the bat didn't give me any more time to think.

Using its agile body it once again disappeared from my vision due to its speed. This time I again raised my staff to defend against the attack, but also covered its surface with the Demonic Flame.


As the bat was about to ram into me it felt the heat from the flame and barely managed to stop its aerial attack.

Of course, I didn't let my chance slip...

- 235 Magical Damage!

A lightning bolt was thrown at the bat's running back as he couldn't see what I was doing.


His screech full of pain even not being enhanced by Sound Amplification shook the tunnel making its walls slightly tremble.

Landing quite a distance away from me it started releasing various sounds similar to hissing, growling and crying at the same time.

I didn't know if it was having a mental breakdown or simply cursing me in its own language. I didn't want to let its wounds heal.

Crash... Crash... Crash...

My thrown Lightning Bolts were all redirected or repelled by the creature's wings. Seeing that the battle is going nowhere I decided to close in the distance.

Slowly moving towards the beast I noticed it flexing its wings.


With one power flap of its wings it propelled itself towards me. This time the bat didn't care about the heat and crashed its hinge legs' nails into my staff.

- 25 Physical Damage!

I was thrown further away from the beast, but since the bat was brave enough to touch the Flame he also suffered quite a bit.

- 53 Magical Damage!

~ Demonic Bat has received a Status Effect < Third-degree burn >

~ Demonic Bat will lose 5% Strength

~ Duration → 5 minutes


Even though the victory was yet far away I was smiling, I was honestly enjoying the fight.

Seeing the bat once again flying towards me I let him get a little bit closer and casted a Shadow Protection right in his face.

- 126 Physical Damage!

With all his speed the bat crashed into my spell taking over a hundred physical damage. I even saw one of his legs bent in a weird shape.

Since he hit a flat surface he couldn't keep himself afloat and fell on the floor giving me a chance to attack him.

- 215 Magical Damage!

- 236 Magical Damage!

- 23 Magical Damage!

I managed to attack the bat two times until it recovered and covered its body with the wings.

Since the bat couldn't use his Echolocation while the wings were covering his face I ran around him launching another Lightning Bolt at its back.

- 459 Critical Damage!

My Lightning Spell hit the bat's lower back and triggered an unexpected Status Effect.

~ Draconic Bat has received a Status Effect < Temporary Paralysis >

~ The Draconic Bat will lose 25% Agility

~ Duration → 1 minute


Apparently I somehow managed to damage its spine and since now its speed was lower I could follow the bat's movements with my eyes.

Dragging his Injured body in the air the Bat once again started screeching at the top of his lungs hoping to scare me off, but I didn't even flinch.

Seeing his enemy not affected by the < Screech of Fear > the Bat tried to make the last ditch effort to escape, but soon its body was further damaged by another Bolt of Lightning hitting its abdomen.

- 246 Magical Damage!

The Ugly creature fell on the floor still flapping its wings trying to escape from its enemy.


Hearing silent footsteps approaching it, the bat let out its last screech before a Lightning projectile pierced its heart.

- 461 Critical Damage!

< Draconic Bat x1 Killed! >

< LOOT >

1️⃣ 1500 EXP

2️⃣ Draconic Scales x3

3️⃣ Draconic Bat's Fangs x2


Once the ugly Bat was killed I approached its dead body and lit its body on fire when suddenly the system messages I minimized before the fight bombarded me all at the same time.



- Hey, can you help me with a quest?

- Pretty please...

- I'm sorry for revealing some of your information O/

- Hello??? You here?




- Eric is verbally attacking me asking if I know where you are.

- Can you please reply to him, so I don't need to check my inbox every few minutes




- Can you block a person in-game?



Author's Note:

Since you all sincerely like Apple Pie I shall share how I imagine Leo to be ;-]

~ Picture ~

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