Both grenades collided with the king's chest creating an explosion.

- 234 Damage!

- 231 Damage!

The king's HP bar dropped below half. Suddenly his skin turned light red and his eyes became completely white.

" Ahgg "

Shouts of agony and pain were heard escaping his mouth as his limbs and body started doing random movements.

His shirt started being ripped apart revealing a chiseled figure with tons of scars everywhere on its body.

The second phase turns King into a Peak level Corrupted. Usually corrupted above High tier are walking disasters with the ability to wipe out entire cities. Luckily the king is trapped inside the room and is not able to escape.

Seeing his figure become over 7 feet tall I quickly gestured for Ava to start casting spells.


The lightning snake traveled through the air hitting the king.

~ The Corrupted King has received Status Effect < Stun >

~ The King will not be able to move for a short amount of time

~ Duration → 3 seconds


Seeing the duration of the Effect I wanted to curse. We were already pretty lucky to trigger the Status Effect, but since the king's resistance was over the roof it only lasted a few seconds.

' Better than nothing '

I thought, shifting my body towards the king.


I also threw a lightning bolt hoping to trigger the Status Effect.

- 12 Magical Damage!

Unfortunately the Status Effect wasn't applied leaving me no other option than to keep firing the bolts.

Since the king transformed we have no chance of defeating him. All of his Stats have doubled if not tripled and even with my INT Attribute being higher than normal my damage was barely visible.

Zzzzz.... Zzzzz...

Me and Ava kept on firing bolts one after another and finally when Ava's MP was about to run out we reached a satisfying result.

~ The Corrupted King has received Status Effect < Stun >

~ The King will not be able to move for a short amount of time

~ Duration → 21 seconds


With our combined effort we managed to stack up the Stun Effect and now it was over 20 seconds long.

" Cease fire "

I whispered passing by Ava and dashing towards the stunned boss.

On his body there were particles of Lightning dancing, but it didn't stop me from jumping on top of him.

Friendly fire was off after all...

Jumping on the creature's back quickly took out a potion full of Holy sparkling water and was about to feed it to the king when a problem occurred...

His mouth was tightly closed.

' Unnecessary struggle '

With a cold look I let Demonic Flame encompass my body. The temperature around me heated up, reaching water boiling in a second.

" Gohh "

I heard the King growl while his teeth were sharpening against each other.

' Let's see how much you can endure '

With such thoughts I quickly looked at the Status Effect timer right above his head.

< Stun Effect >

~ Duration → 16 > 15 seconds


I've had a quarter of a minute left. Extending my burning hands toward the king's jaws I tried ripping them open, but unsuccessfully.

' I wish I've put some SP into Strength '

Such thoughts started invading my mind as the king didn't flinch at my actions.


Suddenly I felt another presence right beside me. Slightly turning my head I saw a muscular green arm take hold of the king's jaw forcing them open and making a small gap for the potion to fit in.

" It's like a Sauna! "

She said while her breathing got rough.

Looking at her trembling hands I ignored the comment about my Flames and quickly threw the potion inside the king's throat.

' We'll meet again Emperio '

I whispered only for the Corrupted to hear.

Kicking away from the king's body, Eli and I retreated dozen steps back where Ava and Eric were already waiting for us.

" Did you do it? "

Ava asked while glancing towards the unmoving king. She was slightly alerted, because the Stun Effect was already over and the king was still standing in one place.

' Calm down, Leo has already done everything '

She tried consoling herself, but it only backfired.

' But... How is he so strong? '

She took a peek at his hooded face.

' I wonder if he can sell me his cloak? '

A thought passed through her head as she was kind of jealous that he could hide his appearance. Since coming to the game she was always surrounded by people attracted to her charm. How easy it would be to live knowing that no stalker is following you.

Suddenly she felt someone nudging her side. Turning her head she noticed Eli, one of her few real friends pointing at something.

Following where she was pointing Ava suddenly felt dread wash over her.



As soon as I fed the potion to the king we retreated backwards. Eli instantly went to the side of Ava while Eric was trying to initiate a conversation. The only two still treating this as a battlefield were me and Ava.

I didn't know why, but I felt strangely happy seeing her not losing awareness.

' Good, good that's a trait of the strongest player '

I happily giggled seeing her not being distracted by Eric's hopeless attempts to flirt.

' Well enough of this '

With such thought I turned to face the king, the fight was not over yet. I haven't told this to my party members, but as soon as I feed the potion to the king, the real battle would begin. Upon consumption of the potion the king will not instantly regain his clarity, but will be momentarily completely taken over by the real corrupted.

' Holy water my ass, how is it holy if a Corrupted can take over the body '

My eyebrows knitted together, we needed to survive for another minute before the boss collapses.


Barely audible sound echoed in the room. We were facing the king's back, but suddenly his head whipped around breaking his own neck, but also revealing his distorted face.

" ꃅꂦꅏ... ꀸꂦ ꌩꂦꀎ... ꀘꈤꂦꅏ ꎭꌩ ꈤꍏꎭꍟ! "

His deep yet screeching voice gave Eli, Ava and Eric goosebumps while I was trying to recall how to speak corrupted language.

" ꍏꌗꀘ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꎭꂦ꓄ꃅꍟꋪ "

I spoke their language trying to enrage the Corrupted. Fortunately the corrupted weren't very wise creatures.

" ꌩꂦꀎ ꌗꃅꍏ꒒꒒ ᖘꍏꌩ ꎇꂦꋪ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꀤꈤꌗꂦ꒒ꍟꈤꉓꍟ! "

His screeching pained my ears, but I didn't even flinch, because if I did I'd be dead in a second. I'm standing before a Peak Level Corrupt that is able to destroy a city, no way in hell I'm able to make unnecessary movements.

" What the fuck! "

I heard Eric uttering while retreating to the corner of the room.

" Follow him "

I said to Ava and Eli seeing that the Corrupted is only focused on me. Turning towards the Monster I let the white flames engulf my body spreading heat in all directions.

" ꌩꂦꀎ... ꅏꃅꂦ ꍏꋪꍟ ꌩꂦꀎ? ꃅꂦꅏ ꀸꂦ ꌩꂦꀎ ᖘꂦꌗꌗꍟꌗ ꍏ ꎇ꒒ꍏꎭꍟ ꂦꎇ ꀸꍟᐯꀤ꒒? "

Moving his body closer the Corrupted spoke while a sword appeared in his hand. The sword was different from before it was bigger and had some kind of yellow veins covering its blade's surface.

' Disgusting '

I thought, creating a Shadow Blast in my palm. I let the Shadow Energy power it, because it was the only thing whose power couldn't be sensed by the Corrupted King.

Looking around the battlefield I noticed a dark silhouette behind the Boss.

' Fenrir don't! '

I used our bond to transfer a message to my familiar.

" ꌗꎭꍏꋪ꓄ ꉓꃅꂦꀤꉓꍟ, ꅏꍟꀤꋪꀸ ꂦꈤꍟ "

I heard the Corrupted speak alerting me that he knew about Fenrir's position.

' I've already wasted half a minute... '

Looking at the timer above the king's head I knew I was midway through this shit.


Suddenly everything around me turned white and I lost all sensations in my right hand.


Looking down I saw my right limb missing.

- 57 HP

~ Player Leo has received a Status Effect < Severe Bleeding >

~ The player will bleed until he's dead or until the potion is consumed

~ Duration → Until a HP potion is consumed


" Shit! "

Gnashing my teeth I bit my lips and soon could feel the taste of blood, It hurt like hell! Quickly downing an HP potion I felt my hand quickly recovering and soon my limb was back in place.

Lifting my eyes to meet the gaze of the Corrupted I saw his expression shifting into a hideous smile.

' He doesn't even know how much time he has '

I snickered at his ignorance.

' How can one be so stupid yet have such combat strength '

I couldn't help but check the timer.

15 seconds....

14 seconds....

13 seconds....

The time of the corrupted was nearing its limit.

Not wanting to give him another chance to attack I launched a Shadow Blast at the ground between us.


The cloud of dust was raised obstructing our vision. Unfortunately the corrupted was a higher class being and had better vision then I did.

12 seconds....

11 seconds....

10 seconds....

" ꌩꂦꀎ ꉓꍏꈤꈤꂦ꓄ ꃅꀤꀸꍟ! "

His screeching voice reached my ears and I barely managed to block his sword by creating a Shadow Protection right before me.

9 seconds....

8 seconds....

7 seconds....

The time flowed painfully slowly, so slow that it looked to be stopped in place.

After deflecting the king's sword I had to take a dozen steps back.

' Only a few seconds left '

My mind was overheating from the adrenaline.

6 seconds....

5 seconds....

4 seconds....

Unfortunately, since I've just used Shadow protection I had no way to defend myself from the second strike.

< Leo!... >


A sound of a sword being swung echoed in the room and everything went dark.

< You've been killed by a Corrupted King! >

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