Shaking her hand I felt vibrations pass through my body.

' How high is her Strength Attribute? '

I questioned pulling my hand away. Looking at her burly hands and build I could tell it was at least above 100.

Looking at the armor covering her body I was surprised, since she was only wearing a cloth chestplate and pants. It was a bit weird for a fighter like an orc to wear such a small amount of armor.

Shifting my gaze to the monk I also shook his hand. While being near him I could smell a faint smell of strawberries.

' Weird '

I thought finally turning towards the elf. As I was about to greet her I suddenly felt the situation become somewhat awkward.

" My name is Leo "

With a monotone voice I quickly spoke trying to forget the weird atmosphere surrounding us.

Luckily the Elf also did the same.

" I'm Ava "

She said the information I already knew, but couldn't share.

Closely looking at her face I could see she was uncomfortable sharing her name with a stranger, but it couldn't be helped since it'll be revealed soon anyway.

< Party Request Received! >

< Do you want to to join the Party? >

1️⃣ Elf ~ Ava

2️⃣ Human ~ Eric

3️⃣ Orc ~ Eli

< YES / NO >


Pressing the YES button I felt connected to all 3 Players. I could approximately tell their condition and location.

While I was familiarizing myself with the Effect the other party members were staring at the Party Window.

4️⃣ Demon ~ Leo


" You... are you a demon? "

With a slight cough Eric finally spoke. Turning towards him I noticed his eyes slightly widen while he was wearing a stupid grin.

" You are the player who Defeated the Dark Prince "

He said another sentence that almost made me lose footing.

' Sherlock? '

I bitterly smiled and was about to deny the fact when a pen and a paper were shoved into my face.

" Can I get an Autograph? "

A giant Orc with a voice not suited for her build pleased while slightly lowering her height to match mine. Looking at the two I sighed in defeat and quickly signed the given paper.

While Eli was busy jumping in joy and Monk was trying to steal my signature I shifted my eyes towards Ava. Her expression hasn't changed, but even I could tell she was slightly interested, because of the stares she gave me from time to time.

Massaging my templates I gestured for the group to follow me to a more quiet place so I could lay down the plan.


The planning went surprisingly well, the monk was just nodding his head, Eli was listening to me as if I was a Messiah and Ava was contemplating how to follow my instructions. Since as a Lightning mage her role for the raid was crucial.

I was kind of happy that my identity was revealed to this group of people, they didn't seem too bad and their trust in me doubled hearing that I've already killed a Boss. I just hope they don't believe I can fight the boss on equal ground.

Just to make sure I voiced out my concerns and surely enough the Monk was surprised.

" Didn't you defeat even a stronger Boss? "

His eyebrows raised sky high.

" I was lucky "

Shrugging my shoulders I brushed it off as luck, well that excuse would work for Eli and Eric, but not for Ava. Her Blue eyes shifted towards my face trying to read my expression.

' All hail the Shadow Cloak '

I thought smiling at the fact that Ava couldn't read my expression. In the previous life she was very powerful, but one of her most powerful skills wasn't even game implemented. It was an ability to read one's expressions. She could easily discern her opponents intentions with a single glance at their face.

I consider myself as a person that has a hardly breakable poker face, but you never know... It is better to wear a hood. Especially when so many people will be against you, because a certain Elf's beauty is blinding.

Quietly giggling at her attempt to see through my hood I took out 6 Flash grenades and handed them out to my party members.

" Throw it only when I give the signal "

With a commanding tone I spoke making sure that everyone understood.

Swapping my demeanor from a relaxed one to cold one I fully focused on the goal.

Walking forward I interacted with the trapdoor.

< Do You want to Enter The Corrupted King Raid? >

< Waiting for party leader's consent... >

< Entrance to the Raid Accepted! >

< Teleport will commence shortly... >

< Teleporting... >

A series of messages appeared and soon I saw my lower body become Light particles, before everything around me turned dark.

Thump... Thump... Crash... Crash...

I managed to land on my two feet while Eli and Eric landed on their butts. Since Ava was right beside me I helped her to land by creating a Shadow protection under her to lower her falling momentum.

Confused as to why she didn't fall, Ava looked below only to see a shadow.

Since she didn't know who's spell it was I started walking forward where a dark, metal door was located.

' ꂦꈤꉓꍟ ꍏ ꀘꀤꈤꁅ ꈤꂦꅏ ꍏ ꉓꂦꋪꋪꀎᖘ꓄ꍟꀸ '

On the door there was a message written in blood. Completely ignoring it I looked behind to make sure my party members are ready.

Eli was tightly gripping her axe, Eric was biting his nails and Ava was nervously clenching her fists.

Smiling at their nervousness I casted Shadow Realm over the area making Eric and Eli slightly jump in fright while Ava's eyes widened.

' Fenrir come out '

I called my pet who soon appeared before me. Only now I noticed that when I used Shadow Realm his Status was also improved.

His Fur black fur was shining even in the dark and his eyes were glowing in the dark.

Glancing over his Attributes I noticed all of them being <+50>.

' Lucky me '

I thought before widely opening the door to the boss room.

" Let's go! "

Taking a look behind me I noticed my group members still in daze after my sudden show of power.

Walking into the room the chandeliers on the ceiling suddenly lit up revealing a huge space filled with destroyed items like chairs, tables, mirrors everywhere on the ground. At the end of the room there was a throne where a dark silhouette wearing a red cape and a crown was sitting. His white shirt was dyed red, presumably blood.

Lifting his head to face us I saw a distorted expression of pain and agony written all over his face.

" R... un.! "

He managed to let out a screeching sound while his body stood up from a throne and a sword appeared in his hand.

" It's starting! "

Shouting out loud I quickly glanced over the Boss's Status.


~ A Raid boss that resides in the Castle of Hope

~ Territorial

~ Immune to Fear;

~ A Raid Boss; Once killed will respawn


Lv. 150

HP: 9 000

MP: 5 000

STR: 10 000 <+1 000>

AGL: 6 000

PDEF: 6 000

MDEF: 5 000

INT: 11 000

[NEW!] ( Sense ) SN: 120 <+70>



1️⃣ Corrupted Sword < Lv. 7 >

-- A sword made out of sinister energy

~ Single Target Damage

~ Cost 500 MP

~ 5 min cooldown

2️⃣ Mana Step < Lv. 5 >

-- Step forward using Mana to almost reach speeds near teleportation

~ Single Target Use

~ Cost 400 MP

~ 10 min cooldown



1️⃣ Inhuman Strength < Lv. 5 >

-- Strength amplifier possessed by superior races

~ +1000 Strength

~ No cost

~ No cooldown

2️⃣ Inhuman Reflexes < Lv. 7 >

-- Sense amplifier possessed by superior races

~ +70 Sense

~ No cost

~ No cooldown

3️⃣ Internal Darkness < Lv. 1 >

-- Ability to see in the dark [ Blurry ]

~ No cost

~ No cost


4️⃣ King's Magical Swordsmanship < Lv. 7 >

-- A powerful sword style passed down from the ancestors

~ No cost

~ No cost



< None >


Seeing that everything is the same as in my past life I quickly threw the first grenade.

" Close your eyes! "

I shouted as the grenade was thrown in the air.


An ear deafening sound echoed in the building before the scream of a beast followed right after. Hiding his face in the palms the king was stumbling backwards.

' Time to beat him up '

I thought and soon after a lightning snake hit the King's side.

- 124 Magical Damage!

An icon appeared indicating that my party member damaged the boss. Our plan was to first beat up the boss until his health reaches the half. Then he'll enter the second phase, but during the small time frame while he is transforming he'll be vulnerable.

That's when we'll strike! According to our plan we'll stall time with grenades and damage the boss until his HP bar drops.

- 98 Physical Damage!

- 104 Physical Damage!

Both Eli and Eric also joined the fray attacking the King. Not wanting to be left behind I also launched a Lightning Bolt at the King's abdomen.


A howl of the king shook the room

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