Everything around me went white. Like a flash bang it temporarily blinded me.

Blinking a few times I suddenly heard distant noises.

When my vision was back I found myself in a room engraved in various gold symbols and other decorations.

The room itself had many paintings seemingly covering every wall leaving only the door and a window uncovered.

The moon light was seeping through the window seemingly trying to enter the room.

In the middle of the room, in a huge spacious bed a middle-aged man was sleeping. Some of his hair were grey and his face was full of wrinkles, nevertheless he was handsome.

Like a ghost I was at the right corner of the room, levitating, with no ability to move.

Looking down at my body, I was transparent, I could still see the rough shape of my arms, but I was barely visible.

Gazing around the room I noticed the door open with a quiet creaking sound, of course, since it was in the middle of the night the sound was implemented a few times.

' Even the game follows the universe's laws '

I tried to shake my head.


Soon a dark silhouette entered the room. His huge frame was that of a well trained soldier.

With a dark mask on his face he quietly looked around the room searching for anything hidden.

Coming closer to the sleeping man, he removed one of his gloves.

The palm of his hand was completely black, it could be called rotten.

Unsheathing his sword the man cut his wrist off letting the dark blood seep into the mattress. His yellow eyes were glowing in the dark room giving him an eerie look.

Even after cutting the wrist he didn't even flinch. It seemed as if the pain was an everyday occurrence to him.

Even I who was watching this felt shivers run down my back.

Suddenly the middle aged man's eyes opened wide and he swung his sword that previously wasn't in his hand.


The sword pierced through the invaders neck beheading him instantly and splashing more blood on the man and the bed.

Cough... Cough...

The middle-aged man started coughing, he even spat blood. The last thing I heard before I was back at the bridge was someone barging into the room.

" My King! "


I was back to my body at the beginning on the bridge.

What I've just witnessed was one of the cut scenes. This cut scene specifically showed the past of how the king became corrupted.


A system message popped up.

< Subdue the Corrupted King! >

< Do you want to accept the quest? >


Without thinking I pressed the Accept button.

< The Corrupted King Quest Accepted! >

<~ Entrance to the Castle permitted ~>

Closing all the messages I continued to walk on the bridge. After a few minutes I've finally reached the shore where huge gates with guards guarding them stood.

Walking closer I saw one of the soldiers give me a look before gesturing to someone on the wall.


The gates creaked as they were slowly opened. I couldn't help, but think if the guards let me pass if they knew I was a Demon.

Walking through the gates I felt some gazes linger on me as, but I just shook my head.

' Guards can't attack me without a reason '

Entering the castle I saw a crowd of people forming near a trapdoor with stairs going down.

' The Raid location '

I thought while glancing around for a group. Most of the people I saw were human swordsmen.

' I need an item to inspect player Status '

I thought while grumbling. Suddenly I recalled something, opening my notes and quickly reading through them.

~ Notes ~

1️⃣ ~ Retrieve Reward from the city Mayor, for defeating 50 golems.

2️⃣ ~ Buy a shit ton of HP potions.


Scratching my neck I looked around only to notice a small carriage with a sign ' Potions ' written on it.

' Fuck '

I cursed seeing an Old dude's face appear in the window.

" Hello, how may I help you, good sir? "

The man spoke with a tone seemingly full of joy and excitement.

" Shut the fuck up! "

I hissed through my teeth. The man before me was the one responsible for almost making me go bankrupt a few times in my previous life. I couldn't help, but recall an occasion when I was poisoned and came to his shop to buy a cure. As soon as he heard that I was poisoned the price of the cure doubled leaving me to die and drop half of my stuff.

My outrage quite startled the man.

" Sir, please calm down "

The shop owner said while wiping away a drop of sweat.

Well he could say whatever he wanted. I didn't care.

" I need CHEAP healing potion "

I said still gnashing my teeth. If he dares to up the prize even by a little I'll grill him with my flames.

I didn't even notice as between my fingers white flames and Shadow energy were starting to combine together creating a small light show.

The back of the merchant went cold seeing a customer this mad for no reason.

' Psychopath '

He thought while biting his nails. Looking down at my arms he saw some kind of flame and strange dark substance connecting with each other in between my fingers.

" ..How... Much po..tions do you need? "

He struggled to speak, but managed to make a sentence.

" At least 20 "

I said, managing to calm myself down. I was surrounded by dozens of guards able to overpower even a level 10 monster. I couldn't cause a ruckus, especially with so many players, some of them might even have a hero syndrome.

With a bitter smile I quickly bought the Potions for a normal prize, 20 Gold coins per Bottle and throwing one last glance to the merchant moved towards the crowd surrounding the trapdoor.

Moving closer and closer I felt someone's hand land on my shoulder.

" Do you want to join our group? "

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