1️⃣ 50 EXP

2️⃣ Salamander Scale Boots x1

3️⃣ Salamander Ring x1

I was about to scream in joy. The information was incorrect!

It wasn't the drop rate of the ring that was low, you just needed to kill an Elite Salamander to receive it.

Quickly scanning both of the items I quickly Equipped them.

1️⃣ < Salamander Ring > [ Platinum ]

~ +2% Magical Damage

2️⃣ < Salamander Scale Boots > [ Bronze ]

~ AGL +3

~ PDEF +4

~ HP +2

Thanking John for his rewards I started walking towards the middle of the town.

My next step is to complete a quest that will give me a discount at the merchant's shop.

Walking into the shop all I could see were people. The shop was completely full. Sighing I started pushing through the crowd until I got to the counter where the merchant was located.

" Hello dear customer, how may I assist you ? "

The merchant spoke with a lisp. He was a demon as well, but he thought of himself as a fairy hence didn't bow his head like other demons did.

" Hello, I need to buy some equipment for the quest, since my family is a bit too weak to go empty handed "

I responded while smiling.

To trigger the hidden quest one needs to use words [ Family ] and [ Quest ] in the same sentence.

I saw the merchant's eyes slightly widen before he started speaking once again.

" Let me introduce myself. I'm Oliver, the merchant and I've been selling items all my life.... "

Oliver kept on telling his story while I was looking around, trying to speed up the time.

" What would you say If I would pay for you to find my family's medallion? "

Finally, the part of the story I was looking forward to. Nodding my head I received A Quest offer.

< Find Oliver's medallion! >

< Do you want to accept the Hidden Quest? >


Accepting the quest I saw a red dot appear on the map. Saying farewell to Oliver I left the shop and moved towards the abandoned building.

I was in need to get a discount, because in a few weeks an update will drop that will connect real life money with in-game money. The Fragmental game is already played by millions of people and its player base will only increase. The game will receive a lot of sponsors that will flood its developers with money allowing them to tie the currencies together.

While I was walking through the village some random dude tried to invite me to the party to kill one of the bosses nearby. The boss battle had a maximum of 5 people and they were 1 person short.

I denied, of course. I knew what boss they were about to attempt to kill. I'm just gonna say it's designed to punish players who are overconfident in their skills and try to kill it.

It's not possible until the mid-game...

Unless you know a glitch.

Unfortunately for the group they were all newbies and I was not in the mood to share the boss loot. Why should I share with a random player whom I just met ?

Finally I reached the abandoned house. Its windows were barricaded and doors locked. The only way to get in was from the basement.

At least that's what a new player would think.

Approaching the nearby tree I leapt on its highest branch and jumped down on the building roof. It was a trick I found while going through the internet. One user found this trick while playing hide and seek with his friend.

Walking closer to the chimney and dived down into the house.


I landed heavily on the fireplace.

All the ghosts are located in the basement and will not ascend up the stairs. The problem was that to leave the house one needs to escape through the basement.

Ghosts cannot be damaged by Physical attacks and are stealthy. Early in the game you can't kill a ghost, because they can't be damaged by low level spells, skills and physical attacks. The way to pass this quest is to avoid them.

Going into one of the bedrooms I lifted the bed's mattress and picked up a golden medallion.

1️⃣ < Oliver's Medallion >

~ Quest Item

~ Deliver to Oliver to gain rewards

Leaving the room I approached one of the barricaded windows and struck it as hard as I could.

- 1 Physical Damage

Well it's not gonna work. Going back to the chimney I tried climbing up, but failed miserably. Finally I decided to escape from the house using the basement.

The basement is not that big, it's just that there are 3 ghosts wandering around it randomly.

Slowly opening the door I descended down the stairs. There was no light around and the only thing illuminating the area was a hologram hovering before me.

Going through the spooky room I saw a lot of old and rusty stuff like farming tools, knives and even an anvil.

When I was almost at the exit of the basement I heard a sound behind me.

" Fuck! "

I cursed and didn't even turn back before dashing out of the basement. Unfortunately another ghost appeared at the top of the stairs blocking my path to the door.

Stopping in my tracks, gears started spinning in my head. I heard a ghost behind me slowly approaching.

Suddenly a light bulb appeared above my head. Conjuring a Darkness Blast I threw it at the ghost standing at the top of the stairs, but it went through it since the enemy wasn't tangible.


The Spell hit the door, sending it flying off its hinges and letting the sunshine enter the dark basement.

Hisssss.... Hisss...

Both ghosts hissed at the light giving me a chance to dash through them before they could react.

Escaping the house I collapsed on my knees. Those ghosts scared the shit out of me.

Standing up I saw some players glaring at me with question marks in their eyes. Hiding my reddened face in the robe I sped up and ran to Oliver.


" Thank you! This medallion means a lot to me. Visit me again. I'll give you a permanent discount! "


1️⃣ 100 EXP

2️⃣ Permanent discount at the Oliver's shop [ 20% ]


< Congratulations on reaching Lv. 3! >

< Level 2 → Level 3 >

< +20 SP >

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