' Sword Tremor '

I felt my Mana being drained at an alert rate. The ground slightly trembled and slight cracks started appearing on the street's surface. Soon in the direction where the hooded man stood an underground tremor was launched.

Boom... Boom... Boom...

The underground attack launched pieces of the street's surface into the air. The tremor traveled all the way towards the man making him step to the side, but leaving him with many openings.

As he was trying to regain his balance I took a step forward slashing my sword downwards and sending another Mana arc towards the man.

Fortunately the man didn't have any time to dodge or cast a spell, he could only raise his staff to block or at least redirect the incoming Slash.


The Mana Arc collided with the staff producing a loud sound. I saw the man's arms slightly tremble, trying to push away the attack. I could swear I even saw a slight trail of blood leave his mouth.

After a few seconds my Mana Slash disappeared letting the man take a breather. Unfortunately for him I had no intention to wait.

' It's you or me! '

Raising my sword I aimed another Slash towards my now kneeling opponent.

Seeing another projectile coming his way the man threw himself to the side.

The hooded man barely avoided my Slash, but fell on one of my lackeys' dead bodies. I didn't even notice as one of his hands lit on fire before he reached for the dead body.


Suddenly the body got caught in fire.

Surprised by his action I eyed him suspiciously as he stood up and started around lighting everyone in white flames.

Even though they were dead and I felt no need to take care of their dead bodies, an eerie feeling started forming at the back of my mind.

A sixth sense was telling me to stop him. Since I've lived in the streets for dozens of years I knew to trust my senses better than anybody else.

Creating a small hole where I previously stood I bolted towards the man that was currently burning my once useful lackeys.


My sword was skillfully blocked by his staff making him take a few steps back before he managed to redirect my sword to the side.

I heard a subtle sound of someone clicking his tongue before my abdomen was kicked and I had to take a few steps back. While I was still stumbling backwards a fist came flying to my face.


With no chance to recover I stumbled backwards. Covering my face I felt blood flowing out of my nose and my eyes getting slightly teary.

' Its broken '

As I was trying to regain my balance a Lighting spear pierced through my shoulder immobilizing my main right hand.

A growl left my mouth as my arm dropped to the side. Swapping the sword to my left hand I felt slightly uncomfortable. I wasn't used to holding the sword with one hand.

With a bloody face, pierced shoulder and an injured calf I took a step forward unleashing my rage and performing 3 consecutive Mana Slashes.

I was expecting him to evade them as he did previously, hence prepared to dash right after him.


Suddenly the man's arms from shoulders were lit in white flame, soon the flame moved towards the staff enveloping it in a thin white aura.

His staff, lit in white flame, swung against my Slashes Shattering all three of them.

' What the f.. '

I had no chance to finish the thought as the man dashed towards me swinging his burning staff towards my head with intent to inflict a fatal strike.

Lowering my body, I saw the staff pass where my head previously was. Even a meter away I felt the immense heat of the fire.

' No wonder it's so powerful '

The thought passed through my head as I retreated a few steps back.

' Why didn't he engulf his staff in flames from the beginning? '

The thought kept on pestering me as I evaded most of his attacks. As long as the man had the fire I couldn't directly clash with him, my hands would probably receive various kinds of burns and my sword might be damaged. Even though it was way better than any of the swords within this city, it didn't have superior extraordinary resistance.

After a few minutes I saw the aura engulfing the man's staff become dimmer before the flame covering the staff went out.

Not wanting to miss this chance I quickly stabbed the sword in the ground sending another powerful tremor towards the man.

Unfortunately for me he learned from the last time and didn't let his guard down. Holding his staff before him he warily eyed me expecting another Mana Slash.

Seeing no visible openings I ran closer to the man before trying to overpower him with normal swordsmanship, since he could block my My mana slashes it wasn't worth draining my Mana until I collapsed.

Even though I knew that he's better at using swords, I was sure his Stamina wasn't any better than mine. Bolting towards my hooded enemy I swung my sword vertically intending to cut him in half, that of course didn't happen as my opponent managed to block the hit with his sturdy staff.

' How much time did he spend wielding a staff? '

I couldn't help, but question. The man before me was nothing other than a pro at handling weapons. His movements, battle sense was very sharp, even sharper than mine. To receive an attack from an enemy that is at least three times stronger than yourself is nothing, but skill.

Gritting my teeth I launched a barrage of random swings and stabs aiming for the man's vitals. I was already on my last legs. My pierced shoulder was bleeding more and more. It was also starting to become difficult to even keep my eyes open.

After a few more exchanges I suddenly felt the feeling of my left hand.


I heard something made out of metal hit the ground.

Looking down at my arm I saw my sword lying on the ground. My arm was missing, it was completely torn off my shoulder.

A wave of pain came and as I was falling I saw some kind of wolf just a few meters away chewing on my missing limb.

Dropping to the ground I saw the hooded stranger patting the wolf as he was slowly approaching my body.

Even though I was in my fifties and had more adventures than even some old men... I didn't want to die.

' I want to live... '

My thoughts trailed off as I felt something engulf my mind, a comfortable darkness was embracing me.

" Do you want to survive? "

A strange voice echoed in my head.

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