After the food arrived, we ate and I retired to bed early.

Walking through the house, big enough to call a labyrinth I spent around two minutes to find my room.

Entering I saw a VR Pod put at the right corner of the room.

Since I was tired and in no mood to play I simply fell on the bed and let the soft mattress devour me.


Sweating profusely I jolted awake.

" Fucking nightmares! "

I cursed while rolling out of my bed. My whole body was covered in sweat and I was slightly trembling.

Looking at the clock the frown on my face became bigger.

[ 04:16 ]

Leaving my room I went to take a shower. With cold water I managed to fully wash away the nightmare.

Going back into my room I tried to sleep, but soon gave up.

Descending downstairs I found my parents already asleep lying on the couch.

I noticed a few wine bottles and made a mental note to hide all the alcohol. Taking a blanket I threw it on them before leaving the mansion.

Standing outside I took a deep breath of fresh and cold air. Wearing one of my usual hoodies and running shoes I started slowly jogging through the streets.

As far as I can remember I preferred cold more than hot, whether it'll be Ice cream or weather. Running through the neighborhood I saw many different houses that were no different than palaces with some even engraved with gold.

Looking at such houses I couldn't help, but raise my eyebrow. I couldn't quite get why someone would want such an expensive decoration.

' Rich People stuff '

Shrugging it off I ran further down the street. As I was about to run out of steam I reached the middle of this district.

In the middle there stood a huge building with various constructions all around it. Since it was a very famous place I knew its name.

" Preklin University... "

My mind slightly wandered off thinking about all the things that happened in my past life.

' Some of the Powerful players go to this facility and next year, when she gets enough recognition the strongest player will attend it as well '

Thinking about everything about the University, I couldn't help, but shake my head.

' I have no time to do such activities, at least for now '

Stretching my legs I started slowly jogging back home.


[ 06:43 ]

Looking at the clock on the wall I was a bit startled by how much time I've spent only running. Well, it should be given, because this neighborhood is humongous.

Going to the kitchen I made some breakfast for myself and my parents. While the pancakes were still in the pan I heard some notices come from the living room.

Soon my father with both hands on his head stumbled into the kitchen. He seemed in pain, but I didn't even think of confronting him.

' You drank too much, old man '

I murmured while giving him a glass of water. As soon as he drank all of the water I pushed him back on the sofa saying that the breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes.

As soon as pancakes were ready, I covered or more specifically drowned them in syrup.

Gesturing dad to wake up mom, I sat on the table waiting for the rest of my family to gather.

Soon I found both of my parents stumbling into the kitchen with my dad holding a certain woman that seemed to swing in all sides.

Somehow managing to take a seat my mother exchanged a few greeting words before looking at the contents of the table.

Her drunken mood suddenly disappeared with shock, temporarily painting her face.

" When did you learn how to cook? "

She couldn't help, but question me while devouring pancakes one by one.

I couldn't help, but let my Ego expand by hearing such comments. It was my mother who praised me after all.

" I've seen someone do it on the internet "

I quickly though of an excuse. In reality I had to learn how to cook, after they were killed. I felt my face slightly stiffen and I unknowingly started clenching my fist until nails pierced through my skin.

Only after I felt blood flowing through my palms did I notice how I've managed to injure myself.

I was slightly concerned for myself.

' My rage is a bit too much, I need to relax or else I'll bleed to death '

All of my thoughts went in the same direction. It was just hard to find how to relax in an environment where time is money.

Shrugging my shoulders I grabbed some napkins to wipe off the blood before my parents could notice.

' I have some serious issues '

I thought as I threw the napkins into the bin. Suddenly an Idea came to my mind.

" Mom, Dad, what do you think about getting a dog? "

I asked while putting another pancake into my mouth. I felt as if the dog would help me deal with stress more easily. I wouldn't mind having another hairy companion as well.

This slightly surprised my parents.

" Aren't you... Allergic to dogs? "

My mother proposed a question that managed to make my mind go blank for a second.

" It was 10 years ago "

I managed to connect words to make a sentence. I've completely forgotten about this issue.

Seeing my mother's worried face I couldn't help, but smile.

" It'll be alright "

I assured them that no problem would arise, even though I had no clue how'd it go myself.

' Well at worst I can just let my parents take care of the dog '

I thought while cleaning the dishes. My parents insisted on helping me, but I shooed them away saying that they are retired.

Giving them a bank card with enough money I instructed them to go to a nearby shopping center and buy something for themselves.

Even though they didn't want to spend the money, I didn't listen to any complaints, before kicking them off the house until they bought something for themselves.


" And no alcohol! "

When a taxi arrived I quickly bid them goodbye before telling them about a new rule which seemed to impact my mother quite harshly.

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