MMORPG: Divine Monster Transmuter

Chapter 632 - Qingqiu Breaking Through

Chapter 632: Qingqiu Breaking Through

After giving it some thought, Jiang Feng ultimately decided to give up on becoming the Patriarch of the Xuanyuan family.

He was not someone that wanted political power, especially when he had to become the Patriarch of a family and had to bear all that responsibility.

What he wanted however was for the Xuanyuan family to stop targeting the Jiang family. Both of the families could then live in peace.

Since the Xuanyuan family did have some relations with him.

“Senior, there is no need for that. As long as the Xuanyuan family does not attack the Jiang family, the grudge between our families can be wiped off!”

Jiang Feng had a good impression of the one-eyed old man seeing that he was helping him so much. Therefore, he felt that it was only proper for him to call him senior as a form of respect.

As soon as the grudge between him and the Xuanyuan family had been removed, then the Jiang family would be officially stabilized.

Without the one-eyed old man, he might even cause trouble with the Xuanyuan family. He had no other choice but to use another kind of way to control the Xuanyuan family.

“Haha! While I, Xuanyuan Gudu, only have one eye, it seems that I have quite the insight. Just as I thought, you are not someone that only knows how to kill and desire more power. Worry not, as long as I am alive, no one from the Xuanyuan family would dare lift a finger at you. Nor would the other families!” Xuanyuan Gudu said to Jiang Feng.


Bang! Bang!

At this time, the gates of the Paradise’s Gate suddenly opened up as a figure rushed out and two gun shots could be heard.

“Be careful!”

The sudden change caused Jiang Feng’s body to tremble as he activated his chi shield. The chi within his body began to flow and he attacked toward what was next to Xuanyuan Gudu.

Boom! Boom!

Two streaks of light were attacking Jiang Feng and Xuanyuan Gudu. There was a powerful crash and both of them were thrown aside.


Both Jiang Feng and Xuanyuan Gudu were critically injured by that one attack, and both of them were hit by a bullet on their shoulders. The bullets were infused with chi and kept on drilling into their bodies.

In truth, if it was not because Jiang Feng used his chi to block the attack that shot at Xuanyuan Gudu, the gunshot might have hit Xuanyuan Gudu’s weakness. It might have even killed him outright.

This was not because of his slow reaction. It was because he had already suffered some injuries when he was fighting with him. And because some of his life force was lost as well, it had caused him to react much slower than Jiang Feng.

Not to mention that Jiang Feng was also paying attention to the other owner of the powerful aura. As soon as the owner of that aura began to make a move, he was able to react to it almost immediately.

“Keke, congratulations, your family seems to have given birth to such a prodigy, Mr. Xuanyuan Gudu. Unfortunately, both of you will not be able to leave here alive!”

At this time, a figure appeared between Jiang Feng and Xuanyuan Gudu.

He was the founder of the Paradise’s Gate, Freed. He was 100 years younger than Xuanyuan Gudu, but he was at the same level as him.

His most powerful skills were his gunslinging skills and karate. He had also been given the epithet of Divine Shot.

Xuanyuan Gudu sat on the floor cross-legged as he tried to negate the chi running amok within his body, and he gave Freed a cold glare and said, “You old white man, you dare ambush me?!”

“Tsk tsk, the Paradise’s Gate’s motto is the end justifies the means!” Freed smiled arrogantly.


In the next moment, the elites from the Paradise’s Gate and from other nations of the Yin Sect all appeared behind Freed.

Meanwhile, the elites from the Chinese Yin Sect all appeared in front of Xuanyuan Gudu and Jiang Feng.

It was not the time for any infighting as they had to face enemies from the outside.

“Haha! The only three Abyssal Realm elites in this world are all here and two of them have been severely injured. Do you think you fodder can stop me?” Freed said to the men behind him arrogantly and said, “Kill them all!”


Next, the members of the six other Gates all attacked the members of the Diwang Gate, Xuanlong Gate, and Tianhua Gate.

“Senior, take this!” When Jiang Feng saw that the Nine Gates had begun fighting each other, he quickly took out a Mid-Level Beast Pill and gave it to Xuanyuan Gudu, and naturally ate the last one.

Xuanyuan Gudu looked at the purple pill in his hand and ate it without any hesitation.

Both of them ate the Mid-Level Beast Pill and began digesting it.

The Mid-Level Beast Pill was quite powerful, and it immediately negated the bullet’s chi within their body and pushed it out.

“You want to treat your injuries? No way!”

When Freed saw Jiang Feng and Xuanyuan Gudu eating the pills and began treating the wounds, he frowned and took out a handgun and fired at Jiang Feng.

To him, Jiang Feng’s wounds were more serious than Xuanyuan Gudu’s, and so he decided to eliminate Jiang Feng first.


Jiang Feng had been paying attention to Freed, so he slid down and dodged the shot.


At this time, Jiang Feng seemed to have felt something and looked at Qingqiu not far behind him with a smile on his face.


Next, the flow of the chi within the air became faster and flew straight toward Qingqiu’s body.

“No! Kill that Divine Dragon with everything you have!” Freed seemed to have discovered something and yelled at all the members of the other six gates. And in the next moment, all of them began to rush toward Qingqiu.

“Do not let them disturb the Green Dragon breaking through!” When Jiang Feng, whose injuries had somewhat been restored, saw that the lot of them were rushing toward Qingqiu, his face turned dark as he suddenly stood up with both his hands clenched into fists.

His face became even more pale as he punched, and his injuries became more serious.

“Boy! You must have a death wish!”

When Freed saw that Jiang Feng had instantly killed five of his men, his expression turned to shock as he quickly rushed toward Jiang Feng and hit his back.


After being ambushed by Freed and then receiving another of his palm strike, Jiang Feng was thrown aside as he coughed up a mouthful of blood. His injuries had become even more serious.

After striking Jiang Feng away, Freed then took out his handgun and fired at Qingqiu a few times before putting it away. He then focused his chi on his palm, striking at Qingqiu’s forehead.


Just before Freed’s attack on Qingqiu managed to connect, he opened up his eyes and a dragon’s roar could be heard from his mouth as his roar deflected all his bullets away.

After he negated all the bullets infused with chi, he suddenly jumped from the ground and his pair of hands transformed into dragon claws as he quickly faced Freed’s attack.


Their two palm strikes struck each other and their bodies were blown away.


But before he even landed on the ground, Qingqiu transformed into a giant Green Dragon and waved its claws, striking away all the enemies around him. Some were even killed by his strikes.

Freed had just stabilized his body as he frowned, heading straight toward Qingqiu again as he mumbled, “Damn it, I did not expect that the worm would be able to break through at a time like this!”


When he saw Freed rushing toward him, QIngqiu unleashed an angry roar. His giant body disappeared and reappeared in the next second next to Freed. He struck at Freed with his claw, striking him away.

Next, innumerable vines extended from the ground and shot toward Freed.

Freed activated and invested all his chi in his chi shield, blocking them. And then, he stepped on and jumped from a vine as he took out his gun, firing toward Qingqiu, trying to kill him using a hit and run tactic.

Unfortunately, he had just jumped off the vines before they quickly grew in numbers and entangled him.


Countless ice lances appeared in the air and crashed into him, depleting his chi shield.


After being attacked so many times, Freed’s chi shield had disappeared. And the moment that the chi shield disappeared, a dragon claw pierced through his abdomen.

“If you dare to hurt my boss, that means you must have a death wish!” Qingqiu said to Freed coldly, and then threw the chi crystal that he got out of Freed’s body into his mouth.

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