Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 138 Misunderstanding And First Formation

While Lothur was smiling at the improvements in his mental attributes, Elke stood beside her parents in a luxurious dining hall.

As usual, she was very well-dressed, with her wavy red hair loose on her shoulders, showing some of her recent happiness.

Her mother saw that her daughter had improved a lot in the last few days, seeming to be more relaxed about her fears and even more beautiful than ever.

'What's happening with her? Has something occurred?' Hilda paid attention to Elke's face, which still showed her recent improvements despite her worried look.

As her father tasted a steak and her mother analyzed her, Elke finally exposed the worries of her heart.

"Father, what do you want by inviting Lothur to dinner?" She looked at the man sitting at the end of the table they were at, feeling her heart leaping with worry in her chest.

"Nothing much..." Gomeric replied, still looking down at his plate, barely able to contain the smile on his face.

He and Elke's mother had already heard from the man who invited Lothur for tomorrow's dinner about this young man's behavior when visiting a brothel.

,m Because of this, the two felt much more comfortable knowing that Lothur was probably harmless next to their precious daughter.

He looked at his daughter and casually commented. "We just want to meet your friend. We've never seen you with a boy before, so it's only natural that your mother and I would talk to him."

"Hmmm." Hilda nodded and gave a playful smile to her daughter. "Are you by any chance worried about something, Elke? You wouldn't be embarrassed to introduce your friend to your old parents, would you?"

Elke felt nervous at her mother's look and promptly denied such a comment. "No, of course, I'm not embarrassed or worried! I just want to know the reason for this. I found it sudden that Mister Heinz appeared in our path today."

"So that's it?" Hilda wiped her lips, still smiling at her daughter's silly behavior. "Well, then there won't be any problems. As long as your friend is respectful to you, we're not opposed to your little relationship."

"Uh? Is that right?" Elke misunderstood the situation. 'They really don't see a problem? What do you mean? Didn't Mister Heinz happen to talk about how intimate Lothur is with me?'

"Hmm," her father stated. "But I still want to meet this fellow. I've heard some bad rumors about him..."

Elke shook her head and put her thoughts aside to defend Lothur. "Those rumors are unfounded! Lothur is an honorable person who protects his own and is sincere."

"Oh?" Her mother's eyes sharpened. "Can you tell me what you usually do?" She asked.

"As you may have already investigated, Lothur recently joined the Morning Star Academy. So, I often teach him about the academy or even help him with missions." She began to explain.

"Other than that, he is much smarter than the rumors given him credit. You will see that when you get to know him... Anyway, he has been helping me with certain matters as well."

"Really? Is that why you two constantly meet in the dormitory of your academy?" Her mother revealed that she knew this piece of information.


"Yes, he is helping me understand a certain technique..." She struggled not to blush in front of her parents. "Look at that. I'm a lot stronger because of it." She showed her fist to her mother, indicating for this woman to check her condition.

Frowning her eyebrows, Hilda tried to ignore the suspicion in her heart to check if this girl was being honest.

"What?" She said in surprise before looking at her husband.

"What is it, dear?"

"Elke is almost at the 3rd Transformation!" She said that.

Upon hearing such a thing, Gomeric got up from his seat and approached his daughter to analyze her constitution. "Indeed, she is almost there. Amazing!"

"Elke, how did you do that? Was it on account of that young man?"

She nodded quietly, modifying the truth a bit for her parents. "Lothur and I train together constantly..."

"Hahahaha, very good! I already like this kid!" Gomeric laughed, feeling good to see his not-so-talented daughter becoming stronger so quickly.

He then looked at her and said. "Elke, do your best to keep this up! This training is critical to you, so don't hesitate to do as much as possible with him!"

Hilda smiled in agreement. "If you can, try to get a little closer to him... Then, if something happens to that Frost family, we can offer a place for him in our family."

"What?" Elke looked at her mother in disbelief. 'Are you going to turn me over to him?'


She then looked at her father and saw this man nodding as he laughed. 'He even said I should continue my 'training' with Lothur...'

Elke clenched her fists and said determinedly. "I will do my best, mother, father!"


The other morning...

[Spiritual Piston Model] [Classification: Iron]

[Feature: a syringe capable of using the free spiritual energy in the atmosphere to generate a continued piston motion.]

[Reminder 1: it can be used for 100 hours before the cylinder cracks and loses its properties.]

[Reminder 2: the weight limit that can be moved before this prototype bursts is 1 kilogram.]

[Reminder 3: it will self-destruct if anyone tries to understand its inscriptions.]

Lothur observed the details of the makeshift syringe that he had just finished putting the last inscription on.

He smiled when he saw that such a thing could work and immediately connected it to a small wheel that he had improvised.

After everything was ready, he pressed it in a specific place, and soon after, the syringe started working, making that little wheel turn little by little.

"It works! Hahaha, it works!" He laughed in great satisfaction, noting that he would only need the small miniature that the carpenter Frederik was producing for him to make a proper test.

That was only a model, and he would need to make several inscriptions on the many components of his prototype vehicle. So, naturally, there was still a lot of work to be done before Lothur had the miniature needed to prove to a potential investor how valuable his ideas could be.

But still, seeing this thing working according to what he had planned was already an essential step for Lothur!

'Now I can already be considered a 1-star formation master!' He smiled as he stored those improvised items in his spatial ring.

"Well, I'll be able to take the test to get my registration before I get the miniature that Frederik is making. Then when I go to see coroner Klossner, I'll have something to prove my ability." He muttered as he finished dressing.

He then quickly met up with Annaliese to go to the academy.

"What's the matter with you? You look tired." She touched one of her brother-in-law's arms, coming closer to him in concern.

"I finished producing my first formation, so I'm a little tired." He sighed as he smelled the delicious perfume of his sister-in-law.

"Oh? Have you already learned that profession? So quickly?" Annaliese was surprised at such information.

She had no idea what Lothur's talent was. But since people in first contact with a profession took months to achieve such a thing, she was shocked at his speed.

Besides, even talented formation masters usually started learning the symbols of 1-star inscriptions during childhood. So, it was unexpected for Lothur to handle it so quickly.

"That's amazing, Lothur!" She said after thinking for a moment. "What have you done? Quick, show me!"

"I made a necessary formation to that vehicle I talked to you about..." He then showed her that thing, making this woman look at him full of admiration.

"Are you impressed with your brother-in-law, Anna?" He winked at her. "Maybe I deserve a kiss, huh?"

Hearing that, Annaliese forgot what she was watching and giggled before she moved closer to him and kissed him on one of his cheeks.

"That's it? I thought I deserved more..."


"Don't you think you should get some rest?" She asked. "In your condition, people at the academy will think you're sick!"

"Anna, I don't know what you think of other people, but I feel more energetic when I'm with a beautiful woman like you..."

He looked at her with desire. "If you want to help me, come here."

Annaliese saw him slapping his hands on his thighs and squeezed her hands firmly. "You like to take risks..."

After closing the curtains on the windows of this carriage, she sat on his lap and began to kiss him.


The two continued to do this for a few moments until the speed of their carriage slowed, and the two separated.

Then, they looked at each other with various meanings in their eyes, without saying a single word about it.

He then vaguely commented as the coachman opened the door of that carriage. "I'll soon be able to sign up for that place... Then, after that, we can get on with that mission."

"Oh? How long will that take?" She asked in interest.

"I think at most another week..."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too." He laughed just before the two parted ways.

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