This is the outcome he wanted when he made that contract so why would she want to ignore him when the result is manifesting?

"I don't care. I am a danger to you so just keep your distance? I don't want what happened in the bathroom that day to repeat itself," Jasmine said as she wriggled her hand out of his grip. Jackson stares at her, lost at what to say or do to make her put an end to what she was trying to do.

Why is Jasmine being so unfair to me?

Jackson thought as he went to his seat.

The two of them ate in silence. After they were done, Jasmine changed his bandage. She was so relieved when she saw that his wounds were getting much better. She went home after she was done. Jackson was both sad and angry to be treated this way but he didn't voice out his displeasure.

The following day, Jackson was working on a set of files in his office when his two friends arrived. Despite having seen them he acted as though he wasn't aware of their presence.

"Jack, what is wrong? Why haven't you been answering our calls? Do you know how worried we have been?" Steve sitting on the couch with Jeff sitting beside him asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, we even dropped by at your mansion but your gate refused to open. I guess you told your employees to block off every visitor," Jeff added in a calm tone.

"Do you know that Jasmine did not speak to me for an entire day and when we finally met she asked me to stay away from her? Can you believe that she ignored me even though we were in the same place?" Jackson said as he abandoned his word and went to meet the guys. He did not even care to answer their questions.

"Why would she do that? Did your date with her that day not go as planned?" Jeff blurted out forgetting that Catherine never mentioned that he was with her when she called Jackson that day.

"How did you know that Jasmine and I went out on a date? I don't recall mentioning about my date to the two of you," Jackson said as he threw suspicious glances at Jeff.

"How did you know about his date, spill the beans," Steve said in a commanding tone.

"Cat and I were together when she called you. That day was her birthday so I took her out...,"

"Oh yeah, Jasmine called me to ask about your whereabouts in the morning and she sounded very furious. When you came back I forgot to ask you where you took Jasmine's best friend to. I was so afraid she will murder you when you came back. Tell us what happened that day, who knows we might be able to know why Jasmine is treating our beloved best friend like this," Steve said in a serious tone.

"My outing with Catherine does not have anything to do with Jasmine's anger towards JK, so why do you want to know...,"

"Tell us the story and we will be the judge," Steve replied sternly.


"Say the damn story. I will so much skin you alive if I find out at the end that you are the source of my predicament," Jackson said coldly, leaving Jeff with no other choice but to reveal the dark secret he had been trying to hide.

He began relaying the story from when he entered the mansion with a bouquet of roses. At the end of the narration, Steve eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

"You and Catherine had sex in the farmhouse? How did you perform the magic? Did you put honey in your mouth while you were talking to her? Did you both even used protection?" Steve bombarded him with questions.

"I don't know how it happened. We just ended up doing the deed and under the situation, we were in, where would I have gotten a condom?" Jeff asked in a serious tone.

"What if a little bun began developing inside of her because of what happened between the two of you?" Steve asked not giving Jeff a space to breathe.

"And how was the sex, was she sweet or did she have a sour taste? Were you the one who dominated her or was it the usual fierce Catherine who dominated you....,"

"What naughty questions are those? Have you forgotten that we were supposed to help JK with his relationship with Jasmine?" Jeff who didn't want to answer his question used Jackson as a cover-up.

"You are right about that. The most urgent issue is making Jasmine go back to how she normally acts with Jack but that doesn't mean that we won't continue with your story later," Steve said in a serious tone.

"JK, since she won't talk to you in your home, how about you go to her office? I am sure she won't continue to ignore you there...,"

"So she will not hesitate to have her men throw me out of her office and what excuse am I gonna give her when I get there?" Jackson countered Jeff's point.

"You are right about that. The intelligent Jasmine will become very suspicious of you if you do this so I agree this particular suggestion is not right," Steve supported.

"Jack, how part taking her out on a dinner date..,"

"Are you crazy, didn't you hear when I told you that she said I should keep a safe distance from her?" Jackson counterattack Steve's point again.

"I know ordinarily she won't agree to it but not if you use the term in the contract she signed," Steve completed his earlier sentence.

"Yeah, Steve is right. She thinks you are in love with someone else, so you can use the excuse of checking out the venue of the date with her. She won't say no if you do this," Jeff supported as the two of them waited to hear Jackson's opinion. That is the best idea they could come up with at the moment and they believe it will work.

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