Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss

Chapter 515: Just Pretend I Was Never Here

Chapter 515: Just Pretend I Was Never Here

Huo Yao’s decision to let the patient take a decoction produced with a C grade prescription was an unexpected move.

Pei Rong picked up a porcelain bottle and placed the pills inside before he raised his head to look at his younger brother. “What did you want to ask earlier?”

Pei Feng shook his head. “Nothing. What grade are the pills you created using her prescription?”

He reached his hand out as he spoke and wanted to take the bottle from Pei Rong for a look, but failed.

“It is ungraded,” replied Pei Rong calmly before he left with the porcelain bottle.

Pei Feng awkwardly pulled his hand back. He muttered as he gazed at Pei Rong from behind. “Why can’t I take a look if it’s ungraded?”

Pei Feng shook his head but didn’t say anything further. He lowered his head to put away the apparatus on the table. After cleaning up, he suddenly remembered what he wanted to ask his brother.

He had completely forgotten to ask about Huo Yao’s ability to produce 20 pills in a single batch after that interlude.

Nevermind. It was no big deal.


Huo Yao did not head to school after leaving the Pei residence. Instead, she hailed a cab and went home.

Huo Yao stood at the villa entrance and was about to enter the password when she looked up and saw a man standing in the garden with his back facing her. He seemed to be looking around and studying the place.

A prominent long scar that ran from his ear to the back of his head could be seen when he looked to the side.

Huo Yao’s hand paused as she raised her brow slightly. What was this man doing at her place?

Yang Yi seemed to detect Huo Yao looking at her, so he turned around with a stern look on his face, but it disappeared the moment he saw her. Instead, he looked surprised.

It seemed he had not expected Huo Yao to come home at this hour.

Huo Yao entered the password unhurriedly and walked in after the door opened.

“Hi, Miss Huo.” Yang Yi did not seem nervous and greeted her courteously when she approached him.

Huo Yao stood before him. “What are you doing here?”

“I came with Old Master Min,” explained Yang Yi succinctly.

Huo Yao looked at the villa door for two seconds before she asked calmly. “When did the old man get here?”

Yang Yi’s temples throbbed when he heard the way Huo Yao talked about Old Master Min. She must be the only person to ever do that.

Even his boss would never blatantly talk about Old Master Min that way.

“He just got here,” replied Yang Yi.

“I see,” acknowledged Huo Yao before she turned to leave.

Yang Yi felt puzzled. “???”

Yang Yi scratched his head and asked Huo Yao quizzically. “Miss Huo, didn’t you just get here? Are you leaving already?”

Huo Yao halted in her steps briefly. “Uh huh.”

She pondered before she turned to ask him. “Is Min Yu home?”

Yang Yi was already accustomed to the way Huo Yao said his boss’ name so candidly. He shook his head. “Nope.”

Old Master Min came over to visit precisely because Min Yu was not home.

Huo Yao turned back to raise her hand and waved as her voice came from afar. “Just pretend I was never here.”

Yang Yi went into a daze. “...”

Why did he have a feeling that Huo Yao suddenly left the Huo residence because Old Master Min was around?

What on earth had Old Master Min done to make Huo Yao avoid him to this extent?

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