Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 184: Second Number Trainer is Going Smoothly.

Even though we had a disagreement due to differences in opinion, it’s Ariella who would be more regretful if she let me go.

I reaffirmed that King Dick is a formidable weapon against milfs and mature women.

I didn’t expect the flow to be interrupted by Her Majesty the Emperor’s summons, but my feelings didn’t change much.

‘I’ll just continue when I get back.’

Evelyn, the higher up of the Breakers.

─She’s probably lower in rank than the “First Number”.

I don’t know yet if she’s the real bigshot or not.

The reason for the summons.

I think it’s because of my contact with Evelyn.

Her Majesty is merciful to Collapsers on her side, but not to her enemies.

I could sense that from my conversation with Evelyn.


I don’t know what’s there,

Or what happens to Collapsers who defy the Emperor, but.

I didn’t think it was a big deal.

My position is quite different from other Collapsers.

Even though we only met once, I firmly believed in Emperor Sihyeon.

What does Her Majesty the Emperor think?

It seemed like I could find out in today’s meeting.

‘It’s my first time meeting her alone….’

It’s a chance to freely talk about things we couldn’t before.

“We’ve arrived.”

“Huh? We haven’t entered the Magnetar Center yet.”

No, looking outside, it’s a plain.

Either the knight mistook the destination, or.

A trap?

“Her Majesty ordered me to bring you here.”



This is the place I used to wander around when I was in a party with Cren and dealing with the shells….

Since I’ve only been in the city, my weak modern blood cries out.


I might die!

…Just kidding.

I’ve already said goodbye to my days as a street fighter, so I could tell by the flow of mana that there was no threat here.

I got off the dragon carriage and looked around.

Seeing Her Majesty the Emperor, whom I had only seen from behind a veil, standing with her legs exposed made my mouth water.

Her silhouette is amazing.

Is this really the body of a woman who has lived for a thousand years? It doesn’t seem to lose to Seina’s.

“Hey, Taeyang! Over here, over here.”

The Emperor, Sihyeon, waved at me.

I straightened my back and approached her.


What’s this?

My libido suddenly disappeared, and my mind became clear.

Before I could even think about what was happening, Sihyeon strode right up to me.

“Whoa. Your Majesty the Emperor.”

“Welcome, my Korean brother!”

She’s the spitting image of Seina, but definitely more cheerful.

Was it true that she used to be a man?

To me, she just seemed like… a tomboyish older sister. Her smile was bright, and her freely exposed body had prominent feminine curves.

No, I’m not horny. I’m just listing her characteristics.

But what’s with Her Majesty’s attire?

“You are Her Majesty the Emperor, right?”

“Why, can’t an emperor dress comfortably?”

No, I just thought her outfit was quite something.

Like she was at the beach.

Short denim shorts that revealed her thighs, a tank top, and a sun cap….

Her shoes were light sandals, and if she had a pedicure on her toes, I wouldn’t have believed she was once a man.

Even though the sun was quite strong today, Her Majesty the Emperor was in full leisure mode.

“Yo! It feels like we’re at the beach with the two of us standing here!”

“Your outfit is quite something.”

“Recognize it? It’s the latest fashion in the Dragon District!”

The beach….

I also have tanned skin.

We became a strangely matching pair, but I couldn’t shake off the strange feeling I had since earlier and stared intently at Her Majesty’s cleavage.

Hmm, why don’t I feel like doing it? Is it because she was originally a man?

“Ah, are you bothered by why you’re not horny?”

“Huh? Ah… Was there a reason?”

“I turned off my aura. My aura is special, you see, all the men in the city would rush to have sex with me.”


“It took me 300 years to learn how to turn it off, ahaha.”

Then before she learned….

No, let’s not think too deeply about it.

“So, how have you been?”

“Yes, I had sex with Seina, and I’m currently training Ariella.”

“Just as I expected. Keep increasing your bloodline at this rate.”

“It’s a bit awkward to ask right after you mentioned having sex, but is it okay for a guy like me to impregnate your daughter?”

“I also didn’t want my daughter to see other men for 400 years. But then she grew up to be a mama’s girl who couldn’t even talk to men.”

…Time really changes a lot of things.

“Seina finally graduated from being a virgin, now if I just get Seola….”

“Are you planning to throw your daughters at me one by one?”

“No, they’re all pretty, you know? Really. Seola has big boobs too.”


Is this person… the Emperor…?

This is dizzying.

“By the way, it’s surprising that Ariella opened up to you.”

“Maybe the tentacle cave threat worked?”

“No way, she’s not a woman who would succumb to such threats. If she didn’t like you, she would have entered the tentacle cave.”


She’s quite upright.

I think she would have done that too.

“Shall we get to the main point?”


“First, the reason I called you! I heard you made contact with the Breaker in the Devil District?”

As expected.

“It was a young girl. She introduced herself as Evelyn.”

“Hmm, as expected.”

As expected?

“Ah, I’ll tell you later. After I’ve gathered some information from this side.”

“She was badmouthing Your Majesty, saying that Collapsers are inevitably enemies of the Emperor.”

“Aren’t you scared?”


“If you tell me everything like that, you might really face something terrifying.”

“I believe in you, hyung.”


Sihyeon’s eyes widened, and she looked me up and down.

“I apologize if I was too presumptuous.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve heard someone call me hyung. I’m a bit touched.”

“Well, since you turned off your aura…. I thought it would be better to be friendly.”

“I grant you permission to be on a first-name basis.”

“Thank you.”

K-loyalty is strong.

“Why you trust me so much?”

“Because we’re both Korean.”

“That’s right!”

Sihyeon swung her arm, and I instinctively blocked it with my own, crossing them.


I can feel that her hand is soft when we hold them together….

But I don’t feel any sexual desire.

“If you were Japanese, I would have executed you and fed you to the dogs!”

“Is it okay to say such barbaric things?”

“I’m the boss here, so what?”

The boss….

I feel a strange generation gap.

“It’s normal for many Collapsers to express hatred towards me.”

“Did you conduct some evil experiments?”

“I couldn’t, I don’t have any science background.”

I see.

She took a liberal arts major.


Is that the issue here?

“Wait, you can ordered someone else to….”

“Just laugh it off!”

“Ahahaha. That’s hilarious, Your Majesty the Emperor! Ahahaha.”

I forced a laugh.

Forced laugh = fake enthusiasm.

If Her Majesty tells me to laugh, and roll on the ground, I have to do it.

“There was a great war in the past.”


“Did you think it was boring?”

“No, not really.”

“When I was in Korea, the great war mentioned in the introduction was a basic foundation for mass-produced works.”

“I don’t think it’s much different now. Isn’t it popular because it’s a basic setting?”

“Ah, I want to eat gukbap.”

…What’s this?

This comfortable feeling, like talking to a same-sex friend with a dick.

We’re saying what we want, but the conversation flows.

“To summarize, I’m a succubus, so I can get stronger by absorbing men’s essence, but even after devouring a few cities, it wasn’t enough, so….”

“I heard you wiped out the orcs.”

“I also wiped out the Collapsers, hmm, I wonder if the baby would also be a Collapser if I had a baby with a Collapser, I think I gave birth to about 900….”


I think I could have lived without hearing that.

It was even terrifying.

What kind of life have you lived, hyung?

“You get the gist, right? I treated them like livestock and used them as batteries.”

“If I were the hero, Your Majesty would have been the axis of evil.”

“Hero? You? No way. Hahaha.”

“I also have a sense of justice and conscience.”

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

Her Majesty’s laughter disappeared.

“The hero is already here.”


“Of course, they’re alive and well. Those despicable things.”

“Why are you telling me all this?”

“You said you trust me because I’m Korean. I trust you too, but there’s another reason.”

“Another reason?”

“Because you’re a Collapser.”

“Collapser…. Because my power will be helpful to Your Majesty?”

“It’s a bit different, I’ll tell you something you don’t know here. In this world, there are gods called Transcenders.”


I thought it was possible.

I’ve thrown away a lot of common sense from my time in Korea with yesterday and today’s realizations, so there’s a lot of free space in my mind now.

There are divine beings? That’s possible.

“The Transcenders are looking down on us from the sky. Each of them has a different protagonist they support.”

“Do they interfere as well?”

“Quite often, but as the rank of this world has increased, it seems like the lower gods can’t interfere carelessly anymore.”

I don’t understand what she’s saying.

“You don’t need to know this. In short, it’s not fun if only one side wins, so the Transcenders sometimes interfere with the game.”

“Interfere with the game?”

“When I became the Emperor of this world and there were no more opponents, the gate opened. There was a grace period, but.”

“Was that the Transcenders’ doing?”

“Yes, and three Collapsers called the First Number appeared from the gate. Do you understand?”

“Those Collapsers… are like apostles sent to destroy the world you built?”

“They don’t even know they’re being played, but cheats are pouring in to bring me down.”

“Hyung, you’re amazing. To have maintained the empire until now.”

I wouldn’t know what to do against such a formidable existence.

“Amazing, you say? Look at all the trouble I’ve caused.”


“I even tried to seal the gate with concrete.”



I feel a sense of familiarity from Her Majesty’s pretty mouth.

“I tried every method I could think of, but physically, I couldn’t stop it. So, I had to do something about the humans who kept coming over. This story is getting too long, so let’s continue it next time.”

“But I wanted to hear it.”

“I’m too impatient to tell long stories.”


“Anyway! After the First Number came over, the empire weakened as the Transcenders intended. It’s at the point where it could collapse with a single push.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Why do you think I’m in this city? The moment I fail to manage the gate and this city is destroyed, the empire is over.”


“But the good news starts now.”

“Good news?”

“Didn’t I say? The Transcenders interfere with the game.”


Her Majesty pointed her finger at me.



“I could easily guess that the ‘Second Number’ would be a Collapser on the empire’s side.”

…So I went through an interview and passed thanks to some unknown power.

It makes sense that we’re connected as people from the same time period and origin.

“I needed to observe continuously to find out who the Second Number was… but you’re my first reinforcement!”

“Can I run away?”


Sihyeon grabbed my arm.

“Help me out. With your mysterious cheat power.”

“I don’t have anything like that.”

“No, you definitely came over as the First Number’s opponent.”

“Even though my abilities are a bit special, it’s not a convenient power. It’s just like hypnosis in manga….”

“I’ve looked into your activities a little bit.”

Sihyeon took out my trainer license with the Milf Hunter mark.


“Milf Hunter, Geum Taeyang!”

“Why do you have my license, hyung?”

“I need to know what kind of person you are to understand why the Transcenders sent you.”

“That’s true, but my specialty is just making married women go crazy by fucking them.”

It’s not a characteristic that can be compared to a hero in any way.

“What if the first Collapser… is a married man!”


The hero….

Is a married man!?

The hero’s wife… exists…!?

“Doesn’t it fire you up!?”

“…No, it’s a bit much to assume based on that alone.”

“Hehehe, you are the Emperor’s sword, Geum Taeyang!”


…Please be a little more reserved. Please.

Still, her pretty face felt like cheating.

“Tell me how you took over this empire, hyung. Later.”

“That’s a bit…. It’s an embarrassing memory.”


Sihyeon hesitated.

“Since you’ve become my blood family, remember this, Taeyang.”


“…Embarrassing memories don’t disappear even after a thousand years.”


It was advice that hit home.

Anyway, the place Her Majesty led me to had another dragon carriage.

It’s only natural since Her Majesty came in a dragon carriage too.

“There’s something I want to show you.”

Sihyeon went back to the cargo hold and called me.

What is it?

It’s tied up tightly with ropes, as if something terrible would happen if someone cut it.

“Cut this.”

Since the servants were all keeping their distance at Sihyeon’s command, it seemed like I had no choice but to do it myself.

“Move aside, hyung.”

I took out Dawn Moon and cut the ropes.

It’s tougher than I thought.

“Oh my, that’s not how you saw.”

“This isn’t a saw, hyung.”

“Give it to me.”

Sihyeon herself struggled with Dawn Moon.

…Her strength was truly feminine.

“Damn it, I should have called Seina too.”

As if her impatience was real, Sihyeon was already getting irritated.

Realizing Her Majesty’s displeasure, the servants rushed over and started untying the knots.

“Why did you tie it so tightly! Do you want to die?”

“I-I’m sorry!”

“Hurry up and untie it.”

I’m strangely nervous.

What’s going to come out? What’s with this endless anxiety?


The cloth was removed, and the servants stepped back.

“Uncover it.”

I did as Sihyeon said and removed the cloth.


Inside, there were a bunch of corpses!

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