Chapter 225 CH 219: BEAUTIFUL DREAM

Dream Walkers were divided into many different levels with the top of the food chain being the ones with the ability to directly travel from dream to dream with absolutely no problem whatsoever no matter where they were in the world and no matter where the dream wielders were, It was almost like teleportation for them.

In fact, for high-level dream walkers, the Sea of Subconscious was no different from a very large plaza where they would sometimes meet to make deals and exchange information with each other. It was more akin to a communication hub for the ones with the ability to Dreamwalk.

Such was the nature of this place.

Obviously, Adam still had a very long way to go before he would be able to reach the top level… He was talented but not enough to straight out access the highest level of Dreamwalking from the get-go.

What he could do though, was enter the dreams of people who were asleep by making contact with their body.

Furthermore, it was necessary for the person entering the dream to have a certain affinity with the one they were visiting the dream of.

They also had to make sure that the person was in a joyous or relaxing mood before falling asleep to establish a connection to their dream realm.

Failing to fulfill those conditions would not make entering a dream impossible but the difficulty would increase exponentially.

Thankfully… Adam was more than just sure that in the current situation, Hae-Won's mental defenses toward him were at their lowest state.

This was also why he did not even bother with asking her about any of her deepest secrets.

He did not wish to make her raise her vigilance toward him and have the utmost trust in him no matter what.

"Let's go."


When Adam opened his eyes or what he thought were his eyes in the next moment, he found himself floating above a small land of ice and frost.

This place was a representation of Hae-Won's psyche. A mental world that represented her mental condition in its most realistic state.

The island was extremely far but at the same time extremely sparse. There were no decorations in the surroundings, nor was it particularly taken care of. It was easy to tell that fact about it with only a glance. It was very desolate and felt abandoned more than anything else. A deep sense of loneliness pervaded the whole island.

"This feels weird."

Adam spoke… thought?

He didn't know exactly what was the correct term at the moment. Even though he had left the normal world and was now in the world of dreams, he felt like absolutely nothing had changed with him and felt like he had just come to an unknown land with his whole body. It was still the same world. It was still the same him. Just a different place at a different time, or so his mind was telling him.

"Cinder, are you alright?"

Something seemed to flash and he went from gazing at the island from above to sitting on a reclining chair while relaxing under the light of the sun.

Next to him, Hae-Won(?) or what looked like to be a far younger Hae-Won was speaking to him in a slightly concerned tone.

If he had to pinpoint it, he had the impression that she was now barely in her twenties rather than her ravishing form of thirties.


"I am sorry. I was just a little dazed by your appearance. You are looking really beautiful in that dress."

And for once in all of this charade with her, this was the whole truth. Outside of the fact that Hae-Won was wearing a very beautiful and thought-provoking black swimsuit that contrasted nicely with her pale skin, this whole situation was proving to be very perplexing to him. Unlike what happened during his fight against Asmodeus, he had a hard time taking control of the dream and he felt like he was simply being pushed over by Hae-Won's will or the will of her dream world.

It was like trying to take control of a wild horse in a rodeo that was constantly trying to make you fall on the ground and you had no choice but to hold on to it for dear life.

'I guess the first step should be to be able to create my own dream before trying to control the dream of others, huh…'

Adam sighed and understood that this lack of control was simply because of his own inadequacy in handling dreams. He was just not experienced enough to instantly take control. But slowly, and surely, he was getting the hang of the situation.

'I should make her relax some more.'

He didn't particularly need to, in all honesty. His compliment was enough to make Hae-Won blush slightly and cause her to giggle like some young teen. Soon, she made a small twirl to show off her beautiful and youthful body to him.

"I am happy that you like it. I thought it was a little too bold of me to wear something like this but the saleswoman told me this would definitely make you happy;"

"She was right."

Adam grinned nonchalantly while looking around the island in the most natural way possible.

"Speaking of which, could you remind me why we decided to come to this island?"

ƥαṇdα- ηθνε|·ƈθm He spoke in a joking tone but those words seemed to be totally ignored as Hae-Won approached and hugged him with her arms.

"I am so happy, you know, honey? You have been doing a lot of work recently. I am happy you chose to take a vacation with me."

'I guess in this dream I am her husband.'

Dreams were sometimes a reflection of our inner desire and it wasn't hard to see through the fantasy Hae-Won was harboring right now. It was both charming and a cause for concern for him. But seeing that she loved him so much that she even dreamed of dedicating her love and devotion to him and marrying him was something that made him feel immense interest in her thought process.

'Speaking of that…'

He touched his face, realizing that he was not wearing his mask.

"Give me a moment."

Standing up, he walked back to the cabin and thankfully found a mirror large enough to see his face. The reflection that greeted him was a face worthy of giving him a jump scare.

It was an entirely featureless face. From nose to ears and even eyes, everything was lacking.

Adam understood that this was how her subconscious saw him as she had never seen what he looked like behind the mask.

'Okay. Now that my curiosity is sated. I guess it should be time for me to start the main course.'

Adam lifted his hand before grabbing the air violently.

His power had finally managed to connect with this current dream and like a virus on the internet, he could infiltrate all her dreams and take control of all of them slowly but surely.

While swimsuits on the beach were good and all, he still had more important things to take care of than enjoying this dream with a younger Hae-Won.

A crack appeared in this dream world before causing it to break helplessly.

When Adam opened his eyes once again, he found himself wearing a black tuxedo while holding Hae-Won's hands in his, the two of them dancing to the tune of the small orchestra.

This was not exactly what he had in mind when he decided to change her dream. But this was pretty close to what he was after.

"You are a very good dancer."

"I learned it in my spare time to make you happy."

When did she even have the time for this?

"Then you did a very good job. But you know…"

He brought his face closer to her ears and muttered in the most sensual way possible.

"There are other ways you could use your time to make me happy, remember?"

Hae-Won looked up, her eyes moist with lust.

Adam wondered briefly if having sex while inside the dream world would count as masturbation or true sex.

Would she wake up with a new stain that was too hard to cover(?) or would it count as sex?

What would sex in a dream world even feel like?

This was something worth pondering but now, it was time to get all his investment's worth by milking out all the information from her mind.

"Tell me everything you know about the Blue Sharks."

The world trembled, the dreams becoming unstable. But Adam ignored all of that and pressed on.

All that was necessary was for her to spill the bins and he would make sure everyone had a part to play in this dream that he was about to control for himself.

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