Chapter 205 CH 199: WHAT IS AGE? WHAT IS JAIL?

The sounds of splashing water echoed inside of the bathroom; hazy streams of steam rise into the air, covering the enchanting scene hidden underneath the realm of fog from being displayed openly to the world. 

The bathroom was very spacious and the overall design of the interior was designed in the theme of Victorian antiquity. The luxurious drapings adorning the walls and the intricate designs made it worthy to house the royalty and in the middle of such luxury was a spacious bathtub that was large enough to accommodate more than two or three people at a time.

Resting inside the hot water of the steamy bath, Shuri sighed heavily, feeling the day's weariness literally melt away from her body as though it never even existed in the first place. Her mind now felt utterly refreshed and invigorated and she was now able to calmly assess the current circumstances at hand.

But, at this very moment, her thoughts were not filled with matters such as her first visit to the renowned host bar, which had been surprisingly enjoyable by a large margin, or the fact that she had just faced death through what could only be called an assassination attempt.

No. The only thing that occupied her mind right now was the fact that… downstairs, just below the room she was currently situated in, sat a patiently waiting Adam whose wait was only meant for her.

'Shuri, Shuri, you stupid woman… just what the hell were you thinking?'

Adam was the son of her friend, maybe even best friend, and she had seen him grow up from a tiny toddler to the young man he was now with her own eyes.

A young, fit, and very, very handsome young man, so to speak. Her face flushed as she thought about the sensations of his muscular and well-defined body hugging her so tightly in its gentle embrace.

'Get a grip already!'

She shouted in her mind in order to calm down her frantically beating heart and chase away any and all inappropriate pictures that she was continuously weaving in her mind without a sign of stopping like some lustful deviant. 

She didn't know why… but today, she felt innumerably more excited than any other day and could somehow feel everything more vividly than usual. 

She could only chalk this phenomenon up to that stupid decision of hers to drink a staggering quantity of wine during her stay at the host club in addition to the earlier life-and-death situation keeping her mind on the edge. After all, she would have never let Adam enter her home at this time of the day if her judgment had not been impaired for one reason or another. She vehemently told herself of that fact as though brainwashing herself to have complete belief in that statement.

'Sigh~ Let's focus on the important matters.'

She needed to find out who had attacked her some time ago and the reason behind this sudden attack. There was no way that this life-threatening event she was now a part of would stop after just a single attempt at her life. If the ultimate goal was taking her life then they would target her once more and at that time… she might not be as lucky as she had been earlier today.

Death was all too real an outcome for her now.

'I really made a mistake.'

Nothing like thinking about the possibility of dying to wake someone up even from the deepest haze that their mind could be in.

Her eyes changed. Gone was the confused young woman who acted like a high schooler who had just found out that she had a crush on someone for the first time in their life.

In place of that naive girl was now the ruthless lawyer with many widespread connections in her arsenal. She knew that the chance of her being attacked in the incoming days was rather slim and nearly non-existent if thought rationally. They would know that she was about to reinforce her defense and this was where the problem lay.

After all, she could not guard eternally against an invisible enemy that she had no idea about and wasn't sure when they would strike now, could she? As long as they stayed in the darkness, like an invisible dagger aiming at her from behind, she would one day let her guard down again and get shot dead by their heartless methods.

And due to that, what she needed now wasn't to defend but to counterattack. She needed to find her target and clearly learn the motive behind the attack otherwise, she would never be able to rest with her two eyes closed with that invisible blade waiting in the shadows for her negligence.

'One of my relatives perhaps?'

It wouldn't be outside of possibility, to be honest. She had already made it clear that the vast majority of her wealth would not go to her relatives. But as she was now, she had been childless even after years of marriage, perhaps offing her and inheriting the money was not in their plans?

'I nearly finished all the preparation to transfer the wealth to Adam but I wanted to keep it a secret for now.'

As Adam was now, he was too vulnerable. Those vultures would stop at nothing to attain their goals and this might affect Adam and Cecilia's life negatively.

But if she made it clear that she already had a will, the attack might stop. Of course, perhaps she was making a problem out of nothing and that it was just an outlier.

'I need to make everything clear.'

She chuckled and slowly stood up from the bath, the water slowly streamed down from her beautiful body and enchantingly bountiful curves.

Walking toward the mirror, she observed herself keenly. It might have been a little narcissistic of her but she believed that despite her age she was still an extremely beautiful and desirable woman. She was only in her late 30s. after all, and time had yet to leave a trace on her supple and alluring body.

Her breasts were large and full. A little too large, she thought in her mind, as they sometimes hurt her shoulders badly but even despite the years, they were not sagging and in fact still stood proud and unwavering; ready to seduce her prey. Her thighs were supple, and she regularly did sports and went to the gym. She did just enough so that her body would not become overly toned and muscular but would still stay healthy, well, and fit for any task.

She had a small bush coiling above her private parts that was well-trimmed but not so much that it could be said to be completely shaved. It was something that had been instilled in her for as long as she could remember by her parents. After all, in their tradition, being completely shaved was not something acceptable by society.

'I wonder what I look like from the perspective of a young man?'

She blushed, imagining Adam putting his hands on her supple body, slowly going from the top of her breasts to her most secret place. She wondered what expression he would have if he saw her naked body in its full glory. What would he do to her? Which part of her body would he fixate on?

She could see him trailing kisses down her collarbones while his fingers moved in and out in order to bring her to climax.

The vividness of the picture in her mind made her blush heavily and she became even more embarrassed about the current situation and her thoughts when she realized that her nipples were standing straight as if they were ready to cut diamonds already. Furthermore, she could feel a certain stickiness trailing down in her privates and she was pretty sure that this sensation wasn't due to the water.

'Get a grip on yourself, woman!'

She really felt like she was acting like some girl facing her first love and thinking of being one with them. But in a way, was it not the case?

She could not really say that her situation when she was with her husband was some deep story about endless love and passion. A dry marriage, a monotonous life, with no spark or explosion of the vivid colors of emotions supporting their journey together. Merely a bleak and achromatic road filled with normalcy.

'Let's go.'

She thought about Cinder and the advice he had given her today and decided to simply have some fun with Adam and stop thinking hard about complicated things. Perhaps she was behaving like a predator but who really cared about that? She knew that she didn't/

Wasn't age just a number?

"And jail is just a room."

She laughed at her own corny joke and moved on to her room. She had made him wait long enough already.

All she had to do now was to find some good wine and have a discussion with him, try to find what he was doing nowadays, give him a room, and make sure that he leaves tomorrow and reaches his home safe and sound.

Nothing more would happen. Just a normal conversation between a nephew and his aunt.

She had nothing to reproach herself and her best friend would not wring her neck because of her indecent mind and actions.

She just needed to focus now. 

It would be simple, right?



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