Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 74 - 74: Become His Secretary

The next morning, Savannah arrived at the Sterling Group at about nine o 'clock, according to the office hours. She heaved a deep sigh as she stepped into the elevator. Her one-week working life began.

When the elevator door slid open, Savannah walked out and was confronted by a very attractive, groomed, blonde young woman who rose from a desk of sandstone to greet her. "Miss Schultz as expected. I'm Isa Miller, Mr. Sterling's chief secretary, Mr. Sterling asked me to receive you here."

Savannah looked at the young woman in front of her. She's wearing a sharp purple suit jacket and white shirt. She looked immaculate with a slim figure. Dylan's chief secretary was so young and beautiful. "Nice to meet you, Miss Miller." Savannah smiled politely to her.

Miller took Savannah to a seat next to the president's office. "Miss Schultz, this is your seat. Mr. Sterling will make internal calls when he wants you. When not busy, you can surf the Internet or read a magazine. If you have any problems, you can also ask me."

It seemed that this week's secretarial work wouldn't be very hard. "Thank you. Just call me, Savannah." Savannah looked around and said. She was her colleague this week, and it seemed strange to be called Miss Schultz. After making everything clear, Miller went back to her seat.

As soon as she sat down, two assistants came up to her together,

"Miller, is that girl the new secretary? Was our company hiring? I haven't heard from HR yet…"

"She's hired by Mr. Sterling directly," Miller said. "I was just informed last night that she would help me share some of the work these days."

The two assistants were surprised. "Miller is in charge of the daily business of the president. What's the use of another person? Will she separate your power?" "Miller has worked for the company for so long and organizes everything for the president. What would the new secretary do? The girl looks only twenty years old. She's so young. Could she do any better than Miller?"

Miller slightly frowned. She has only been the chief secretary since Mr. Sterling took control of the group. When Mr. Sterling told her last night that a new secretary would come today, she was a little surprised. Although this girl wouldn't stay for long, she still felt uncomfortable.

She tried to wear an air of neutral calm in front of the two assistants. "Mr. Sterling wants to add a secretary, and what can we say as his subordinates?" "But say--what is the girl's background? Did the president personally hire her?"

"Miller, what's the relationship between the president and the girl?" Last night, Mr. Sterling didn't mention Savannah's identity, and Miller didn't ask much as a dutiful secretary. "Mr. Sterling didn't say. Well, stop asking questions. Mr. Sterling would be angry if he knew we're talking about him."

The two assistants were obviously very interested in Savannah, glancing at Savannah secretly.

"I find the girl to be a bit familiar... " "Oh, I remember! My boyfriend likes to read car magazines, and I saw her in a famous car advertisement. It seems she is an advertising model."

"How did Mr. Sterling get such a young model to work as a secretary? Oh, my god, is this girl Mr. Sterling's mistress...?" "No, Mr. Sterling is such a self-disciplined man with not even an affair. How could he be a model?" "If not, how could this little model come to be Mr. Sterling's secretary?"

"Oh, no matter what the relationship between this girl and Mr. Sterling, today she can be a secretary, will she take away Miller's power as the new chief secretary tomorrow?"

"Probably not, Miller is quite a capable secretary to Mr. Sterling." "Well, maybe. Anyway, Miller, be careful!"

As the two assistants kept gossiping, Miller's face darkened gradually. She stared at Savannah with mixed feelings. "Don't talk about this anymore." She shouted to the two assistants at a low voice. "No matter what's the relationship between Savannah and Mr. Sterling, it's none of our business. We just do what Mr. Sterling tells us to do! Go to work now!"

The two assistants shut up when they saw Miller was frustrated, so they nodded and left. Miller calmed herself down and threw herself into the work of today. With a stack of papers that needed to be signed, she walked to the president's office and knocked on the door. "Come in."

Miller walked in and put the documents on the desk in front of Dylan. "Mr. Sterling, these documents need your signature." Dylan picked them up. "How about Savannah?" He asked as he flipped through the papers. Miller went blank for a second. That girl was really special to Mr. Sterling. He even took some time out of his busy business to concern about a new secretary.

"Everything is well-arranged. She sits on the left side of the president's office, next to the window, and I've told her the rules of the company." He said nothing more, signed the papers, and handed them to Miller.

"There are several project plans you wanted today. I'll bring them to you right away." Miller said and turned around. "Wait a minute." He stopped her. "Yes, Mr. Sterling. Is there anything else?"

"Let her do it." Miller paused. Of course, she knew that he meant Savannah. "Mr. Sterling, the plans need to be explained. Savannah is new, I'm afraid... "

"I said, let her do it." Said Dylan, emphatically. Miller could only nod and agree. "Okay."

Outside the office, Savannah was reading the news online wearily. It was still long before the medicine time for him.

Just then, Miller took a stack of papers and threw them on her desk. "Mr. Sterling asked you to send them in." Miller looked gloomy. Savannah was surprised. She took the papers and made her way to the office.

She knocked on the door before she entered, and saw Dylan sitting at the desk reading a document. He was dressed in a fine gray suit and white shirt, which showed his shapely figure.

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