Old Stewart said that George's granddaughter had something in common with his story. She had strayed from home and lived in a foreign city since childhood and was recently found.

Brent seemed to have remembered something, and he asked his father what the name of the girl was.

Old Stewart said, Greta Sterling.

Brent's heart gave a great thud against his chest.


She was the granddaughter of George Sterling!

He finally understood why she had retaliated against the Sterlings and why she asked him what he would do if he met his family after she was saved by Dylan and came back from the police station in Milan.

He never expected she was the lost pearl of the Sterling family.

And he also heard how she jumped into the sea after shooting Barzini.

He knew immediately that she killed Barzini to avenge him.

Even though he knew that he should not disturb her current peaceful life, he could not control himself. He accompanied his father back to LA for the banquet, but he didn't see her at the hotel.

Old Sterling said she didn't like crowds, so he didn't force her to come to entertain guests.

She was the same as before.

Even if it was a banquet for her, and even if she became the young lady of the Sterling family, she still preferred quietness to noise.

At the end of the dinner, Old Sterling called Greta and asked her to come, and she agreed.

His heart pounded heavily again. Just when he thought he was going to meet her, she stood him up, and even her grandfather couldn't get through to her on the phone. It was getting late, so he left with his father.

After the banquet, his father decided to stay in LA a little longer.

He thought he would never see her again. Unexpectedly, after some days, he saw her at UCLA.

He had studied at UCLA, so he took the opportunity to visit his old friends and teachers.

What's more, he knew she got into UCLA, and subconsciously, he wanted to see her.

That day, he went to UCLA as usual and was invited to play basketball by some guys on the basketball team.

While people were cheering and yelling for them around the playground, he peered into the crowd now and then, trying to catch a glimpse of the familiar figure.

It was a pity that he spent the whole noon on the playground without seeing the person he wanted to see.

He laughed at himself. How would she come to a basketball game and cheer for boys like other girls?

Just at the end of the basketball game, he almost gave up seeing her when he inadvertently turned to see a familiar figure holding a book walking on the path.

His heart missed a beat.

That was her.

Though it had been more than three years since the last time they met, he recognized her at once.

She had grown into a perfect young girl, with long hair and a more peaceful expression on her face. She was no longer the cool gang boss with short hair and a cold, sharp, even surly look.

Bothered by the noise from the playground, she turned her face and gave them a glance with no intention to come to join the crowd. Then she kept moving forward.

At that moment, he wanted to rush over to meet her, but he forbore from doing so.

He stood still and didn't respond until he was patted by his teammate on the shoulder.

When he looked over again, her figure had disappeared.

Later, he heard that she had wounded two female classmates who had always provoked her, and she was criticized by the dean of the school. He could not help but lend a hand, warning the two girls.

He was relieved to see that she would not be given demerits and that the two girls did not dare to trouble her again.

Old Stewart was right, times had passed, and everything had changed. She was no longer his young master in the gang, and he was no longer her bodyguard.

His will to protect her, however, never changed.

He just couldn't help paying attention to her and caring for her. He couldn't see her get any hurt.

But he didn't show up to meet her because he didn't want to disturb her peaceful life. His presence would only remind her of her terrible dark days in Italy.

Because of that, he cowered every time.

Today, he was at home when a guard came and said that Greta was missing.

She went to the cemetery with her grandfather to visit her parents' grave, and she was kidnapped when she was alone.

The Sterling family was searching the city for her, but so far, they found nothing.

He guessed who had kidnapped her. After working with those men in the Mafia for so many years, he knew too much about their way, and he drove out in a hurry.

Luckily, he found her in time.

He knew Beato and the other two men came to avenge Barzini.

Before they called out his name, he worked them over in a minute.

The moment he opened the door, he saw her huddled like a little wild cat, her eyes covered, her feet bound, her body shining in alarm.

She was like a cheetah, ready to dash in to bite him.

At that moment, he was so excited that he wanted to tear off her blindfold and tell her that he wasn't dead and that he had always been there for her.

But in the end, he just carried her out without a word.

She was visibly frightened, and she struggled against his shoulder, pinching, scratching, and even biting him with all her strength.

At last, she fainted from lack of strength.

He took her to a nearby hospital and asked a passer-by to take her in.

He was in the car not far from the hospital when the Sterlings came.

He was relieved that she was safe now, and he should have left. But for some reason, he didn't want to leave, so he stayed in the car and stood guard outside the hospital until Old Stewart learned what had happened and came.

It turned out that his son and George's granddaughter were not strangers.

He grew up with the girl, and she was the one whom he had protected with his life.

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