Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 704 - 704: Accidentally Or On Purpose?

"Damn it. Why did that car appear all of a sudden?" Beato growled in a low voice. "What's wrong with that guy? Why is the car still blocking the road? Hey you. Get out and see what's going on!"

Greta listened in silence. It seemed that someone pulled out right in front of them.

Accidentally or on purpose?

At Beato's command, the driver, a fat man, immediately opened the door and jumped out of the car. A gray SUV is parked in the middle of the road. The car remained stationary, and no one got off.

"Oh, shit! What the fuck are you doing? Out of the way!" The fat man, cursing in English, stormed over.

The car was still silent.

"Are you deaf?" The fat man burst into a fury. He came forward and was about to pull open the front door when it was opened slowly.

A tall, virile young man got off.

The fat man paused and then froze when he saw clearly the man in front of him. His face turned as white as a sheet as if he encountered a ghost. Before he made a sound, the man in front of him moved up and wrung his neck skillfully. The fat man fell to the ground in a dead faint.

Beato and another member of the Mafia in the car apparently saw what was happening. They got out of the car in a hurry, as pale and shocked as the fat man.

With difficulty, Beato opened his mouth, staring at the young man. "You... You didn't..."

Before the word "die" came out, the young man stepped forward and worked over Beato and his partner with a few movements.

Just then, a black sedan pulled up alongside. Several men got off and hurried to the young man's side, whispering, "Master, what are you going to do with them?"

At the same time, Greta's ears tensed for what was going on outside the car. She heard Beato and his partners screaming, and they seemed to have been brought to heel.

What were the people outside?

The sound of footsteps came with the whine of Beato and his partners, and then they seemed to be thrown into a car and carried away.

Greta stiffened in alarm. Although Beato had been taken away by someone, he was not necessarily a good person. Was he another kidnapper who wanted her life?

After all, she had done a lot for the gang in Italy over the years, and she had too many enemies.

Suddenly, the rear door was pulled open.

A ray of light came in. Greta, blindfolded, felt cool breathing coming towards her.

"Who are you?" She asked in alarm, shrinking back.

The person in front of her remained quiet.

She felt she was being stared at, his eyes like flaming torches. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled with fear.

"What do you want? I don't know who you are, but I appreciate that you saved my life. Please contact my grandfather or my uncle in the Sterling..."

Before she finished, she was pulled out and carried on against the man's shoulder with a strong arm.

Frightened, Greta screamed, "Let me go! Who the hell are you? Let me go!"

Perhaps because of her agitated emotional state, the force of the soporiferous medicine came to her again. Her brain was in a fog, and her strength was lost quickly.

Finally, her strength could not stand up, and she fainted.

Just before she fell into a coma, she felt she was softly put down from the guy's shoulder. She indistinctly saw a figure squat down, with his large, harsh hand resting on her forehead, and he seemed to be caressing her gently to see if she was all right.

The touch of the hand and the outline of the figure gave her a flash of light in her mind. She tried to support herself, but blackness rushed into her head...


It was late at night when Greta came out of her coma.

George and Savannah rushed up as soon as she opened her eyes.

"How are you feeling, Greta?" They asked anxiously.

Not long after Greta was taken away by Barzini's men, the bodyguards found out and chased after them, but it was too late, and they missed their car. George immediately ordered his men to search the whole city for his granddaughter and notified the police.

Fortunately, he received a call from the hospital in the evening, learning that Greta was sent to the hospital in a coma.

Greta collected herself, looking at her anxious grandfather and aunt and whispering. "I'm fine."

"It's all right." George breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grandpa, Aunt, who saved me?" Greta blurted out.

George and Savannah looked at her.

"We don't know," Savannah said softly, "We got a call from the hospital, and you were already here when we came. I've asked the nurse, and she said that you were sent to the emergency room by someone who left without leaving any contact information."

Greta froze.

Why did the man who saved her feel like… Brent?

How could it be?

It couldn't be him!

Besides, she heard someone call that man—Master.

What did Brent have to do with the term?

He was just a perpetually silent, slow, and prudent bodyguard.

She must have inhaled too much drug, which caused hallucinating.

Just then, the door was gently opened, and Dylan walked in. He took a look at his niece, relieved to see that she was awake and looking fine.

"Dylan, have you caught the kidnappers?" George asked with a rather serious expression.

"The three men who kidnapped Greta were from Italy. They were all Barzini's men. After Barzini was shot by," Dylan looked at his niece and continued, "by Greta two years ago, the remaining members of the gang were cast into disarray. However, not long ago, some of Barzini's old followers learned that Greta is not dead. They came to LA secretly and wanted to avenge their godfather. Rest assured, the three have been sent to the police station and will be handed over to the police in Europe. With their criminal records, these three men will never get out of jail. It won't happen again."

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