Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 579 - 579: Why Not Stay At Home When You Feel Unwell?

Tina noticed that she didn't look well.

"Miss Schultz, are you feeling sick? Would you like to go home earlier?" She asked concernedly.

"Never mind. I have to finish these designs before I go." Savannah said.

Tina didn't say more and poured Savannah a cup of coffee before she went out.

It was noon when Savannah looked up from the drafts. She turned off the PC and stood up.

She blacked out, and immediately she caught herself with one hand on the desk. After a moment's pause, she summoned her strength and walked out of the office.

Unluckily, she waited on the roadside for a long time, but there was no taxi.

The noontide sun shone ruthlessly, which made her feel sicker. Her brain became heavy, and her knees were so weak that she could no longer support them, and suddenly she slipped down.

"Savannah!"A big hand caught her just in time.

Savannah tried to open her eyes and saw Kevin in front of her. Her lips moved slightly, but before she could say anything, she passed out on him.

* * *

Kevin sat quietly at the bedside, staring at Savannah, who was still asleep after being put on a drip.

This morning, he just heard that Devin Yontz was stabbed by Valerie, who escaped from prison. He was worried about Savannah, so he went to K&G to see her. But he didn't expect to see her pass out of fever.

"Don't come... Don't! Get the hell out of here... I didn't kill you... You deserve it! Devin, no! Get out of my way, don't come near me..."

On the bed, Savannah was mumbling about the dream, her pale little face slightly twisting, and the cold sweat stood out on her forehead.

Kevin started and whispered, "Easy, Savannah, easy. It's just a dream."

Savannah, however, was still haunted by the nightmare and her body made a spasmodic jerk.

Kevin gently lifted her into his arms and patted her on the back as he whispered, "don't be afraid, it's me. Your Kevin brother is here."

In his warm embrace, Savannah slowly calmed down and opened her eyes. She was in a trance for a moment before she realized she was in the hospital.

"Are you feeling better?" Kevin sat her on the bed and put a cushion behind her back.

"I'm fine."Savannah gasped out a few words, still a little pale.

"Can you tell me what nightmare you had?" Kevin asked softly, staring at her.

"No, nothing..."Savannah shivered, swallowed, and shook her head.

"I heard you are shouting Devin's name in your dream, and you looked frightened. You asked him not to come near you and that you didn't kill him. Savannah, what happened? If you still believe in me, tell me and let me share the burden with you." Kevin said softly.

Savannah looked into his eyes and finally unloaded the fear she had possessed over the past two days.

"Valerie escaped from prison and killed Devin, did you know that?" Her voice slightly trembled.

"Well, I heard about it this morning." Kevin frowned.

"Valerie did not kill Devin. I killed him." Savannah clasped her knees and controlled the shaking.

"Don't talk nonsense. How could you have killed Devin? Valerie was caught on the spot, with reliable sightings and evidence! What's it got to do with you?!"

Savannah shook her head in a daze. "Yes, Devin was killed by Valerie... But I was the one who told Valerie Devin was back and egged her on him..."

With a white face, she told Kevin about her visit to Valerie in prison that day.

Kevin listened carefully and said, "You didn't ask your cousin to kill Devin. It's none of your business. Your cousin hated Devin so much that she made the decision herself."

"But I feel like I'm the one behind it... Even though I hated Devin and he deserved it, I didn't want to be a murderer..."

"You're not a murderer!" Kevin interrupted her."You said you just wanted your cousin to sue Devin so that he would get what he deserved. You didn't expect that your cousin would choose a crazier way of revenge! It's out of your control! Don't give it another thought. It has nothing to do with you. Have a good rest and don't think too much."

Savannah swallowed the tears and nodded.

Kevin felt heartache for her but also very depressed.

She went to Valerie, needless to say, for Dylan's sake.

Devin's returning must have threatened Dylan in some ways.

Savannah did this to protect Dylan, but she didn't expect it to get out of hand.

Before Savannah knew Dylan, she was only a lovely girl who could not bear to hurt a fly. Of course, the death of Devin would frighten her and made her self-blame for a while.

She hadn't told it to Dylan yet. She was going to take it on herself.

How he admired Dylan!

Savannah loved that man so much that she was willing to do so much for him.

It seemed that his defeat was final this time.

"Kevin, what time is it? I want to go back..." Savannah's words brought back his mind.

"I'll call Dylan and have him pick you up." He touched her head and said.

Savannah was a little uneasy. She was afraid Dylan would be jealous when he saw her with Kevin. But she was too weak to go back alone at this moment.

What's more, she didn't know why she missed his arms so much when she was ill.

She nodded and said, okay.

Kevin made a call and went to get the medicine for her. After that, he helped her out of the ward.

Just as they walked out of the hospital gate, a black Lamborghini was coming towards them.

The headlights were sharp and bright in the early darkness.

The car stopped, and Dylan stepped out. He looked stern and powerful in a sharp black suit.

His eyes fell on the pale-faced little woman, and he made his way to her.

"She just got an intravenous drip, and her fever is gone. It's nothing serious, but she's still very weak." Kevin said drily.

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