Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 537 - 537: The Baby Is Gone

Savannah made no mention of the baby she had just lost. Though she still talked little, Olivia and Jacob were much relieved.

As long as she could get over it, her pain would fall away sooner or later.

A week later, accompanied by Olivia, Savannah was discharged from the hospital.

Afraid that Savannah couldn't take care of herself in great sadness, Olivia took her home and accompanied her for another two days before she sent her back to Green Bay.

She must be too grieved to accept the loss of her unborn baby. But she didn't mention it, didn't complain, and didn't cry after the operation, which made Olivia even more worried.

However, Olivia did not dare to talk about that, for fear of making Savannah feel the sadness more. Only time could heal her grief.

After staying another day in Green Bay to rest, Savannah returned to Zagreb Film to work.

Knowing that Savannah was back, Fiona came to her office and pulled her to the tearoom.

"Savannah, I heard from Jenkins that you asked for a few days' sick leaves. How are you feeling now?" Fiona asked with concern. She knew Savannah was pregnant, so she was more worried about her health condition.

"Fine," Savannah replied with a pale face.

"How's the baby?" Fiona asked anxiously again.

Savannah paused. Her sorrow was imaged in her face.

"The baby is gone." The words seemed to come with difficulty from her withered mouth.

"What? What's going on?" Fiona was shocked. So, Savannah didn't come to work these days because she lost her baby?

"I'm too useless. I failed to save it." Savannah lowered her head to hide the tears in her eyes.

"Come on, you're still young. Don't feel bad." Fiona could only comfort her softly.

"Thanks, I'm okay." Savannah nodded her head slightly.

Fiona opened her mouth and wanted to ask her if her boyfriend kept her company these days, but she finally swallowed her words.

If she and that man's relationship was really good, how could she conceal the identity of the man and never mention that man to her? She was really curious who that man was.

He must be a really mean man.


After Savannah returned to work, time flew quickly. Savannah threw herself into work and had no time to feel the bitterness and pain inside her.

Probably knowing that she had miscarried and had nothing to fight with Charlotte now, Katrina took a break from taking on her and didn't force her to make a formal apology again.

The cast and crew for Fashion Queen were set, and it was time to start shooting.

Savannah traveled back and forth between the studio and the company, focusing on the styling work for the new drama series.

Perhaps she could only forget that man and the pain he gave her by putting her whole soul into work.


The Sterling Group.

Early in the morning, a ray of sunlight streamed through the windows into the CEO's office.

Dylan stood by the window with his hands behind his back, listening quietly to the senior managers reporting the progress of a new project.

The managers respectfully left when they finished the presentation. Just then, the door was knocked, and Garwood came in.

"Mr. Sterling, Miss Rowe, is here. I just heard that you are in a meeting and asked her to wait outside. Shall I invite her in now?"

Dylan scowled a little. Of course, he knew why Charlotte was here.

In fact, Charlotte called him and come to see him a lot these days, to ask about their engagement party.

At first, he was able to use Kaiden as an excuse for delay, but now Kaiden had completely recovered, and he could not find another excuse.

But why did he try to put off the engagement party?

Wasn't it his choice to get engaged to Charlotte?

The thought made him more upset.

Garwood silently watched Mr. Sterling's expression change and sighed.

He had never been married or engaged, and he had no experience. But he knew that a man who really wanted to marry that woman would never behave like that.

Mr. Sterling delayed the engagement again and again, just because he didn't like that woman who was going to engage with him.

Actually, he decided to get engaged to Charlotte only to make Miss Schultz jealous, didn't he?

Just then, Dylan's phone rang.

"Dylan. Are you free now?" It was old Sterling.

"Yeah, what's up?" His father rarely called when he was at work.

"Oh well, Curtis is going to have an operation in a few days. I asked Cooper to go to Chicago instead of me to see him. If you are free, please call Curtis to express your concern. After all, Curtis has been your mother's servant for decades and watched you grow up." Old Sterling said slowly.

Curtis had been blind for years since the fire at the old house in Chicago.

Though Curtis was only an old servant, the Sterling family had always been very nice to him and never gave up treating his eyes.

Last year, old Sterling's friend introduced an eye specialist to him. When the eye specialist learned about Curtis's condition, he said that there was a new ophthalmic technology that might help Curtis restore sight.

After a lot of examination and preparation, the eye specialist decided to operate on Curtis this week.

Curtis had served old Mrs. Sterling for all his life and had taken good care of Dylan when Dylan lived in Chicago.

Besides, his eyes would not have been blinded by the smoke if he had not been loyal enough to rush into the fire to look for Dylan.

Old Sterling was a grateful person and took his injured eyes very seriously. So he asked Cooper to go to Chicago instead of him and reminded his son to call Curtis.

Dylan thought for a few seconds and then said, "I will go to see him myself. I haven't seen Curtis for a long time."

"Oh, that's all right, as long as you're not busy."

Then they hung up.

"Mr. Sterling, you're going to Chicago? What about the engagement party?" Garwood looked at Dylan. Miss Rowe was still waiting for his reply.

"Wait until I get back," Dylan replied drily.

Garwood sighed. He wondered if Mr. Sterling really wanted to go back to see Curtis or he just wanted to delay the engagement with this excuse.


Dearest Lovies,

Let me greet you all, Happy Valentines Day. Today, I decided to give a mass release as part of this special heart day. I hope everyone will have a great Valentines' celebration with your loved ones.

I knew the past few uploaded chapters for this novel were a bit depressing and frustrating, but let me remind you not to take it to your heart. This one was only a product of my wild imagination and a part of the entertainment, neither a fact at all.

Rest assured, the couple will learn this past event, cherish each other, and build a better relationship. In reality, every dire circumstance teaches us a great lesson. There's no perfect human being, and every mistake we've made will serve us as a stepping stone to grow mature.

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Have a great weekend!

Love lots,

Anna Shannel Lin

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