Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 449 - 449: You Just Don’t Believe Me, Do You?

Clement nodded, and a deep smile came into his kind eyes.

"More than that. This place means a lot to you, Miss Schultz."

"I don't understand…"

"This's where Mr. Sterling proposed to you. Do you remember the lake?" Clement looked at the lake not far and sighed, "Three years ago, Mr. Sterling jumped into the lake to search for the proposal ring. Then you accepted the proposal, and you stayed here for two days. When you left, you went to get your marriage license."

However, after that, the bridegroom left the bride the day before the ceremony; the wedding was spoiled, and then Miss Schultz disappeared. When they met again, she forgot everything and didn't know Mr. Sterling.

Savannah sat there in a trance. Did she accept his proposal here three years ago? No wonder she found the place familiar.

It was full of happy memories.

Her feelings were very mixed. When she watched the beautiful scenery here, thoughts floated through her mind, and she could hardly restrain herself from thinking of that man again.

"I'm sorry I have to go. If my colleagues ask about me, tell them that I have something to do and leave first." Savannah stood up, ignoring Clement's astonished gaze, and hurried to the direction of the gate of Bellomont.

However, when she passed the lake, she saw a familiar figure standing not far from the lakeshore. The moon was streaming high in the face of him.

The man was Dylan.

She did not expect to see him here. He didn't go to the party but came to the lake alone?

Startled, Savannah paused, and then, ignoring him, passed on.

But Dylan didn't mean to let her go easily. He stepped towards her quickly and suddenly seized hold of her, pulling her into his arms!

She swallowed her scream and disentangled herself from his arms, stepping back, her eyes fixed on him in alarm.

"Your guests are everywhere. The executives of the company and your subordinates may come out at any time! Or do you want the media to see the CEO of the Sterling group sexually assault a female employee here?" Savannah glowered at him.

Dylan recovered his composure and looked at her coldly.

"Are you really with him?"

He heard the conversation between Kaiden and Louis that day.

"Yes," Savannah bit her lip.

"You agreed because he was hurt?" His voice grew colder. She felt as if there was a giant invisible hand seized her neck, choking her.

"Not for that," she tossed her head.

"I hope so. If you accepted his love just because you feel guilty that he's hurt, you'd know how stupid you are," He sneered.

"What do you mean?" Savannah scowled.

"You want to know the truth about his car accident? The latest news." He said ironically.

"The truth? Isn't the truth that you did it?" growled Savannah, looking sternly from under her beautiful eyebrows at the man in front of her.

"I told you it wasn't me. I don't have to deny if I did it." He shrugged and hummed.

"Not you? Then who did it? Don't tell me it was just an accident!"

"I did go to JK that morning. Kevin asked me over. He said he wanted to discuss with me, the shareholder of JK, about JK's future plan before he goes back to Italy. After we finished talking about business, he asked me to meet him in the underground garage, saying that he had some personal things to talk about with me. I went to the garage and didn't see him." Then he laughed grimly as if he suddenly remembered something interesting.

"The door of his car was opened," he continued, "I waited for him in his car, but he didn't show after a long while, so I left. Then you came to me at noon, claiming that I did something with his car brake and almost killed him."

"What do you mean?" Savannah wore a little frown.

"I checked the surveillance video in the garage. Guess what? Interestingly, he was the only one who had been to the garage at that time of day. After I left, he appeared, got into his car, and did not get off for a long time. I also wonder what he did in his car."

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Her pupils constricted. "Did you say Kevin asked you to meet him alone in the garage and then framed you for ruining his car? You want to say… actually... he damaged the car himself?"

"Not stupid."

Savannah bit her lip and did not speak for a long time.

"Don't talk nonsense!" She stared at him.

"You don't believe me?" Dylan asked with a more sorrowful than angry tone.

"Why should I trust you and doubt Kevin? Is Kevin crazy? Why should he do that? Why should he break the brakes and hurt himself to frame you? It won't do him any good!"

"Yes, of course, it will. It makes you hate me and makes you accept him and be his girlfriend. Then you'll return to Italy happily!" He gritted his teeth.

"Impossible. Kevin wouldn't do that. He had been asking me if I really want to go back to Italy, and if I don't, he won't force me. He would never achieve his goal in such a way!" Savannah's face turned a little pale, but she still shook her head.

"Oh? Do you think he's really willing to see you stay in LA? He wouldn't force you to leave with him, of course, he played a good game! Savannah, your childhood sweetheart isn't as pure and innocent as you think!"

"Enough!" Savannah covered her ears and fixed him with an angry stare. "Kevin didn't say anything to the police. He's so kind that he let you off, but you still try to frame him! Dylan, I know you're cold-hearted, but I didn't think you'd be so tough! Do you think, by framing Kevin, you would change my mind and make me break up with him? And make me stay in LA instead of going back to Italy? Dream on! Don't try to start a fight. I know Kevin's qualities better than you!"

Dylan's face darkened even more. Good. She didn't believe what he said but took what Kevin said as a decree!

"You just don't believe me, do you?" He looked at her very stiffly.

"No. I don't believe you." Savannah did not hesitate.

Without another word, he turned and strode to the lake. Before Savannah reacted, he jumped into the water with a splash!

Savannah was stunned for several seconds before she recovered. She gasped and ran to the lakeshore. Was the man mad? What did he jump into the lake for? He felt wrong, so he hurt himself to threaten her? How childish!

But why didn't he come up after so long? He wouldn't have an accident, would he?

Well... He must know how to swim. And according to Clement, he had jumped into the lake to get the proposal ring back, so he would be all right.

This man must be trying to frighten her!

But... Even if he were a champion swimmer, he wouldn't be able to hold his breath for so long, would he?

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