Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 416 - 416: The Big Boss Is Truly Confident

These dishes are prepared by Kevin ahead of time while he was waiting for Savannah to come back.

"Come on." Kevin took her hand and sat down with her.

When they first arrived in Italy, she couldn't get used to the food there, Kevin cooked all kinds of American food for her every day. Later, she also wanted to share the work, so she learned to cook with effort. When her cooking skill was improved, she prepared meals by her own hands occasionally.

They shared their life together, supporting each other through the last three years in Italy. She could say that they were the closest and dearest one to each other in the world.

Savannah's heart was overwhelmed with tenderness. Looking at Kevin beside her, she said softly, "Kevin, thank you..."

Thank you for always being so kind to me, never abandoning me, and always standing by my side.

Kevin was filling a bowl of macaroni and cheese. He paused and put the bowl in front of her, looking into her eyes.

"Savannah, never say thanks to me."

He had planned to reveal his feelings to her after they returned to Italy.

But now, he couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to let her know that he didn't want to be her brother only, right now, though the time and place were not so romantic, and he hadn't prepared well.

"Let's eat before they get cold," Savannah said quickly.

She had a presentment about what Kevin wanted to say to her. She was plainly distraught, and her heart was pounding. Lowering her head to avoid his eyes, she lifted the bowl and took a big mouthful.

But her wrist was caught by him. Looking up, she saw his usually clear eyes burned with tenderness.

"Savannah, are you willing to be always together with me?"

Savannah's dancing heart was ready to jump from her body.

This was what she had long expected. But she was at a loss how to answer.

He had been with her for so many years, and it seemed only too natural that she should accept him.

He was gentle, good-looking, rich, and most important, he liked her. He took her as his whole world. No girl could refuse such a man.

She liked Kevin too, didn't she?

Just say, yes...

In this way, she could also break with the past.

At least, that man would stop pestering her.

Suddenly, a piece of macaroni came to her throat and choked her. Her face went red, and she began to cough roughly.

"Are you all right?" Kevin's face changed. He patted her gently on the back.

"No... Nothing..." Savannah went coughing again, her face red with effort as she tried to bring up the macaroni in her throat.

Kevin went to the kitchen and brought her some water with honey. She felt better after drinking it, but her face was choked with tears. It was a mess and really embarrassing.

"L-let me have a wash," Savannah stammered and rose for the bathroom.

She closed the bathroom door and leaned against it, taking a deep breath.

She had expected Kevin to tell her his feelings. But she didn't know why she found it difficult to open her mouth and accept his love just now.

She even wanted to thank the macaroni for helping her avoid that question.

Why? She should be happy to be Kevin's girlfriend. Why was she not happy at all?

Was it because they were so close to each other that she felt a little strange when he should become her boyfriend?

She was a little sorry for Kevin.

He was so nice to her, but she even could not give him a response.

After washing her face and calming down, Savannah came out of the bathroom and found Kevin still waiting for her.

"Feel better?" He was always so gentle.

"Much better. I... I was so careless." Savannah dabbed her face, embarrassed.

"All right, sit down, and let's eat.".

Maybe he sensed her nervousness, he never mentioned the conversation again, as if nothing had happened.

They finished dinner in silence.

* * *

The next day, when Savannah went to work, she was called to join a department meeting. All the designers and assistant designers responsible for the costume design work of My Girl were included.

Now they were talking about the change in the actresses. It was said that Abby's role was replaced by the supporting actress, the leading role's bestie in the play.

It was not common for a TV play to change its leading role without a particular reason, especially if they had just opened the cast of the play to the public.

They would have to produce new advertisements and explain them to the sponsors.

Savannah sat there, uneasily. She could guess why Abby was replaced. It might be what happened on the cruise boat that night.

She was drugged by Abby and sent by her to her suite, where Andrey almost raped her. And Dylan certainly found out what Abby did.

"Jenkins, is there really a change? What happened? That's not good for My Girl. Audiences will have a lot of guesses." A designer asked, puzzled.

"That's true." Jenkins sighed, "we've tried to persuade the boss to change his idea but failed. We can't do anything about it. The boss said that the ratings of My Girl are not supported by Abby alone. As long as the actress who replaced Abby can do a good job, My Girl won't let the audience down. What's more, the company will spend more money and resources, building up My Girl's new picture."

"The big boss is truly confident. We shouldn't doubt his decision." One of the assistant designers said firmly.

"Not only the role of My Girl," another designer whispered, "I heard that Abby lost all her advertising endorsements and her parts in some movies. She's completely rested by the company!"

Everyone gasped with disbelief.

For a female star like Abby, being frozen in show biz was the same as killing her!

"How did Abby offend the big boss?" One assistant asked in surprise.

"Not only Abby, but I also heard that Annie and Donna had driven away from the boat that night, and their engagements were terminated on the spot! One of them was even heavily burned on the arm! No one knew what happened to them."

"They must have done something unforgivable to offend the boss!"

"Who knows?"

Savannah lowered her head, afraid of being found out that it had something to do with her.

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