Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 1322 - 610: Refuse To Admit The Fact?

"Didn't you dance twice with Miss Cynthia?" she asked, feeling uncomfortable.

His eyes became slightly deep as he asked in a deep voice. "Looks like someone has said something in front of you?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "but I don't believe them. I believe in you."

Joshua had sneaked away from the party and had deliberately climbed through the window to look for her. Wasn't he hiding all this from Ted? The moment she saw Joshua, Hazel believed him completely.

She felt uncomfortable because she was a little jealous.

"Hazel, I didn't dance with Cynthia," Joshua said in a serious tone. "This is a masquerade…"

Before he could finish speaking, the servant's voice came from outside. "Master, you are back?"

Is Ted King back? Hazel's face paled slightly.

Ted hated her very much now. If he knew that Joshua had run away from the ball and came to her secretly, Ted would definitely be more convinced that she was a bad woman who deliberately seduced his good son.

"Hide first!" Hazel said quickly.

With that, she opened the wardrobe and pushed him into it without listening to his protests.

Joshua opened his mouth with resignation. "Hazel, I haven't finished explaining…."

"Don't explain. I trust you. Mwah!" she said quickly as if she was coaxing a child. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek as comfort. Then she quickly closed the cupboard door.

He allowed himself a wry smile. He just came to see his own wife, which was a matter of course. Why did they act like thieves and adulterers?

But he was willing to do whatever Hazel wanted him to do cooperatively.

No sooner had Hazel returned to Stacy than Ted walked in.

"Are you still here?" Ted asked coldly, but he wasn't surprised.

"If Mr. King thinks I'm annoying, I can leave now," Hazel said, neither humble nor pushy.

Of course, she couldn't leave now because Joshua was still there. She said it on purpose because she was sure Ted wouldn't directly drive her away.

The two servants were allowed to gossip outside the door, but Hazel didn't respond at all. So, Ted couldn't help coming out!

"No need." Ted waved his hand. He sat opposite Hazel. "This photographer happened to take some photos for Joshua. You can help me pick out those which are better."

The photographer following Ted quickly handed over his camera. "Mrs. Denmark..."

"What, Mrs. Denmark!" Ted said coldly, "When Joshua isn't around, call her Miss Crowe!"

Ted had been mad about this address for days. But if he opposed it in front of Joshua, Joshua would think Ted deliberately fall out with him.

Since Joshua wasn't here, Ted certainly wouldn't give Hazel a face.

Hazel's mouth tilted upwards slightly at the corners as there was a flash of mockery in her eyes. If Ted knew that Joshua was hiding in a wardrobe not far away...

Anyway, Ted hated her single-mindedly to the point of being unreasonable.

"Miss Crowe..." The photographer quickly corrected himself.

Hazel took the camera and started leafing through the photos.

The photographer spoke ceaselessly, "There are a lot of scions and ladies coming today, so the master holds a masquerade in passing. The person with a black mask is Master Joshua. Look, isn't he particularly handsome?"

Hazel looked a little odd while scrolling through the photos.

Each of these photos showed 'Joshua' in a black mask. Of course, there wasn't just him on it. There were also some group photos of him and some ladies. Most of the photos showed he was together with a delicate girl with black hair and blue eyes.

It was supposed to be Cynthia the two servants had mentioned. But Hazel's focus wasn't on that. There were some obvious problems with these photos.

These photos were enough to prove that Joshua didn't lie just now.

"Mr. King, have you seen these pictures?" Hazel asked.

"Of course I have!" Ted asked in disdain, "What? Do you think I have asked someone to fake these pictures?"

"Miss Crowe, you are too good at imagining." The photographer scoffed despite himself. "How can we fake it in such a short time? Plus, this is really Master Joshua. Can't you see that? You can't refuse to admit the fact just because he and other women are more well-matched than you. But I can understand how you feel. After all, these ladies are all more beautiful than you…."

Refuse to admit the fact?

There was a touch of sarcasm on Hazel's lips. They gave her such a terrible label before she could open her mouth. Alright then, she didn't want to get into difficulties with Ted, to begin with. It seemed that Ted's life was too comfortable. Then she didn't mind waking him up!

"Mr. King, I really doubt whether you are Joshua and Simon's biological father." Hazel slowly opened her mouth and calmly interrupted the photographer.

Ted's face changed slightly.

Hazel had already reprimanded him before. This had always been a thorn in Ted's heart.

Was Hazel trying to do it again today?

"Of course I am their biological father!" he said coldly. "Miss Crowe, don't preach to me! It doesn't work for me!"

"I have no intention of preaching to you. After all, you..." Hazel looked at the photos again and said with heavy sarcasm on her face, "can't even tell your own sons apart."

"What do you mean?!" Ted's face paled slightly. Hazel's sudden words reminded him of a kind of possibility.

"You don't know what I'm talking about?" She smiled and winked. "Now that you've seen the pictures. Don't you see that it's Simon instead of Joshua? You do not… distinguish them by clothes, do you? They are not twins. Why don't you recognize him when he's wearing a mask?"

The two brothers were similar in size and appearance. But when they wore a mask, it was very hard to tell them apart. Moreover, Simon deliberately replaced Joshua, so he tried hard to act like Joshua in all aspects.

However, Hazel and Joshua spent a lot of time together, so she immediately recognized that the man in the photo was not her husband. It was Simon.

But their father could not recognize them at all because of a mask.

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