Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 131 - 131: Was It The Person Who Saved Dylan?

Savannah took the key and was about to go upstairs when she remembered something that she had never had a chance to ask.

"Curtis, would you… I just… Who was Mr.Sterling's mother? Why did she have a property in Chicago? The house is so large and dignified, was she from a wealthy family?"

"Didn't Mr. Sterling tell you?" Curtis smiled.

"How could Mr. Sterling tell me that? He is my boss, and I am the subordinate," Savannah played the fool.

Curtis did not push her. His smile slightly fainted, and he looked a little sadder. "Mr. Sterling's mother, may God rest her soul, came from the Cavendish family. Her ancestral home is in England."


Savannah's eyes moved slightly. She could guess what the name meant.

The Cavendish family had been one of the richest and most influential aristocratic families in England since the 16th century, and the members of the Cavendish family held the title of Duke of Devonshire.

Curtis knew that she guessed it. He nodded and continued, "Dylan's mother, my lady, is the daughter of the Cavendish family in England. She moved to America with her parents when she was a child."

Savannah looked stunned. Well, it really was an ancient and noble family!

Dylan's mother was almost the same as a princess.

And Dylan wasn't just a businessman but had such a lineage of pure blue blood that it was no wonder he behaved in a superior and conceited manner.

The wealth of the Sterlings and the power of the Cavendish family made today's Sterling group.

"Where are Mr. Sterling's relatives from his mother's side now?" Savannah became more curious.

"After Dylan's mother died, the Cavendish family here all moved back to England."

That explained why Dylan never mentioned his mother's relatives.

"It's getting late. You'd better go upstairs and sleep now. Mr. Sterling would blame me if he knew I kept talking to you and affected your sleep," Curtis said with a smile.

Speaking of Mr. Sterling, Savannah remembered the scene she had seen in the pavilion just now. She could not help but ask, "Curtis, was the pavilion in the garden burned by the fire too?"

Curtis was stunned. "You know that the house had been set on fire before?"

"Well, Mr. Sterling told me."

Mr. Sterling even mentioned this to Savannah. How could she be a simple secretary? Curtis smiled in silence.

Then he sighed and said, "It was ablaze that night. Not only the main house caught fire, the garden and the pavilion in the garden were on fire too. Mr. Sterling suffered from depression because of his brother's death during that time and was alone in the pavilion that night with. We all had no time to spare after the fire happened. I was terribly worried, but it was too late to find him when I was saved. I even thought Mr. Sterling would…" He shook his head, dismissing the morbid, though, "…fortunately, in the end, he was saved. God bless him."

Was he right in the pavilion on the night of the fire?

"Curtis, since you and other servants were all in the main house, which saved Mr. Sterling?" Savannah was so curious, her heart beating hard.

Curtis's face moved slightly when he heard her ask about this. He was about to say something when footsteps sounded upon the marble pavement of the drawing-room.

"Why are you not asleep yet?" Dylan's cold voice interrupted them.

In the soft light, he went right up to Savannah.

Savannah hurriedly put the key behind her back. "Nothing... I just couldn't sleep and walked downstairs. Then I met Curtis and chatted with him…"

"Is that all? Then go upstairs. Or I'll take you to your room myself," Dylan said, almost a threat, as he lowered his head to speak into her ear.

Savannah quickly avoided him and said, "I'll go by myself!" Then she hurried upstairs.

After running to her room, Savannah locked the door and went to bed.

Even though she had locked the door, and there was no need to be afraid that he would come in at midnight, she still could not sleep.

Now and then, she remembered Dylan sitting on the steps with a soft smile on his face and thinking of something...

That pavilion, which was clearly the place where he almost died in the fire, should have been a place of fear for him. Yet, he looked completely at home there.

It seemed as though he had good memories in that same pavilion – but what memory could it be? Was it of the person who had the same him? And who the hell could that have been?

Wait… Suddenly, Savannah realized: Dylan had been asking Erik to find someone all this time.

Was it the person who had saved Dylan?

Eventually, lulled by her thoughts, Savannah drifted into tumultuous sleep.


The next morning, Dylan and Savannah left the big house after breakfast.

Curtis bowed them out as they left, his eyes full of tears.

Savannah, looking at the old man, blurted out, "Curtis, Mr. Sterling will come back to see you again."

She pulled Dylan's arm with all her courage, saying quietly, "Promise him!"

Dylan scowled at the little woman who once again made the decision without his permission. He had the impulse to grab her into his arms and kiss her to shut her up.

Looking at Curtis's face full of expectation, he could only say, "Well, I will come back again."

Curtis's face finally relaxed, and he said with a smile, "Savannah, don't forget to come back with Mr. Sterling."

"Ah? Me?" Savannah pointed to her nose.

"Don't fool me. I have known that you and Mr. Sterling are more than a boss and a secretary, right?" Curtis laughed.

Dylan smiled and put Savannah in his arms with his long arms. "Don't worry, and she will come to see you too."

Savannah tried to push him away but was pressed to his chest again. Finally, her whole body fell into his arms, her face badly flushed.

After leaving the house, Dylan drove straight to the airport instead of returning to the hotel.

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