Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 1052 - 340: He Fight Against The Directors

Joshua did not say anything more. He gave a USB drive to Hazel. "There is the information you need, you should be able to use it. You don't have to worry about other things during this time. You can stay at Denmark Residence to prepare your thesis."

"Hmm!" Hazel took the USB drive.

The so-called investigation team made Hazel feel worried. However, she believed that after getting along with them, they couldn't do anything bad.

As for Joshua-Hazel Pictures, she didn't even have reason to worry about it. They had a lot of advertisers contacting them, but Sharon was there and could handle it all.

Hazel was getting ready to go back to Denmark Residence with the USB drive, but as she was about to enter the elevator, she saw several directors coming from afar.

She knew that they might not want to see her. To avoid embarrassment, Hazel hurriedly hid in the corner. The directors did not see her and complained as they walked past her.

"Joshua is really a fool. He fights against the whole Denmark Group for a woman. It is going to be messed up by him!"

"There is no way for this. The woman's identity is the daughter of the old chairman. He did this for her current status. What can we say?"

"Who knows if her identity is true or not? She was found by him, and the relationship with him is still unclear. Who knows if this is his self-directed drama?"

A few people went far, Hazel waited until they got in the elevator, then she took the stairs down.

She sighed heavily, she understood that it would be normal for these directors to be unable to accept her for a while. However, they were questioning her relationship with Joshua, and it made her feel helpless.

Just after she walked out of the Denmark Group, Hazel suddenly saw Mandy rushing to find her.

"Manager Crowe..." Mandy wanted to say something.

"What's wrong?" Hazel asked strangely. "Why are you rushing over?"

She looked around in a flustered manner and then walked to the nearby cafe with Hazel.

"It's like this," Mandy said. "I heard that the headquarters is going to set up an investigation group and go to the coffee factory to investigate, really?"

"Yeah, that really spread really fast." Hazel smiled and said half-jokingly.

"But reasonably, now you should avoid it and can't see me."

"How can they do this..." Mandy said inexplicably.

"Don't say this," Hazel said faintly. "Things have already happened. Just let them mess around. And I have confidence."

"Okay..." Mandy sighed, and she continued. "Right, I still have something to say to you."

"What?" she asked.

"Susan contacted me. She said that she wants to go back to being her assistant." Mandy said with some hesitation.

"Ah?" Hazel looked at her with some surprises. "Why would she suddenly call you back?"

"She said that she had no handy assistant who she could believe now. And..." Mandy hesitated and did not say any more.

"And what?" Hazel was somewhat speechless. She really wanted to know how Susan bullied Mandy before and then to call her to come back?

"She said that if I go back, she can ignore the money I owe her," Mandy said with an ironic smile. "I want to refuse, but I feel embarrassed. After all, she really helped me."

"Give it to me," said Hazel. "I will help you settle it."

"Thank you so much!" Mandy said gratefully. Suddenly, she looked around and lowered her voice. "And, I heard her say that Laura... was dead."

"What?!" Hazel was shocked.

There was a time that she and Joshua held on to Laura to get to Susan, but they let her go a few days before. How could she have suddenly died?

"I heard that she died very miserably. It is said that she had been found murdered in a chaotic alley. They haven't found the murderer. Also, Susan and I said that Laura was the person who set the fire. So, she guessed…" Mandy's facial expression had changed. She hesitated for a while and lowered her voice. "She guessed that it was Joshua who killed..."

Hazel dug her nails into her palms. She said seriously. "I don't want to talk about this kind of nonsense. I am saddened by Laura's experience, but I believe the police will investigate and find the truth."

"Sorry," Mandy said quickly. "I didn't think as much."

"It doesn't matter." Hazel shook his head and smiled.

After saying goodbye to Mandy, Hazel frowned.

Laura was actually dead, she was in a daze. Joshua let Laura go to find the manipulator but was her death an accident, or did the other party discover their intentions and kill her in order not to be found out? If that was the reason, then the manipulator was just too cruel.

Hazel took out her phone to call Joshua and then hesitated. Joshua's person should have been following Laura, he should know that Laura was murdered, but he didn't tell her. Presumably, he didn't want to distract her and wanted her to continue to prepare for graduation.

She did not call him; she realized that if Joshua wanted her to know, he would tell her, and she would just pretend she did not know. However, it all seemed to be too strange, and if she didn't figure it out, she would always wonder.

Taking a deep breath, Hazel opened her address book and dialed another number.

"Hazel?" The person at the end of the phone was a bit strange. The next moment, he snorted. "I thought that you would never call this number."

"James, I need to ask for your help." Hazel hesitated and finally spat the words out.

After the last time James saved her, he left his number to her and told her that she could contact him at any time if she had difficulties. Hazel never thought that she might really need to dial this number.

"You said it." James's voice was a bit serious.

"There is a woman, I want you to help me find out how she died," Hazel said.

"Okay," James promised her.

Simply telling him Laura's information, Hazel could not help but ask, "How long does it take?"

"It depends on the specific situation, but -" James asked unexpectedly.

"Why don't you look to Joshua for help?"

Hazel did not reply, so he knew that she didn't want to talk about it for some reason. She was quiet but finally said, "And, my parents' situation, should you check it?"

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