Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 1013 - 301: Does It Still Hurt?

Hazel was speechless because Rachel wasn't angry and even changed her attitude so quickly. But why did she think there was something else going on?

"Come here," said Rachel in a deep voice.

Just as she had expected, there was something suspicious, Hazel was positive that Rachel was deceiving her.

"No!" She ducked behind Joshua and said helplessly, "Mom, I really have something to talk about with Joshua alone. Please give me a chance. When I'm done, I'll apologize to you."

"What is it?" Rachel raised her eyebrows.

"How can I tell you that since I said it is a private conversation?" Hazel spoke very confidently.

Rachel looked even paler, she felt bad that Hazel didn't believe her. But suddenly, looking at Hazel's cute presence behind Joshua, her heart softened.

She did still care about her relationship with Hazel, and every time she thought of Hazel finding out about her adoption and her birth family, it was hard not to think too much when they were together. She was afraid that she would say something wrong, making Hazel feel uncomfortable, or that the relationship between them would weaken.

But now, Hazel's innocent look seemed to show she didn't care if they were biologically related or not. She still respected Rachel and didn't change her attitude toward her.

Hazel really didn't act like she was outside at all, she was still part of the Crowe family. Rachel took a moment to reflect on the situation and realized she could not get angry with her.

"Mom, don't worry, I know how you are feeling." Hazel hastened to say while she noticed Rachel's expression softened a little.

Rachel's face darkened again, and she waved impatiently. "Forget it. I won't be hard on both of you as long as you know what you're doing in your heart."

After that, she left the study with Jaxson. Hazel was surprised. Did Rachel actually leave like that?

Joshua smiled before she could think more. "What do you want to say to me?"

She came to her senses and thought about how he was teasing when they were in such an awkward situation. She was so irritated that she stood on her tiptoes and bit him on the shoulder again.

"Oh, you miss me so much?" The smile on his lips was softer, and he didn't care about the pain from his shoulder in the least.

"What nonsense are you thinking about?!" After she unclenched her teeth, she couldn't help but complain, "Why is your shoulder so hard that it makes my teeth hurt? Grrrr!"

He leaned over and kissed her on the lips, the tip of his tongue gently sweeping over her teeth.

She blushed and thrust him away violently. "What are you doing?!"

"Does it still hurt?" He asked, smiling.

She was both angry and amused.

"Stop that now!" She whispered, "I really have something to talk to you about!"

"Okay." He sat down in a chair and wrapped her in his arms.

She struggled twice but then gave up when she found he didn't want to let go of her.

"When can I go out?" She asked, "I want to take my parents out, and if I don't go out soon, they will start to get suspicious!"

Because of the incident, she had not gone out for days and had been with her parents, but if she continued like that, they would inevitably start questioning.

"Anytime..." said Joshua quietly." But remember to take more people with you when you go out."

"All right." Hazel frowned slightly. She could just tell her parents that Joshua was worried about her safety, which was not hard to explain.

"By the way, Isaac asked us to get together with him," she said.

"You two have a great relationship…" His fingers tightened a little as he looked at her with deep eyes.

She put hands on the forehead helplessly. Why was Joshua jealous again?! The sour smell in the air almost drowned her!

She was about to speak when his phone rang.

In case he had something urgent, she picked up the phone from the desk and handed it to him. "Answer the phone first."

His eyes turned deep and skeptical immediately after he glanced at the caller ID. The next moment, he calmly answered the phone.

"Aunt Sunny," he spoke softly.

Hazel was a little surprised but said nothing, listening quietly.

"Joshua," Sunny asked quietly, "I heard from some of the directors that you found my sister's lost daughter?"

"Yes," he answered quietly.

Sunny let out a loud sigh filled with emotion. "I've already come home. When do you think you could arrange for me to meet her?"

"I'll arrange for you to meet at the right time," he said simply. "Please don't worry, Aunt Sunny."

The right time? When would be the right time? Hazel looked at Joshua in surprise because his words sounded almost like a refusal, but she thought that was strange, why didn't Joshua want her to meet Sunny?

"All right." Sunny didn't insist.

After hanging up the phone, Hazel curiously asked, "Didn't Sunny have a great relationship and was closer to my mom than a biological sister?"

"Yes," Joshua didn't deny it, but he said quietly, "but many things have changed after all these years, no matter how great their old relationship was."

"You doubt her?" She was lost in deep thought.

"I doubt anybody who wants to be near you." A quiet light flashed through his eyes.

Though she didn't know whether to cry or laugh, her heart was warm. Joshua was never careless when it came to her safety.

"Okay, I am all at your disposal." Her voice softened a bit. "Are we really going to spend time with Isaac?"

"Yes," he smiled, "I haven't gotten together with him for long."

"Are you jealous?" She looked at him, amused.

His eyes twinkled a little, and the next moment, he leaned toward her.

Noticing he was to kiss her again, she quickly reached out her finger and put it on his lips.

"Huh?" His eyebrows were slightly raised.

"I still want to tell you something!" Her cheeks were a bit flushed.

"What?" He caught her finger and gave her a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

She opened her mouth but then was hesitant. Noticing her hesitation, he whispered, "Hazel, you can say anything to me."

She heaved a slow sigh. Indeed, her lack of frankness with Joshua gave the Flores family a chance to do something bad. If she had asked Joshua earlier, perhaps there would have been not so many unnecessary twists and turns between them.

"Joshua, don't you really want to find your biological parents?" she said earnestly, "You don't have to accept them as parents, but don't you really wonder where you're from?"

He frowned slightly as he looked thoughtfully at Hazel. "I'm not curious about them, but maybe you are right, it is time to find them."

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