Yushen moved his legs many times because he felt uncomfortable. Yushen continued to stand behind Sifeng until his feet tingled. It's been more than 3 hours Yushen waiting for his damn brother to eat. Yushen's legs were really tired.

On the other hand, there is something that distracts Sifeng from enjoying the music earlier. Sifeng noticed the beautiful Geisha who was currently serving Sifeng.

Sifeng pulled the right corner of his lips. Sifeng whispered something to the Geisha, who was now pouring Sifeng a drink.


After eating, Sifeng asked Yushen for the car keys. Yushen immediately frowned at Sifeng's request. Yushen was afraid that his brother would do something weird again.

"You don't have to drive, Childe Zhang. I'll take you wherever you go." Yushen spoke, attentively.

Sifeng immediately glared when he heard his subordinate's presumptuous remark.

"Who are you to control me, huh?! What do you care what I do, huh? I remind you to keep your limits! Now, hand over my car keys!" Sifeng's orders, which were already inviolable.

Yushen was forced to obey his brother's request. Yushen looked down beside Sifeng, who was now getting into his luxury car.

In the next second, Sifeng's car was already racing away at high speed.

Yushen felt so irritated by his brother's attitude. He kicked the pebbles that blocked his steps. "Haissh, you bastard! Go as you please, idiot! Go to hell if you have to! I don't care about you anymore!" Yushen shouted, annoyed. He stared coldly at the empty street.

Zhang Yushen reached into his trouser pocket, and it was empty.

"Shit! I didn't bring a single Yen in cash!" Yushen grumbled, annoyed. In fact, Yushen was feeling very hungry right now. But instead, he was left by Sifeng on the streets penniless because Yushen disguised himself as a poor man.

Along the way, Yushen kept swearing at Sifeng. Yushen also hoped that his brother's car broke down in the middle of the road.

At this time, Yushen was thinking hard about earning money. He needs to eat now.

After singing along with the street singers, Yushen finally got some money. Yushen was still disguised as an ordinary person, how could he carry a black card and so on.

Yushen walked into the udon shop and ordered a few bowls of udon. Udon is just like ramen, only it's bigger than ramen.

Yushen devoured several bowls of udon like a madman. Yushen was at the roadside udon stall at the moment. Alright, he really hasn't eaten since this afternoon, so Yushen ate a lot tonight.

Yushen even swore to himself that he would take revenge when Sifeng's memory returned later.

If it wasn't for his father's request, Yushen wouldn't be here. Better go back to America, right? Yushen would try not to care about his damn brother anymore.

However, unfortunately it can't. Yushen already loved his brother because they had always been together. Even when they ventured into the God Realm, they were always together.


Zhang Sifeng was driving recklessly at this time. The car stopped right in front of a woman standing on the side of the road. The woman was dressed very sexy.

Well, it was the Geisha who had been teased by Sifeng. It seemed, they had made a promise earlier.

Sifeng popped a part of his head in his car window.

"You just got home from work, um?"

The woman nodded shyly.

"Want to come see my yacht?" said Sifeng as he opened the car door for the woman he had just met. It seemed, Sifeng had returned to his bad habit of frequently changing girlfriends.

The woman smiled and entered Sifeng's car. The next second, the white luxury car sped away, splitting the crowds of Tokyo City.

It may be true that there is a saying 'the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree'. We can see the figure of the young Master Zhang in Sifeng's current self. Zhang Sifeng was really Master Zhang Minghao's biological son.



Yushen gave Sifeng a slap on the cheek, because Yushen was very angry with his little brother.

The story is, when Yushen looked for his brother on Sifeng's private yatch, Yushen found many bottles of alcohol and a woman sleeping in Sifeng's arms.

Yushen was so angry at this that he forgot his disguise as Sifeng's subordinate.

Well, now Sifeng's habit of being a casanova might have resurfaced, Yushen thought.

Sifeng was surprised that his personal assistant suddenly acted presumptuously and slapped Sifeng. However, Sifeng was still silent at this time. He's still having a hangover from being drunk last night.

So, when Yushen slapped Sifeng hard, Sifeng just kept quiet.


Yushen slapped Sifeng on the cheek a second time.

"YOU! You tarnished our Zhang family's reputation, you bastard!" Yushen snapped, furious.

"Huh? Me?" Sifeng pointed at himself while laughing like a madman. Oh, he's still drunk.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Those who came to me, Xiao Yushen. I just wanted to play. Hik! But, what do you care, heh?"


Sifeng's body swayed and fell to the floor.


Before that incident ....

Zhang Sifeng took a woman who worked as a geisha earlier to her yacht, which was on the pier.

Yachts are privately owned and high-speed cruises. For the price of Sifeng's yacht is about 6.7 million $ dollars.

"Gyaa!! Sugoi!" The woman who was invited by Sifeng earlier, chuckled in admiration as she entered Sifeng's yacht.

"Zhang-san, is this ship yours? Where did you get this luxurious ship from, huh?" The woman was still admiring the luxury of Sifeng's ship.

Sifeng flashed a disdainful smile towards the woman. To Sifeng, all women are the same. They only look at wealth.

"Zhang-san! Why are you silent, eum?"

Sifeng didn't answer, he just

sat on the bed and poured alcohol into his glass. He took a sip of the intoxicating drink.

Unbeknownst to Sifeng, the woman, Yukiko, was already nearby. The woman kissed the sensitive point of Sifeng's neck.

Contrary to popular belief that a geisha is only a musical artist to entertain guests. In fact, they also entertain guests who adore them, as an example of female grace.

However, not all geisha are like this Yukiko. Only a few geisha choose to entertain politicians and executives privately

Perhaps the geisha that Sifeng was meeting at this time was one of those geisha who liked to personally entertain executives.


*Baka = stupid

Sifeng snapped at Yukiko and threw the woman's body onto the bed.

Yukiko was silent for a moment, put something in her mouth and hid it under her tongue.

However, Yukiko wouldn't be her name if she gave up because of Sifeng's rejection earlier. Yukiko pulled Sifeng's shirt collar roughly, and kissed the man's lips wildly, until Sifeng was not allowed to breathe.

Yukiko's sudden action, made Sifeng reflexively open his mouth. It was then that Yukiko's tongue barged into Sifeng's mouth.

Ugh... French Kiss, eh? Wait, something also entered Sifeng's mouth.


Oh no! Quickly, Sifeng pushed Yukiko's beautiful body and released their grip. Late! The capsule just passed through Sifeng's throat just like that.

A moment later, something that Yukiko had just given reacted. Sifeng's body felt strange and hot. Sifeng's breath hitched. Not because of the kiss earlier, but because of something that entered his body through the kiss earlier.

Damn it! Sifeng is trapped! He glanced sharply at the woman who was now approaching him again.

"Khh, wah, what did you put in just now, huh?" Sifeng asked, furious. He tried to normalize his increasingly heavy breathing. But, it didn't work.

Yukiko smirked, then sat on top of Sifeng who was now sleeping on his back. Yukiko looked at the boy.

"Just a little stimulant, Zhang-san," Yukiko said lightly. He drew closer to Sifeng's body. His hands are now even moving to unbutton the executive's shirt from China.

Yukiko knew that the man would not be able to resist because of the drug. Even though Sifeng's brain was against it, his body wanted Yukiko's touch.

Yukiko's hand was now groping Sifeng's chest, which was no longer covered by his shirt. Yukiko could see the chest heaving up and down, indicating that Sifeng's body had surrendered to the drug.

Yukiko smirked again, then approached Sifeng's ear and sucked it.

"Khhah, you ahhh! Aakhh!" Sifeng growled. He really cursed the behavior of the woman he had just met. And unfortunately again, Sifeng's body wanted more.

Actually, this is not what Sifeng wants. Sifeng just wanted a friend to get rid of his loneliness. However, Sifeng is now actually trapped by the woman who became a geisha earlier.

Sifeng was attracted by the face beneath the red makeup that contrasted with the fiery red yukata the woman was wearing earlier. Sifeng kept an eye on Yukiko during dinner on the ship earlier.

Sifeng's breath was still roaring.

Damn it! The most secretive thing down there also reacted quickly, and was now hardening even more.

"Let's see, can you escape my temptation this time, Zhang-san?" said the woman in an erotic tone.

To be continued .....

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