"Stop it, Vin!" Yushen shouted, hysterically. Yushen couldn't stand the sight of his brother dying because of the mysterious man's abuse.

Zhang Yushen could no longer bear to see it all. His tears couldn't be stopped. Clear beads of water ran down Yushen's cheeks. Yushen stared fixedly at Spirit Sifeng.

"A-Feng, please don't leave like this! Stay with me, A-Feng!" Yushen asked.

Yushen tried many times to touch his brother's spirit, but Yushen only got empty air.

Even though it looked like he was still in pain, Spirit Sifeng still smiled to encourage Yushen.

"I'm fine, Gege. Live happily after this! Don't hurt the women's hearts anymore! Take care of papa, mama and Lian Jiejie! Forever, you will be an angel to me. I love you very much, Big Brother." Spirit Sifeng's voice grew less and less audible.

"What are you talking about, huh?! We will both take care of them, A-Feng. Papa, mama and Lian Jiejie are waiting for you to wake up. So don't talk like that!" Even though Yushen yelled at Sifeng, his tears still fell. He was afraid that his brother's spirit would be completely destroyed because Sifeng's body was no longer alive.

Spirit Sifeng smiled back, calming Yushen down from panicking.

"I'm sorry, Gege!"

"Sorry for what, huh?! I won't accept an apology from you!"

"Sorry for being a useless brother all this time. Sorry for always making you sacrifice for me!" Spirit Sifeng's voice was sometimes audible and sometimes inaudible.

"Shut up, A-Feng!!"

Sifeng's spirit became radiant. In his smile slowly his body disappeared, into glowing fragments.

"A-FENG!" Yushen shouted, hysterically.


In a mental hospital in Beijing City.

A man and a woman are talking in front of one of the rooms of this mental hospital.

"How is your mother, Xiao Lian?" said the 35-year-old man. He wore a black leather jacket.

"Still the same as before," replied Zhang Lian. After a moment, the girl's face dropped.

Zhang Lian spoke quietly.

"Why is fate so cruel to us, Zhao Ge?! Is this all punishment for someone's past greed? My mother is in this mental hospital and my little brother is in a coma. I want them to return to the world I was in, sob sob." Zhang Lian's tears broke.

What kind of trials befell the Zhang family at this time? Lian was really down.

The man carried Zhang Lian into his arms.

"Calm down, Xiao Lian! They will be fine. We both pray for your mother and little brother," said the man. He cupped his hands to Zhang Lian's red cheeks. "Right now, be strength to your mother and brother! You understand?"

Zhang Lian nodded. She wiped her tears. Although Zhang Lian was not Sifeng's biological sister, they grew up together. Zhang Lian has even used the name Zhang, because Mr. Zhang adopted his wife's daughter. So, Zhang Lian doted on Sifeng and Yushen very much.

A moment later, Zhang Lian walked into his mother, Madam Wang's room.

Slowly, Zhang Lian approached Madam Wang, who was now sitting in the corner of this room.

Madam Wang looked terrified when Zhang Lian entered her treatment room. Her hands wrapped around her knees. Madam Wang's gaze was blank. Every now and then, the woman would scream incoherently.

"Mama," Zhang Lian called softly. She then sat in front of her mother.

"I had him killed! That child!! Zhang Minghao's youngest son loved me so much. But, I killed him, huwaakhh! I am indeed a murderer!" cried Madam Wang. Then, she cried hysterically.

"Hahaha ... he has even forgiven all my mistakes. Minghao's son is such an idiot! Hahaha!" Madam Wang shouted while laughing. Then, she started crying hysterically again.

Then, Madam Wang would laugh again after a while. Zhang Lian couldn't bear to see her mother who had lost her sanity.

"Mama, don't be like this! You are completely innocent, Ma! Our A-Feng is fine at the moment. He is waiting for you to come home, Ma! So, control yourself Mama first! Then, after that we will visit A-Feng together, huh? Mama really misses A-Feng too, right?"

Zhang Lian spoke as she gently touched her mother's cheek.

"There's no way he's fine, A-Lian! There's blood. Blood everywhere. He's in pain! He was in a pool of blood that night. That Minghao's son! I really made him disappear from this world. Aakkh!"

Madam Wang screamed hysterically as she grabbed her own hair. She's depressed.

Zhang Lian couldn't bear to see her mother's condition like that. She left the room in tears.

Zhang Lian still vividly remembered when Yushen reported that Sifeng and Madam Wang had been hospitalized. They had an accident while trying to escape from their captors.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

When Madam Wang came to her senses, she had lost her sanity and had to be transferred to a mental hospital. However, Sifeng had not come to his senses until now. In fact, Sifeng was sentenced to a coma by the doctor.

Nothing broke Zhang Lian's heart more than knowing that her mother and brother were so helpless. Luckily Zhang Lian still has a lover who always supports her.

In front of Madam Wang's infirmary door, there was still the man who was with Zhang Lian earlier.

Zhang Lian hugged her boyfriend as if asking the man for strength.

"I will always be with you, Xiao Lian," the man muttered as he hugged Zhang Lian warmly.

Well, that guy is Zhang Lian's boyfriend. Inspector Zhao Changyi and Zhang Lian had even planned their engagement.

A call came in from Zhang Lian's cell phone.

"Yeah, what's wrong, Papa?"

"A-Lian, hurry to the hospital right now!" The voice on the other end of the phone was Mr. Zhang Minghao, the biological father of Yushen and Sifeng.

"What's wrong, Papa? Don't worry me!"

"Be strong, My Daughter! Your brother's condition is getting critical."

At that instant, Zhang Lian dropped her cell phone. She fell to the ground, fortunately there was Inspector Zhao who held the woman's limp body.


Spirit Sifeng smiled back, calming Yushen down from panicking.

"I'm sorry, Gege!"

"Sorry for what, huh?! I won't accept an apology from you!"

"Sorry for being a useless brother all this time. Sorry for always making you sacrifice for me!" Spirit Sifeng's voice was sometimes audible and sometimes inaudible.

"Shut up, A-Feng!!"

Sifeng's spirit became radiant. In his smile slowly his body disappeared, into glowing fragments.


Yushen screamed hysterically when he saw his brother's spirit disappear.

"Vin, do something for my little brother! Please, Vin!" Yushen asked, begging Vincent Greyrat.

"I can't leave you here alone, Yushen Ge! There's a huge shipon current ahead. This boat will sink if no Gods control it." Vin spoke softly.

Vincent Greyrat is currently in a dilemma between saving Sifeng or keeping Yushen. Inside this boat, there were only Vin, Yushen and Spirit Sifeng before this. However, when the Sifeng Spirit disappeared, there were only Vin and Yushen on this boat.

"Don't worry about me, Vin! Bring this Meteorite Jade shard on Sifeng's body! Please, Vin!" Yushen pleaded, cupping his hands in front of his chest.

Vincent Greyrat was silent for a moment. Suddenly the Eagle Swordsman Elliot landed on their boat.

"I will be here, Prince. I will control the wind and bring Yushen safely to the border gate of the God Realm and Human Realm." Eagle Swordsman Elliot spoke. He was also the one who had saved Sifeng from the fire that time.

Vincent Greyrat nodded in agreement.

"Okay! I hope it's not too late." Vin took the 'Meteorite Jade' from Yushen's hand and just disappeared.

"Calm down, Yushen! Prince Vin can definitely handle it all. And yes, you're the grandson of your great-grandfather Liu Shen, right? He just so happens to be from the Land of Wind just like me. I'll teach you some wind control magic, Yushen," said Eagle Swordsman Elliot.

Zhang Yushen only responded to Elliot's words with a smile. Really, right now Yushen didn't want magic or anything.

Yushen just wanted to see his brother come back to his senses. Yushen wanted Sifeng to be healthy and they could adventure together like they used to again. Yushen kept hoping that Vin would not be late in inserting the Meteorite Jade into Sifeng's body.

Eagle Swordsman Elliot showed some wind control magic. However, Yushen's gaze had been blank ever since. Yushen didn't respond to Elliot's words at all. Yushen's memory was full of the face of his silly little brother, Zhang Sifeng, from earlier.

It was true what Vin had said earlier, that there was a great siphon current in the middle of the Black Sea, which their boat had to pass.

Their boat was already spinning irregularly. The boat rocked back and forth, causing Yushen to hold on tighter to the edge of the boat.

Then, the Eagle Swordsman Elliot cast a spell and made small movements in the air to control the wind. A few moments later, the water surface calmed down and their boat was able to sail smoothly again.

To be continued .....

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