Mercenary Black Mamba

Chapter 456 - Episode 8 We Hit The Jackpot!

Chapter 456: Chapter 43 Episode 8 We Hit The Jackpot!

Perfume is a liquid diluted with alcohol by combining fragrances extracted from plants and animals (petals, tallow, lanolin, beeswax, etc.) or minerals (petroleum, white wax, petrolatum, paraffin, tar, etc.). It may be a scent to humans with a dull sense of smell, but to Simon D, it’s just a stench. Simon D could not bear the stench emanating from the polluted soul and ran away when the low-quality perfume and body odor was added to it. “If you draw lines on a pumpkin, does it make a watermelon?” Simon D spat out outdated jokes he had heard in Korea.

“Dude, pumpkins have their own uses too.” The pair were crushed. Pumpkin’s contribution to the human world cannot be compared to watermelon. Nevertheless, it is denigrated for being ugly and tasteless. This is an example of human subjective emotions obscuring the essence. It means that Simon D, who feels the essence of the soul, has already adapted to human prejudice. Humans are social animals. Even if the content, aroma, color, and smell of souls are different, they camouflage each other similarly to coexist and coexist. Cunning humans made soaps, cosmetics, and perfumes to get rid of the stench of scum in bags. As society develops, humans lose their innocence at the beginning, which crowed in the wilderness, and depend on shallow knowledge. Human beings whose souls have deteriorated have deteriorated their mental abilities, and they are unable to smell the scent of their souls. Only beings who have undergone special training or are innate, such as Musou or Simon D, can smell the soul. The soul exists in the form of a pure spirit surrounded by a white shell. The soul is the fundamental spirit that constitutes the universe, and it is neither created nor destroyed. When souls are combined, they become great spirits, and when they are scattered, they become low spirits, so the numbers seem to change.

This is the same principle as the birth and disappearance of stars in the material universe. The essence of white is the earth, and it is made from memories acquired while humans are alive. Memory is the trajectory of a person’s life. This means that the bag is easily contaminated. When a person dies, the soul returns to the original universe. Baek returns to dust with his body. So, when performing ancestral rites, incense is burned to summon the spirits of the universe, and alcohol is poured on the ground to summon bags. Because the soul of an ancestor without a hundred does not recognize the descendants. This is the relationship between the CPU and the memory device. Ears are the traces of contaminated bags moving around without being scattered. The left-handed shaman, sorcerer, and psychic borrow the energy of their ears to exercise their mental abilities. Udobangin Beopsa borrows the energy of the original spirit that exists in heaven and earth. As the number of humans increased, the spirit of the universe became more differentiated and inferior. A low-level spirit creates a low-level bag. This is the reason why more and more humans are throwing away the human condition and using the bridle of beasts as the population increases. “Stupid Paul, it’d be nice if you brought a girl who smelled good like Miss Ethel.” “Don’t chew Paul too much. The woman was brought here to entertain us.” The matchless defended Paul. The best way for a soldier to relieve stress is with a woman and vacation. Paul has found a reasonable way to do it, and he is showing the sincerity of showing a slapstick that he doesn’t normally do. “He has no eyes and no nose. What do you do if you bring a stinky woman in a pile? Ants have a sour taste, but they cannot eat that.”

Simon D skimmed over the large black ants, a specialty of Djibouti, that climbed on his bare legs, poured them into his mouth, and chewed them. The exoskeleton’s bursting texture and the pungent formic acid are strangely addictive. “Heh, don’t look down on the ants. Can you tell me the story of ants and humans playing seesaw? Ants played seesaw with humans. There’s no chin to be funny because I don’t have a chin. Each of the ants invited her comrades to play with them. All 5 billion humans have been summoned, but the ant procession is endless. When I got on about 1% of the ants living on Earth, the seesaw started leaning towards the ants. If you collect all the ants that exist on Earth, it is said that they are about 100 times heavier than humans. If you do the reverse calculation, the number of ants will be huge. This is the story biologists use when they claim that the earth is owned by ants.”

When the naive Simon D was told to do the reverse calculation, he worked hard to do the reverse calculation. An animal’s weight is approximately the cube of its length. If a human is 180 cm tall and an ant is 1 cm long, 180 cubes are 5,832,000. The weight of 6 million ants is comparable to that of a human. If there are 5 billion humans, there are 30,000,000,000,000 ants. “Hey, that’s a lot.” My eyes fluttered at the procession of Young. The scorching sun and the haze of the heated sandy beach evoked déjà vu. From the moment he took the Dragunov in his hand, fate was caught in an uncontrollable torrent. It flows without measures, like when it is sucked into the underworld. “Life and death are here, and the young soul cannot escape from delusion. What’s the use of shouting out loud when the leaves fall and flutter in the autumn wind? That this body is also a single leaf.”The matchless lamented. The view of late autumn from this floor of the Jeoksan House passed before my eyes. The red maple leaves floating in Hiraniwa Pond were replaced by the corpses of Dambala covered in blood. “Black, are you mad about having fun with us? Don’t be trembling in the grass and come cool down in the sea.”

After the beach ball game, the bellman poked his dripping face. When the Black Mamba bury one of her warriors in the Sahel, she banged on her barrel and sang a funeral tune. The face you see now is the face you had back then. “I thought of my colleagues who had gone before for a while. Boomer must have brought his fishing gear. Chatre is drooling while giving a lecture on the hegemony of international relations tied to oil. I miss Trouble Maker Mike too. “Everyone worked hard, so they must be doing well in hell. Even Emil and Jang-Chung, who have their eyes wide open, can’t come, so what do you do if you blame them.” “Well, that’s right. I’m worried about these two guys. It should be fine.” “Zhang is working hard, but Emile is wrong. She’s still there after you put the Galvo bitch you cheated on. How many days will this cafe girl be covered?” Bellman was fed up. Her friends also joined hands with Emile’s female side. “It’s a living stigma, what should I do? The Ombuds are preparing for their retirement, so leave it alone.”

Black Mamba also gave up. Humans with lonely souls try to fill in the empty corners with anything. It’s not a habit that can be fixed just because other people say it. “If you look at it that way, it’s true that the lucky guy is the best. If you look at him, the saying that heaven helps those who help themselves is considered nonsense. Thanks to the small bond of being Black’s partner, even if I live a life of debauchery, a good old age is guaranteed.” “Heh heh, la caque chung tuzh le ah-hung!” The matchless smiled and brought out an old French proverb. Emile is a good-natured guy. For her friend, she’s willing to shoot. It’s good to have at least one ignorant person like Emil in a world full of clever humans. “Se the ma hun. (It was really fun.)” “Ze-nee-pa-v-le-yap-passe. (I didn’t know the time was passing.” Two women who had received a 50-franc bill entered the shade of a palm tree. Bellman is walking on the beach surrounded by three girls. She turned her head as Dino Palace raised her head and glanced at the women. “Huh, I must be smart!” Black Mamba laughed. It divides objects into three categories. It has to do with the strong, the weak, and the master. Weak things don’t even pay attention. “Pretty, did you not stand up and follow the bird?” “Heh, I have diamonds, so maybe my eyes will turn to stones.” The woman with skin black as coal frowned as she chewed on her matchless body. “A stupid thing, an unreachable diamond is worse than a stone. heh heh.” Paul giggled and rubbed the woman’s chest.

“Ugh!” As the woman let out a snort, Simon D fell far away. The smell of rot was stronger when humans said pretentious actions or words. Mussou lost interest and turned to the newspaper he was reading.

“Friend, you’re not even a Monk, and you’re living your life without much fun at your peak age. Being young, capable, and having money, what is that? Are you still a virgin?” “Not sympathy.” The matchless roared. “You are very tired. Why not spend a few months on vacation here enjoying the sun? Thanks to you, I’m joking too. Here, black women and white women can ride as they please.” Paul didn’t let his friend down. A friend who never dries blood on his hands. 698 corpses were officially identified in Ituri. The actual guerrilla death toll will be higher. Friends are not psychopaths. He is a more compassionate person than anyone else. Even if the body endures, the mind takes damage. Wasn’t he also baptized in battle in the Sahel? “Africa stinks too much. She hates deserts and she hates jungles. Humans hate it more. It is not a stress that will go away just by holding a woman. I have to sell it.” The pair shook their heads. The extrasensory, which Paul is envious of, has serious side effects. His sharp eyesight clearly sees the Demodex worms stuck in a woman’s pores, his sense of smell smells like a woman’s men’s blood that was finished three days ago, and his ears listen to a vulgar conversation that chews on a man.

The desire to hold a woman runs away for thousands of miles. When the heart is moved and the body responds, it is not necessary to embrace a woman or not. Can Paul know his unspeakable pain? Of course I don’t know. “Isn’t it good to earn? By now, Bonifas must have a cramp in his head from tapping the calculator.” “Heh, the calculations are going to be a little complicated.” The pair laughed out loud. There is no better pay than this. The 1.5 million francs from the DGSE and the two million francs for the Ministry of National Defense are pennies. The jackpot is Arevasa’s bounty. He received 8 million francs as a start-up for the duke, and 36 million francs for an additional balance and success remuneration. That’s 47.5 million francs. Global companies were also huge. Counting some scrap metal, a computer chip, and the corpse of a mechanic Honter would hurt your head. There really was money pouring in. “Surfund became the owner of the swimming pool (an alias for the general director’s office on the 8th floor of the DGSE main building) because of you, so you should solve it generously.” “As soon as they occupy the pool, they seem to suffer quite a bit.”

He handed Paul the newspaper he was reading.

“what’s this? Sweetheart, you go somewhere else to play.” Paul slapped Black Pearl’s ass. These are women who don’t know anything, but it’s not good to hear them talk. The bright-eyed women rolled their eyes slightly and walked away. “A bitch with a horn on her ass got into an accident. I meant to get rid of it in this room.” Paul sharpened his teeth. “If you kill a reporter because it’s annoying, the reporters in the world will dry up. Anyway, this woman can’t die on her expulsion for making fun of her mouth. The fault is Minister Germain, blind to resonance, and Director Kabae, blind in jealousy.” “It is. Who knew that a person in that position would make such a foolish decision. If I stayed still, I would be able to enjoy my old age with a generous pension!” Paul sighed. The DGSE Operations Department’s dukes are notorious for their roughness. They are not humans to look at from afar, who uncovered the identity of the Black Mamba. Maybe Kava too will have an accident sooner or later. No, the Black Mamba may not let it go

“When you get drunk with power, you fall into the illusion that everything will go your way.” Paul’s lament is the name of guardianship. There are many people who do stupid things that even Korean government officials do not understand and spend the last years of his life. “Huiyu, Canal Pli and France-Soir (the largest evening newspaper in France) bet 10 million francs for an interview. How much are ten million francs? If it were me, I would throw off my kefine and run. But you won’t be calling me. People have to look good. tup!” “Hahaha, nothing.” The pair snorted. Even if you give me 100 million francs instead of 10 million francs, I am not in a position to reveal my identity. The interview also violates the obligation to pledge confidentiality. The generous allowance includes a secrecy fee. Money is enough. The 300 million francs for Operation Luman are being sucked into the construction of Novatopia, but there is enough money. If it is not enough, 10 billion won can be made quickly by robbing a few houses of Korean lawmakers. “what! This is Liberation. How did you get this?” Paul asked, holding a six-page tabloid version of the newspaper.

“It was served by the hotel.” “okay?” Paul tilted his head. Liberation is a left-wing newspaper. No, it is a far-left newspaper with anarchic tendencies. On one side and on the other side, there is an article claiming to reveal the existence of a psychopathic call name and the resignation of the president who concealed the truth, and on the third side, an editorial criticizing the government’s hard response and accusing the soldiers who participated in the operation as rare butchers. One side was filled. “It’s amazing that an article like this isn’t going to go out of print.” “How are you? Citizens and readers will decide for themselves. There are very few people who support this argument.” “Fun!”

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