Mercenary Black Mamba

Chapter 444 - Episode 7 Everyone Has Their Own Form of Justice

Chapter 444: Chapter 42 Episode 7 Everyone Has Their Own Form of Justice

The corners of the Black Mamba’s mouth grew stronger and the corners of her eyes drooped. What would a woman’s face look like when she found out that her wedding ring was cubic? She tried to get information about the Area 51 monster, but it was in vain. The expected middle-aged shadows were just hands and feet that knew nothing. Had she known this would happen, she should have caught the guy who handled the machinery.

“What are you?”

Dozens of question marks floated across MecPee’s face. It was only when he became the Shadow Team Leader that I realized the existence of Hunter and Grendel. The strongest biological weapon that the motherland had created was astonishing itself. Human dignity? Pan-Human Ethics? Such is the nonsense of those who have only mouths and no fists.

After all, a handful of strong fists are the masters of the world. Were there any rules when the Mongol horsemen swept Europe? Was there a cause when the private fleets of European empires waged naval battles in the Atlantic?

To survive, you have to be strong, and the one who survives is the strong one. This is why his country, the United States of America, is aiming for Pax Americana.

The opponent smashed the strongest biological weapon, the Mechanic Hunter, like a mouse. An unimaginable strength! The motherland is unaware of the existence of all dangers. He is a dark warrior who protects his country. He wanted to know the identity of the other person even by selling his soul.

“You bastard with no frills!”

Samedi’s eyebrows rose at the harsh tone. Samedi looked at Black Mamba and gently stepped on his ankle. Puddeuk – The ankle bone was crushed.


MecPee clenched his teeth and endured the pain. If you succumb to this kind of torture, you are not a Shadow. Patience brought another pain. A palm like a pot lid covered his right hand. Pududuk- As if bitten by vice, the bones of the fingers were crushed.


MecPee crawled through the pain that felt like his eyes would pop out. Shadow does not divulge secrets even at the moment of death. He took pride in his patriotism and enjoyed mental victories. MecPee didn’t even know in his dreams that the giant in front of him was tormenting him with self-interest.

“A has changed. I am G and you are B. name?”

“It’s absurd for a yellow monkey to believe in his simple talent and hold weight. Eat with your Emmy.”

MecPee, confused by the pain, poured out six letters.

“Tttttttt, until a guy with no frills is stupid… … . It is wrong to die gracefully.”

Samedi clicked his tongue. It’s a pity that he dared to curse at the owner about his mother. Seriously, isn’t he the only person who knows if it’s poop or soybean paste? The Black Mamba moved as he was about to break his hands and feet.

Shhh- The palms stretched out like they were stretched out and hit MecPee’s jaw joint on both sides. If the speed of the object exceeds the analytical ability of the visual acuity of the moving body, it appears as an afterimage. The mandible fell off. The joint was then dislocated by twisting both shoulders.


The pain of forcibly missing the jaw joint is unimaginable. A strange sound escaped MecPee’s throat. Blood gushed out from the gaping mouth.

“Black friend, no, shadow man, biting your tongue doesn’t make you die easily. You seem to want to die quickly because you infuriated me, but it won’t be easy. I’ve never heard a story I wanted to hear.”

Black Mamba smiled coldly. She captured the bursting life in the blink of an eye. She wanted to kill them right now, but she didn’t have one or two pieces of information to get. If she’d heard a curse on her mother in the past, she would have cut it in pieces.

‘This guy is a devil. No, it’s the devil.’

MecPee was lost in the illusion of the shadow of a giant demon. Shadow is trained to the limit that the human body and mind can withstand. Only 120 hours of torture training were assigned to the training program. Experience all forms of psychological and physical torture directly, and cultivate the mental power to withstand torture.

There are more than ten educated suicide techniques alone. What do you do with ten? He is a psychic who notices even the slightest movement of biting his tongue and pulls out his chin.

He’s a pro among pros. no not human He was always ready to give his life for his country and was confident that he would not yield to any torture. But what is this?

His eyes turned white, and fear swept over him like a wave. As deep as the abyss, the eyes burning like lava are on the verge of losing my mind. Oops, my 42-year-old life fell into a gutter.

“Wakir, I will kill the dead for saying that they will grant their wishes.”

Samedi glared at MecPee with bloodshot eyes. This guy insulted his master. He’s the one who needs to peel the skin off right now and sprinkle salt on it.

“Not yet. Bring it!”

“It’s annoying”

Samedi grumbled. The backpack containing his weapons and food and the backpack containing napalm and white phosphorus bullets alone weighed 450 kg. Three machine guns with strange devices, six 200 rounds, and a bag of drawers the size of a drawer tied with vines is 70 kg. If you include a large mixed-race mestizo corpse and MecPee, the package weighs a whopping 700 kg. A camel is too heavy to fall with its knees bent. It is a luggage bag that is impossible without the Ultra Super Porter Samedi.

It’s not difficult to carry, but the old shadow caught his heart. While giving artificial respiration, the guy opened his eyes and their eyes met. Just looking at that guy’s face brought back dirty memories and made him feel dirty. Moreover, he even insulted his master.

“We must defeat the monster in the Cenote Swamp and return immediately.”

“Are you going to Novatopia? Are you going to the old master?”

Samedi’s eyes twinkled. Itouri Jungle is fun, but he’s starting to miss the smell of humans.

“Which one do you like?”

“I like the older teacher and Jinsoon, but I want to see Miss Ethel.”

Samedi is always honest. He didn’t know how to talk around.

“I need to find my mother.”

Black Mamba’s eyes sank deeply. Some bastard leaves a comfortable path and keeps going only on a difficult path. Ethel, who was squeezing the filthy native blood pus in the harsh desert, felt pity.

“Samedi with an open mind concedes. We must not forget Miss Ethel.”

Black Mamba turned away without answering.

‘Are you pissed off? I have no reason to be upset…’

Samedi tilted his head and followed after carrying a heavy bag of luggage. Samedi still lacks the skills to understand the complexities of human judgment.

Devil Spring, the cenote the CIA calls a puddle, remains turbid. The thick water surface, like a thin soup, cracked and cracked. It is the sound of methane gas rising from the floor and escaping into the air. Plants do not grow within a radius of 100m due to the toxic gas leaking from the swamp.

“Shadow-san, is the hybrid monster hiding in the swamp your pet?”

MecPee’s face rotted and was bruised. They know more of Area 51’s secrets than themselves. Those who smashed the Mechanic Hunter in one blow and know secrets unknown to the sky, what the hell is it? It was difficult to even guess the identity of the person even though he thought about losing his hair.

Got upset if a predator jumps out of the swamp and attacks them, it’s perfect, but it’s a no-brainer. Neither Grendel nor Hunter can act autonomously. Steve is gone, so there is no one to give orders.

“You don’t expect that Keyhole and the Dragon Lady will send the video here to the headquarters, and the assault team will be dispatched urgently, don’t you?”


MecPee’s eyes widened. Since the chin has already fallen, there is no chin to fall off.

“Wake up your dream. For the next 95 minutes, the sky is empty. The mid-orbit satellite RM444 doesn’t have enough resolution to pick it up.”

Black Mamba smiled round and round and pointed her finger at the sky. MecPee’s face turned black. How do they know the top-secret CIA satellite operation schedule? A clever human with ultra-physical and astonishing intelligence capabilities, the risk of interest is higher than that of the Ohio SSBN (Strategic Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine) with 24 Tridents.

“Wakir, long nights have many dreams.”

Samedi raised his voice.

“Kukk, that’s right. Get ready for the fireworks show.”

Samedi took out 10 5 kg white phosphorus bullets and 30 10 kg napalm bullets from the backpack.


MecPee’s eyes widened as if torn apart. It has been 20 years since he ate jjambap in the military. It’s not MegPy who doesn’t know what dark courage is. Their next move was obvious. The Predator is going to be like a Thanksgiving turkey.

“Are you curious? Are you dying to tell me?”

Samedi groaned.

“Miss Shadow, don’t even dream of suicide. What you consider to be extreme pain is not extreme pain. Your patriotism and military spirit are not the weight of a single leaf to me. Don’t you want to engrave my words on your body?”

MecPee nodded impatiently. Pain is also pain, but it is on the verge of going crazy because of curiosity and curiosity. Tuduk- The palms passed over the articular processes of both mandibles. His chin was stuck in place.

“Name and rank?”

“Major McPhee, Onion McPhee.”


“I am a soldier in the United States of America. The rest cannot be said.”

MecPee shut his mouth tight. He was determined not to say any more.

“Shadow is a special squadron belonging to DIA, called the Shadow Corps. They are currently dispatched to the CIA Duchess to do all sorts of dirty post-processing. Was there a CIA agent among the guys in the camp? He came to investigate the dead serpent, and you are the Shadow Team Leader sent for security purposes, right?”


MecPee’s eyes widened as if torn apart. It’s an unmistakable fact. For a moment, he was suspicious that he was a secret agent who inspected the CIA and DIA.

“No surprise. I killed the Serpent.”


MecPee’s chin dropped. Even if he collected all the moments that surprised him since he was born, he didn’t think it would be as surprising as now.

“Come on, even if you play, you have to finish work and play.”

1,000 square meters is about 300 pyeong. Black Mamba divided the cenotes by 10 pyeong like a checkerboard. They plan to throw 30 napalm bombs, one for every 10 pyeong.

It takes 3 seconds to adjust the fuse, and 90 seconds to adjust 30 fuses. Black Mamba’s hand moved like an island war. The first bomb was set at 95 seconds, the second at 92 seconds, and the last at 5 seconds. Samedi has never dealt with bombs. From a distance, he just watched the sheep the owner was making.

Shish shish shish- The napalm bullets, which had been promoted by the priest, flew towards the cenote, biting their tail like a rosary. 30 drops took just 3 seconds. Chowk – 30 bombs landed on the surface at about the same time.

“Oh, that can’t be!”

MecPee’s mouth widened. His physical ability was eye-opening, but he was fed up with his bomb-handling skills and calculations without an error. It’s a computer, not a human.

“Se- ang- doo-”

Before Samedi could count the three, the flames soared. The sticky napalm covered the water surface of the cenote as if it was paved with asphalt. The combustion temperature of napalm is 1,200°C to 1,500°C. The 1,000 square meters of water turned into a fireball at once.

The airlifted napalm ammunition is not an initial type, but an improved type. In addition to naphthenic acid and palmitic acid, benzene and polystyrene were added. The burning time increases and it explodes when water is poured on it.

It is a myth that napalm can burn even underwater. A combustible cannot burn without oxygen unless a chemical reaction produces oxygen, such as thermite. Napalm only burns by drawing in oxygen from the atmosphere and dissolved oxygen from the water.

Aww- Powerful firepower called a heat storm. Shoot-a-ah, the air was terrifyingly sucked into the swamp. The swamp was bubbling. Hot steam rose like a cloud. The heated atmosphere dragged clouds of water vapor and soared into the sky.


Unable to stand the fire, MecPee screamed.

“It’s not like a weak bastard pretending to be!”

Samedi grabbed MecPee’s back and backed away.

“Heh heh, I’ll give you a special white phosphorus as well.”

Hissing – Ten additional white phosphorus bullets were dropped on the cenote turned into hell. Puffok- Puffok- A white flash of light flashed in the red flames.

White phosphorus charcoal increases the efficiency by mixing several auxiliary materials. The worst white phosphorus projectile is a thermite white phosphorus projectile. Thermite emits heat of 2,400°C during chemical reactions. Thermite reacts in water, and the heat of reaction between white phosphorus and thermite rises to 2,700℃.

The white phosphorus bullet, which could not overcome its weight, was submerged in the water. Dededede- Cenote’s water soared into the air like a geyser. It is a vaporization phenomenon caused by the explosive chemical reaction of the thermite white phosphorus bullet. The water of the cenote evaporated terribly. The water level went down in an instant. The sound of the fire sucking in oxygen, the sound of steam spewing, and the sound of boiling water mixed, deafening my ears.

The Black Mamba stared at the cenote, which was swirling with firestorms and thick steam. When she implemented it, the power of the napalm and thermite white phosphorus was enormous. The burning duration of napalm is 15 minutes and thermite white phosphorus is 3 minutes. In its current state, it was likely that all of the water in the cenote would evaporate before the combustion time passed. It’s too much of a performance to bring out two monsters.

“Heh heh, no matter how strong a monster is, can it withstand it?”

Whether it’s a raccoon or an octopus, if you light a fire at the door, it will pop out.

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