Mercenary Black Mamba

Chapter 430 - Episode 23: Ampadombe Fist of Justice

Chapter 430: Chapter 41 Episode 23: Ampadombe Fist of Justice

Black Mamba, the one who has a great sense of sight and spatial perception, can not tell the difference between reality and shadow. It immediately recognized that kamuge the one who appeared in the front of him was a ghost. Indeed, objects with mass can not hide their attention and appear behind their backs. The ghost opened his mouth.

Petro, thanks to you, I have ruined my big business. Be cursed by Dambala. Property and happiness will be out of your way forever.]

‘From the psychobiography to the telepathic!’

Black Mamba was surprised by Hae – yeon. This is a real left – hander. I did not know there was a guy like this in the world. “Thoughtography” refers to a psychic photograph that reproduces something that the human eye can not see or reflects the images that the brain has constructed on a particular object. That is a shallow ability that is just feast for the eye.

A real salt is a high mental power that embodies one’s thoughts or imagination in another space. If the ratio is to be realized, kamuge is the highest level of left – handed techniques.

“Dae – up is a jerk, you are a kamuge?”

He threw a horse and solved spatial perception to track down his true identity.

[Yes, you are right, I am the prophet, Kamuge Makandal. Because of Peter, the enemy of Rewa, Lusruhe, the god of good faith, has become the evil spirit that destroys the world. The people of the world will curse this man.]


My mouth opened wide. Talkin’ Sunny is just a hostage – taker. The common thing about hostage – takers is the transfer of responsibility. From now on, It is your responsibility to take on the seriousness that is happening now. “The responsibility for the death of the hostage lies entirely with the government for refusing to provide the evacuation aircraft.” “The irresponsible attack by the police cost the hostage.”

“Man, the world is hell by nature. Is not the origin of Dambala good deeds? The funny hell turned into a boring hell because you contaminated the Kl?vre. When a man like you runs wild, heaven becomes hell.”

In fact, it tracked the true body of kamuge and monitored a creature called Ruth Luhweh. The move of Ruth Luhwe was extraordinary. He has a snout in the heart of Mambo.

[Hehehe, You are about to see hell.]

Kamugu lifted the wand of Mardu (A magic wand) and memorized the spell. [Luhre Rewa Nyorita Avriwadau Bungalé Kardingo’s Wamba Inhab!]

At the same time as the shout of “Tuap!” the light flashed from the skull of Mardu. Kiruru – Lusruhe, the one who received the light, raised his head and stretched his arms and legs out.

“Oh, my God! I am really going crazy.

The eyes of Black Mamba got bigger. It has only been two or three minutes. In the meantime, creatures have doubled. The skin turned dark, too. That is just a vicious monster. It is not a time to falter under the influence of a baby. Xuak – Coocri has shortened the space by 3 meters.

“Oh my god!”

Coocree passed through the creature. I could not feel anything in my hand. At the moment of surprise, the creature popped up.

A creature less than five minutes old jumps?’

The neck of Black Mamba was bent 90 degrees. The kick that grazed his face hit his shoulder. Puck – the impact of a rifle shot was delivered. The face of Black Mamba, which had receded far, was rotten and smeared. I almost stamped my foot on my face. He was no less embarrassed. It is a dog – like situation in which one’s blow is not working and the other’s blow is working.

Hehehe, Are you surprised? Ruth ruhwe is both a mass creature and a body. Ten days is enough to cover the sky.]

“The sound of dog grazing!”

Xuak- Coocri ran through the air at the speed of cutting the waist of a tiny fly. A hazy coating has been made. The creature in the coating should be cut like slice cheese.…. There is no weight on the blade. It is like wielding a knife to cut the fog.

“Oh, my God!”

As soon as the frightened Black Mamba’s hands were delayed, the eyes of the creature flashed.


Black Mamba stumbled away. As if a flash bang (blind bullets) had burst, it turned white in front of me and my mind became faint.

[Hhhh, figuration is the power of Ruth Ruhweh. It is an uncontrolled coming of God. It is the end of the world. You die, I die, and everyone dies. The next time we meet, Ruth Ruhwe will tear your limbs and throw them as dog food. Hahaha!]

Kamuge threw a typical comment of villain and walked out. The body of goat went off with a thud.

“Oh my god, Van Mehomme Oh my god.”

By memorizing his true words, he drained his burning energy and regained his senses. jjojojong- The white curtain fell apart. The white curtain crumbled. It brightened up in front of me.

“”You crazy bastard! I will destroy the real thing.”

That guy is a real nut job. Regardless of all ages, clubs are medicine for crazy people. Unexpectedly, he got his nerve up close. If it is 30 meters empty, it means he is living in another water house.

Kiruru- Just as he was about to kick out of the floor, Ruth Ruhwe stretched as long as he pulled out. It is a movement that ignores lightning, gravity and air resistance. Woong- He hit Gongjin on the head with a handcuff.

The cuffs undoubtedly split the space. Puck – a part of the body stretched like a rubber band slapped and disappeared. Ruth Ruhwe, the one who had been given a blow, fell far away and stared with eyes that had only white spots. No, it seemed like he was looking.

“Oh, shit! This Bastard!”

It is the first time I have been slapped since I had a mercenary meal. Deep in the eyes of Black Mamba, bright red came out like ink smudging. It is turning into slaughter mode. Brain activity began to work solely in line with the death of the opponent.

Ruth Ruhwe had a physical impact through contact. This means that his body is composed of matter in some way. Balsala is the right person to subdue him. Deconstructs an object called launch on a molecular basis. I opened the emergency pouch and held Balsala in my hand.

Squeak – Ruth Ruhwe, the one who was in high spirits, shrank. The eyes of the pale, childless eyes were nailed to the balsala. Shh- Black Mamba rushed in. Fit Fit Fit – Valsala split the air lengthwise.

It is as I thought. Coocree passed without a hawk, but Valsala felt a fine cut. SUSASAK – Valsala chopped Ruth Ruhwe like garlic. Kwu- a terrible scream rang out. Hundreds and thousands of pieces of Ruth Ruhwe have become limp. The man who turned into a gel state slid down to the floor.

I suddenly remembered fighting with a nigga. I grabbed the black liquid fleeing through the board. It feels like holding a watery dough. Hold the dough with both hands and shoot out the resonant waves. Whoosh- There was the sound of bees flapping in both hands. Knew- Knew- Flour dough struggled to get out of hand.

‘Aha, this guy is weak on Gongjinpa.’

The excited Black Mamba hit the Gongjinpa faction with all her might. The black flour rice cake turned white and my arms felt heavy. Thud thud – I hit the floor like a hand – pulled ramble. The struggling dough sagged.

[Argh!] Ruth Ruhwe can not do this. You are not a Petro. What the hell are you?]

The telepathic message of Kamuge was delivered. There seems to be another ability to see the scene without a goat.

“I am Tuvai Burfa.”

[There is a curse of Dambala, Tuvai Bourpa.]

The last words narrowed as if they could be heard or not. It means that his energy has declined or he has run away.

“Curse me or not, you madman. I will take care of him and cut off his dirty neck.”

I took a bottle of water out of the backpack. I put the Ruth Ruhwe like a pizza dough spread out in a water bottle and close the lid. In novels, liquor bottles or pots were often used to seal goblins.

“What a ridiculous mess.”

Black Mamba grumbled out the door. The Ituri jungle is as messy as the world. I glanced at Ruth Ruhwe, the one who was wriggling in the bottle. Balsalara is a monster that has no way of overpowering if it had not been for an accent.

“By any chance. is that real?”

I thought this might be Adras like a nigga. Just as niggas exist in a messy world, some of the remaining Adras on the ground may not have perished.

The egg form is the most stable to withstand changes in the external environment. Would not Adras, the one who endured his years in the form of eggs, have been given some kind of concept and become this form? Black Mamba continued its near – truth reasoning. It is absurd reasoning, but the world is not everything in sight.

“This woman will be damned if she has no luck.”

He stared down at the dead young white woman with his eyes wide open. A wave that broke out while fighting Ruth Ruhwe tore the woman to pieces. She is rich and confident enough to be a member of the exploration team at a young age. Somehow, he fell into the hands of a voodoo sorcerer, played host to a monster, and met a miserable end.

There was no possibility of surviving even if Daerasin came anyway, but it was sad. I closed my eyelids with my palm. The eyelids that had been closed rolled up again and a hollow eye appeared. Anger flared up.

“Kamuge, you bastard I will kill you for sure.”

Out of sudden realize – flew to Gungshin Tanyeong. His chest and belly were pulled tight and his back muscles and broad belly muscles were stretched to form a U-shape. Using a soft joint, he shook his body in an S-shape. SAAA – Humans swam through the air in a parallel position to the ground. This is a non – sasin method that I learned from the sight of snakes flying from tree to tree.

It flew 40 meters horizontally. No matter what you do, the wingless one will fall. The moment he faltered, he stretched out Lakshasha. Puck – Cracker lodged deep in a waterhouse post.


The muscles of the output of two horsepower were stiff. The body that was falling was sucked into the water house where the body of kamuge was detected.

“You threw it up quickly.”

There is nothing inside about 12 pyeong. I put my palm on the chair. It was warm. He was sitting in a chair a little while ago. Duung- Spatial perception was activated. I could not get a hold of him.

“He is a very great guy.”

An exclamation came out. He is a real jackass. If he disappears in such a short moment, he is capable of teleporting. Kamuge is a psychic before he is a sorcerer.

He left Kamugy’s residence and went up to another prime minister’s house. There are only bodies of white women with torn abdomen and bodies of mambo with torn necks. The body was bloodless and pale. The same was true of another water house. The white woman had a torn abdomen and the mambo was disbanded. Ruth Ruhwe was not one but three. Two objects absorbed blood and disappeared somewhere.

“Why did the man I captured come out of the way, but the other one tore his abdomen?’

A thoughtful Black Mamba sprang up.

“Kamuge, did you cut off the belly and take out the immature Ruth Ruhwe?”

Black mamba gritted his teeth. Although I am well aware that the voodoo priest does not see humans as human beings, the degree was severe.

“Shall we trace it?”

The odds are 50 percent. It is a competition between the teleport ability of Kamuge and his spatial perception. Spatial perception extends up to 4 kilometers if there are no obstacles, such as deserts or grasslands. In Ituri, which is densely wooded and has a lot of magnetic light, the sensing ability is terrible.

In addition, an unexpected ambush hindered the chase. Frequently jumping lower limbs interrupted the movement. The cause is a huge amount of atrax injected by tarantula. Atrax, a poisonous ingredient in tarantula, is a natural erectile that outperforms of the efficacy of Viagra by 10 times. The average human being is on the brink of death, but Black Mamba has become the perv of the world.

“Nimi Jotto, Edel is in Ennedi, Jinsoon is in Korea, and Hyeyoung is in America. What should I do?”

Black Mamba grumbled, staring at the bulging front. A lucky man said he would pick up money even if he was knocked over. Black Mambada, where 1,000 adults are addicted to the poison that will kill them immediately, has become more energetic.

The sanctuary and Dambala camp, the residence of Kamuge, were surprisingly close. It was only 500 meters long. 500 meters is a day away from the Ituri jungle, but it does not apply to Black Mamba.

Back at the camp, Black Mamba grinned as he found a pack of beggars hanging in the open space. While he was handling kamuge, Samdi moved the hostage to the ground. As time goes by, Samdi understands the situation and moves actively.

“I peeled the animal and laid it out for the patients.”

Samdi pointed to patients lying down like a national student looking for compliments. Three seriously ill – behaved hostages are lying on Dino Palace leather and Wang Bam leather. It is kind of Samdi.

There are no appliances and no drugs to treat. Gongjinpa faction can cheer you up, but the medical staff will arrive soon anyway. Samdi did his best. The rest is for the support team to take care of.

“Samdi is very smart.”

Black Mamba tapped Samdi on the shoulder.

“Samdi the nicest thing to hear is that you are smart.”

“Samdi, you can not use it when you are upset.”


Samdi, the one who understood what he said, smiled.

“Wakir, what about the woman?”


Black mamba shook its head.

“What a shame!”

“What is a waste?”

“What a waste of a woman. What about a cow crab?

“Missed it.”

“It was worth a shovel.”

Samdi turned around and said in a small voice.

“You are a wreck, you are a man of your word for your sake.….”

Samdi is right. It was worth shoveling. All I have got is Ruth Ruhwe in the bottle.

“What happened to the girls?”

Rolang approached and asked.

“Everyone is dead.”

Black Mamba, the one who became uncomfortable, looked at Rolang and walked toward the Korean people. The conversation was cut off because I went to find a woman. A Korean lying on Dino Palace leather raised his head.

“Nari, a Ministry of Commerce and Industry official, What is your name?”

“It is Lee Kang chul.”


Black Mamba breathed in.

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