Medical Sovereign

Chapter 377 - The Chief Editor of Lancet

Chapter 377 The Chief Editor of Lancet

Ding Ning felt numb all over his scalp, and he said with a hollow grin, “You have to earn some reputation yourself.”

“I don’t care. This happened all because of you. You’re responsible for finding them out for me.”

Ling Yun had made up her mind to place the responsibility on Ding Ning. She knew it was easy for Ding Ning to find these people since he had a magical pet.

“Well, even if you hadn’t asked me for help, I’m still going to find them and ask them why they wanted to see me.”

Ding Ning shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly. He thought to himself, “This girl didn’t care about her image as the leader at all.”

After seeing Ding Ning, Ling Yun seemed to become a mischievous and easy-going girl again. She waved her hand to let everyone break up. The conscientious Lu Zhan reminded everyone to be careful recently before everyone left.

Ding Ning taught Ling Yun and Lu Zhan the Spell of Savage Soldier’s Body and told them that they must teach the technique to the reliable brothers. Lu Zhan nodded with others while his attention was drawn to the technique, and even Ling Yun could not wait to learn and practice the technique.

Ding Ning grabbed the jade pendant on her neck wordlessly and draw a Wind Wheel Charm that could increase her speed and a Body-protection Vajra Charm on it.

After teaching her how to use the charms, Ding Ning reminded her to be careful and rushed to his school non-stop because Principal Lu had made countless phone calls to urge him back.

No one knew that a hummingbird had quietly landed on the top floor of Green Cloud Club and watched what happened here all the time. Ding Ning knew that those foreign people would never let him go easily if they couldn’t find him.

On the way to the school, according to the missed calls shown on his phone, Ding Ning called them back one by one.

Xu Minglu called Ding Ning mainly because of Qiao Zhenya’s illness. After Qiao Qiao told the Qiao Family that Qiao Zhenya was ill, the Qiao Family did not take it seriously and said that Ding Ning was talking nonsense.

Qiao Qiao believed in Ding Ning and took her younger brother to the hospital for an examination at once. As soon as the examination results reached the Qiao Family, everyone in the family panicked. They rushed to Ninghai overnight to see Ding Ning, but no matter they tried, they could not get in touch with Ding Ning.

After hesitating for a while, Ding Ning agreed to meet with the Qiao Family when he was free.

Xiao Nuo and Xiaoyi called Ding Ning for the same reason—how to handle the Qian Family. Xiao Nuo’s suggestion was to severely punish Fourth Childe of Qian Family but let the Qian Family off this time. After all, considering the relationship between Xiaoyi and the Qian family, it was not proper for him to go too tough with them.

Xiaoxi said pitifully that her grandfather almost knelt down before her and begged Ding Ning to let the Qian Family off and just punish Qian Le alone.

Ding Ning was speechless. Although Qian Le was stupid and hateful, Ding Ning never took him seriously. As for how to deal with him, it was left to the police and had nothing to do with him.

He did not realize that it was just because he wanted to avenge for Xiao Nuo and took hard measures against the Qian Family that Xiaoyao scolded him valued Xiao Nuo more than his friend.

Actually, Ding Ning valued Xiaoyao very much. He pretended to give his suggestion that Qian Le must be seriously punished and the Qian Family should not open any casino in the future or be involved in any business like a usurious loan. Besides, he also suggested that Master Qian was too old and should retire from his position as the family leader and that Third Childe of the Qian Family was every capable.

Xiaoyao agreed with him happily as if what Ding Ning said were golden laws and precious rules, which amused Ding Ning a lot.

He did not know that the Qian Family had done it strictly according to what he said. Qian Xi, who was regarded as an useless man by the Qian Family, changed his fate completely and really became the head of the Qian Family.

As for the Ye sisters, they called him to tell him that they had made it into the semifinal of Campus-star Competition and would participate in the final in Yan Jing in November and asked him if he had time to cheer them up on the spot of the competition.

Ding Ning hesitated. He didn’t make up his mind immediately but only said that he would go if he were free by then.

The Ye sisters did not hold any hope for his response, so, when they heard his ambiguous answer, they were not very disappointed. After knowing that he was driving, they hung up the phone quickly.

The reason Bai Qing called Ding Ning surprised him the most. Bai Qing called him to invite him to attend a charity auction evening party and to introduce a friend to him.

“Well, the more friend I have, the smoother my future path will be.” With his thought and that he did not anything to do tomorrow night, he accepted the invitation.

The reason that Executive Zhou called Ding Ning was interesting. Executive Zhou finally got to be the deputy director of health bureau of the city as he wished. Before he left his current position, he wanted to invite Ding Ning for a meal to thank him.

Just as Ding Ning accepted this invitation, Zhao Gang called him. Zhao Gang was about to be discharged from the hospital. He not only became a police hero but also became the director of Jingpu Police Station Sub-bureau. He also wanted to invite Ding Ning for a meal to thank him.

Since Ding Ning spent most of his time in Jingpu District, he could not deny the director’s invitation. As a result, he got one more invitation for meal after he received the call.

Murong Yanran’s intention of calling Ding Ning was simple and clear. She wanted to quit from Tianfu Company and start her own business. She wanted to let Ding Ning buy a share as her company’s jade carving master. For this, Ding Ning could not agree more and accepted her request.

He even flirted with Murong Yanran shamelessly, saying that he could not only buy a share with his carving skills but also with his whole person and his money. Upon hearing this, Murong Yanran scolded him as a rascal in a shy tone.

“Alas! It’s true that a handsome man will always get busy. Look at your gloomy eyes, others will see you’re handsome.”

Ding Ning sighed and was self-pleased after he hung up the phone and looked at himself through the rear mirror.

“Stop joking. I’m busy, ok? I received so many calls every minute that I don’t have time to answer a call from a stranger.”

Ding Ning did not know that in the house of the mayor, a girl named Qiao Qiao, who wore a ponytail, kept cursing him with her lips pouted. “This guy actually did not answer my call.”

Tom Cruise was one of the chief editors of the medical journal Lancet. This time, he went to Shenzhou to verify the opinions and views in Comparison between Anaesthesia in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine and evaluate the leader of the team.

Since it was founded, Lancet had been devoted to search and publish high-quality clinical tests that aimed to improve health level worldwide and could bring reform to the medical practice, and to make sure that it could cover the medical research and analysis from every corner of the world. After received an email from Tang Weidong, the chief editor of Medical Guidance in Shenzhou, who he had been in touch with for several times, he saw the article Comparison between Anaesthesia in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine recommended by Tang Weidong and was dismissive toward it.

As a matter of fact, he had a bad impression of Shenzhou during the limited connections with this country. He thought that the country was full of bureaucracy and the people there were dilatory in work and liked to brag. As a result, he did not have a good impression of Tang Weidong either.

However, as a professional editor of an authoritative journal, he read the article carefully and patiently due to his good professionalism. He thought it at most would only waste him several minutes.

After reading the article, Tom thought the words in it were exaggerated just as he had expected. “Traditional Chinese medicine, har-har. How dare they be so rodomontade to compare this pseudo-science with the science-tested western medicine? How dare they refute the anaesthesia of western medicine so harshly?” Tom thought.


“Although this article was written in an easy and fluent style with clear views, sufficient proof, and a lot of detailed correlation data, and the author had proficient writing skills, which made the article look like reliable,” Tom shook his head and sneered, “it is still article about pseudoscience and could not be published on Lancet.”

As a result, Tom Cruise sentenced the article to death directly and decided to call Tang Weidong and scold him badly at once to blame him for wasting his precious time with such a fake article.

However, due to his good professionalism, he decided to read all the information so as to sound more reasonable when he scolded Tang Weidong.

When he made himself a cup of coffee and started to watch the video attached to the article, he could not take his eyes off the video.

The video clearly showed how Ding Ning, the author of the article, saved Wang Guoliang, a soldier from border defense, in a hospital in Diannan. With the experience he gained working as an editor, Tom Cruise could tell that the video was real and did not undergo any montage or PS.

This meant that what was stated in the article possibly was true. Tom became excited at once at the findings .

With his sharp sense as an editor, he knew if what was said in the article was true, this would be a great finding that could astonish the medical community worldwide. He also knew that Lancet would leave its other competitors far behind if it took the lead to publish the article.

Thus, in the morning meeting of the following day, in others suspicious and scornful laughter, Tom Cruise convinced Richard Holden, the head editor of the journal, and two chief editors to establish an assessment team consisting of five members. The team would go to Shenzhou and assess if the views in Comparison between Anaesthesia in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine were true.

Out of his rigorous working attitude, before setting off, Tom Cruise searched online about the information of Ding Ning, the author of Comparison between Anaesthesia in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. He had thought that he would get nothing and had not expected that the first 200 pages of searching results would all be reports on Ding Ning. At this, Tom Cruise realized that this trip to Shenzhou would be worthwhile.

At the moment, the assessment team, represented by Tom Cruise, waited anxiously with Tang Weidong and Principal Lu.

They had been in Ninghai for three days. However, Ding Ning, the author of Comparison between Anaesthesia in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, seemed to be disappeared and could not be got through. What was more ridiculous was that the home address Ding Ning left was under demolition. This made the staff of Lancet who emphasized work efficiency feel as if they were committing a crime.

Even Tom Cruise, who had always remained composed, felt impatient and started to think about going back. After all, wherever the staff of Lancet went, they were warmly welcomed. However, Ding Ning, who was just a student in university, dared to put on air toward them and kept them waiting for three days, which was unimaginable to them.

Fortunately, in such an emergency, the anxious Principal Lu revealed either purposely or accidentally that Ding Ning was very tired because he had developed a new type of medicament to replace the antibiotic recently. He also said that Ding Ning did not answer their calls possibly because he wanted to take a rest for several days and that he had arranged someone to invite Ding Ning and told them to wait longer.

As he had expected, Tom Cruise was very interested in the new type of medicament and enquired the details of the medicament, which was named Rice Bean Oral Solution by Ding Ning.

Principal Lu felt complacent in secret and invited some traditional Chinese physicians, such as Mr. Hu, Mr. Zhang, and some professors who had communicated with Ding Ning to explain to Tom Cruise, so as to buy them some time. Meanwhile, he tried every means to connect Ding Ning, which was also why Ding Ning had received so many calls.

Mr. Hu and other professors lived up to everyone’s expectations and with a rigorous scientific attitude, they explained the principle of Rice Bean Oral Solution and even displayed traditional Chinese medical skills, such as acupuncture, cupping, skin scraping, and massage, to these foreign people and made them feel the magic power of traditional Chinese medicine. This successfully aroused the interest of the assessment team represented by Tom Cruise and bought some time for themselves.

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