Medical Sovereign

Chapter 306 - On the Verge of Death

Chapter 306 On the Verge of Death

“You, you should be careful!”

Xiao Nuo was extremely worried, shouting with a crying tone.

“Bang!” A gunshot sounded. A blood flower bloomed on Xiao Nuo’s shoulder.

“Take her; they are from the same group.”

A horde of guards rushed out of the collapsed villa like a flood, pouncing at Xiao Nuo, who was pale and held her shoulder.

“D*mn it, he saved you guys, but you opened fire at him, so you all should die!”

Dark-faced, Xiao Nuo rolled on the ground, hid behind a car, and shot twice.

Two guards were shot on the spot between their eyebrows and fell with a muffled sound.

“Shoot the b*tch to death!”

Like well-disciplined veterans, these guards dispersed fast and shot at Xiao Nuo constantly.




They exchanged fire like setting off firecrackers, very boisterous.

Since Xiao Nuo was alone and only had one gun, she could not fight so many people. Forced by the dense firing, she had to lower her head. With her bullets used up, she could not shoot at all.

Taking a look at one another, several guards began to quickly surround her from all sides, wishing to attack her from behind.

When a guard ducked past a car, a powerful arm suddenly held his neck from behind and twisted it forcefully with a crack, and he died silently.

Yu Qian picked up the guard’s gun and bullets instantly, trying to figure out its functions, but he found he could not use it after a long time of trial. With a wry smile, he had to throw the gun and its cartridge holder to Xiao Nuo.

The wound on Xiao Nuo’s shoulder had just recovered, but now it was shot again. It was so painful that she became pale.

During the fire exchange, a “puff” sound suddenly came, and a gun and its cartridge holder fell at her feet.

Xiao Nuo felt joyful and raised her head to see Yu Qian hiding behind a car. He gave her the thumbs up, encouraged her with a gesture, and then ducked to move toward a guard silently.

Xiao Nuo raised the corner of her mouth slightly. “Yu Qian is a man with the brotherhood code.”

With a gun in hand, she was re-energized, crawling from under the car to the opposite side. As she rolled on the ground, bullets went out of the gun chamber.

“Ah ...”

With two quick and short screams, two more guards were shot dead.

“She is there; all fire at that direction to shoot her to death!”

The location of the car where Xiao Nuo hid was found again, and bullets like waterfalls were shot crazily at her.

“Da da da!”

Someone even took out a submachine gun to crazily sweep-shoot at the location where Xiao Nuo stayed.

“Bang... crack...”

Soon, the windowpanes were shot into shards, which flew to all directions madly and scratched Xiao Nuo’s delicate cheeks.

Xiao Nuo panted heavily, her heart beating fast. As a previous SWAT Team leader, she had accomplished numerous missions, but she had never experienced such fire exchanges before. No doubt, she was afraid and nervous.

Especially when their fire exchange upgraded, these desperados took out submachine guns to use. Perhaps, they might use grenades next moment.

With a “puff”, as she was afraid, a grenade fell at her side, scaring the soul out of her.

Now, she was doomed. With an empty brain and without thinking at all, almost out of nature, she picked up the grenade and threw it away.

“Boom!” A violent explosion sounded. Coincidentally, the grenade rolled under the car where three guards hid, exploding the fuel tank and sending the three guards to the air.

She was still in danger. With a fluke, she threw away this grenade, but the second, third, fourth... came instantly.

The moment she threw away the grenade, Xiao Nuo ducked instantly and ran to the distance.




Just as she rose and left, the car where she hid just now was exploded by the grenade, and the force of the explosion made her fly and fall heavily on the ground. Dead or alive, it was hard to tell.


A violent shake came from the ground, and the river water in the distance surged up with waves of more than ten meters as if a white dragon came out of the sea.

“Explosion successful? Ding Ning, are you all right? Sorry, I will die first...”

Blood gushed crazily out of Xiao Nuo’s mouth, her eyes stared numbly at the river water’s location, and her big beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of dead gray, which became dim gradually...

“Da da...”

“Boom, boom, boom...”

SWAT members finally arrived and their guns shot the fire of wrath, sweeping-shooting at these desperados madly.

“Captain, wake up!”

“Captain, how do you feel now? Hold on!”

“Captain, don’t sleep; don’t ever sleep; hold on; hold on!”

“We will be in the hospital right away; you must hold!”


The voices were so near her ears, but they seemed to be the familiar sounds from the edge of the sky, reverberating around her ears.

She tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids weighed hundreds of kilos and could not be opened; she tried to open her mouth, wanting to ask about Ding Ning’s condition, but her throat seemed to be burned by fire and could not make a sound. With her vision turning dark, she lost consciousness completely!

When she woke up again, the disinfectant water’s strong smell made her know she was in the hospital and should be safe and sound.

But when she thought of Ding Ning, her heart seemed to be twisted. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, ready to sit up.


The pain from head to foot let her give an uncontrollable scream, waking up Xiaoyao, who was sleeping soundly at the head of the bed.

“Sister Nuo, thank goodness, you finally wake up. The operation on you has just been finished, but the wound hasn’t healed. Don’t move!”

Xiaoyao rubbed her sleepy eyes, gave a surprised smile, and held Xiao Nuo hurriedly, preventing her from moving.

“Ding Ning, what about Ding Ning?”

Xiao Nuo held Xiaoyao’s hands tightly, asking nervously.

“Alas! I am so moved by you both! As soon as you woke up, you asked about each other. No doubt, you are a couple.”

Xiaoyao said with a smile, making Xiao Nuo heave a long sigh of relief. She lay down peacefully and said as if a heavy load had been lifted, “As long as he is fine, good.”

“He is fine, but you are in a terrible condition. If my brother-in-law hadn’t insisted on doing the operation for you and taken you back from Death, you must have died this time.”

Xiaoyao said in a blaming tone, “Only as captain of a criminal police team, do you need to work so hard? It’s only been a short time since you took the job, but you’ve been hospitalized twice. Too dangerous.”

“Him, what about him?”

Xiao Nuo just ignored her nagging and asked nervously.

With admiration and love, Xiaoyao told her everything in detail, and then Xiao Nuo got the whole picture.

The fact was that Xiao Nuo’s internal organs and head were all damaged by the explosion. When she was sent to the hospital after the battle was over, she was nearly dead.

Doctors carried out the emergent rescue, but they finally failed and announced her death.

At this time, drenched in blood, with one leg crippled, Ding Ning rushed in hurriedly and insisted like a lunatic that she would never die.

All the people thought he had been shocked and persuaded him to end his grief and treat his own wounds hurriedly, but he drove everyone out of the operating room with blood-shot eyes. Although he was seriously wounded, he spent four hours and took Xiao Nuo back from the verge of death.

Xiaoyao spoke and cried that as soon as he finished her operation and opened the door of the operating room, he passed out, looking as pale as a sheet of paper, and the operating room’s floor had been smeared red by his blood.

Xiao Nuo’s eyes turned red and her heart was in pain as if needles were poking it, and she also felt sweet and sad. “What about him now?”

“My brother-in-law’s physical quality is extremely well. You have fainted for three days, but he got up energetically the following morning, guarding you for two days. Just now, he went to rest. Do I need to call him back?”

Xiaoyao looked very happy, her pink cheeks glistening with sexy light.

“No, let him rest!”

Xiao Nuo looked at her suspiciously. “I feel you are very happy, why?”

Xiaoyao blushed and said unconfidently, “You’ve woken up. Of course, I am happy.”

Xiao Nuo looked at her with disbelief. “Definitely not, your expression shows you are horny.”

“Sister Nuo, don’t talk nonsense. You’ve been in critical condition, how can I have the mood to be horny?”

Xiaoyao looked like she had been wrongly accused, but her heartbeat sped up. “When my brother-in-law lost consciousness, I helped scrub his body secretly. Is this horny? Horny? Shouldn’t be, right?”

Since Xiao Nuo had just woken up and also felt a little tired, she didn’t wish to squabble about this question with her. “My parents still don’t know, right?”

“Yes. After my brother-in-law finished your operation, he especially told us not to tell your parents.”

Xiaoyao said hurriedly.

“That’s good, that’s good. I am a little dizzy; let me sleep for a few more minutes.”

Xiao Nuo was relieved, felt dizzy, and fell asleep again unconsciously.

Biting her lip lightly with her white teeth, Xiaoyao rose silently, walked out of the ward, closed the door secretly, and came to Ding Ning’s ward.

When she saw Ding Ning also sleeping like a log like two days ago, Xiaoyao cradled his face dumbly, caressed his pale face, and mumbled, “Brother-in-law, you know what? When I saw you say Sister Nuo would never die and risk your life to save her, I felt the pain in my heart. I admired her so much. Someday, if you could treat me as well as you treat her, even if I died, I would not have any regrets.”

Ding Ning was tired, never so tired as he was now. Since he was shot more than ten times by those guards and wasted some time, the bomb exploded immediately as it was thrown into the river.

Before he could hide, the huge impact wave of the explosion sent him flying. If his bones had not been changed, his right leg would have been blasted off.

Even so, his right leg was nearly only left with a skeleton, which only had several pieces of meat, dangling.

But when he was sent to the hospital, he heard the sad news of Xiao Nuo’s death. At that moment, he nearly went insane. Spending all his energy, bearing the sharp pain with his extremely strong willpower, and persisting for more than four hours, he finally saved her.

With his superpower and True Qi used up, the double-faced Buddha even looked shriveled and quite somber, making him quite tired, and he had to fall into a deep sleep, trying to recover as soon as possible.

Fortunately, before he fainted, he told Xiaoyao not to ask anyone to treat him and he would recover himself. That was why the secret of his super-strong self-recovering ability was not exposed.

Thus, Xiaoyao became very tired and had to move between them, taking care of Xiao Nuo as well as him. So, he felt quite guilty.

But he didn’t know that Xiaoyao enjoyed it, wishing to approach and take care of him like this for a lifetime. When he was asleep, she could also take the chance to touch him.

That night, Ding Ning detonated the bomb in time, so the National Security Bureau didn’t send large groups of its force as the man in the black robes thought. Instead, the Bureau strengthened its guard, and he had to terminate his plan.

The man in black robes nearly went insane, wishing to cut Ding Ning into pieces.

It was not that he didn’t think about killing Ding Ning, but unfortunately, a master behind Ding Ning had been protecting him, forcing him to act carefully.

It was planned for so long, and such a good opportunity was lost. Liu Junwei had also been officially fired by the National Security Bureau and gone through the formalities for leaving the bureau, which also lost its value for him.

Yet, Liu Junwei was smart. Although his name was notorious now, he still had an uncle working as Chairman of the Board at Shenglong Group. In the future, he might be useful.

What the man in black robes liked most was that Liu Junwei did not only have a very high IQ, but he was also a Ninghai local. In addition, he once worked in the National Security Bureau and had complicated relations there. More importantly, he had a bellyful of evil ideas and could provide much help to their organization which needed to set a sure foot in Shenzhou Country

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