Medical Sovereign

Chapter 299 - Special Department

Chapter 299 Special Department

“Ah, it’s a jade cicada? It scared me to death. I thought it was a real one.”

It was only now that Xiao Nuo realized that something was not right and gathered her courage to grab the jade cicada on her chest. Only when she grabbed it did she realize that the very life-like cicada was actually made of jade. She held it lovingly and turned it over and over in her hand.

“Do you like it?”

Ding Ning’s breath tickled her earlobe, making her face feel hot and her entire body feel soft. She leaned in into Ding Ning’s embrace as if her body had no center of gravity.

Her heart was filled with a rich sense of joy. She lowered her blushing face and said shyly, in a very quiet voice, “As long as it’s a gift from you, I like it.”

“As long as you like it, it is good!”

With his arms full of a beautiful woman, Ding Ning felt adventurous and excited. As he thought, the large butt was very bouncy.

“Let go of me, stupid pervert.”

Xiao Nuo quickly noticed that something was wrong. She immediately flushed red with embarrassment and struggled to get free. They were in the police station; if someone saw them, she would die of embarrassment.

Ding Ning’s ears twitched, he heard footsteps approaching from afar, and he quickly but reluctantly let go of the supple waist in his grasp.

Suddenly leaving Ding Ning’s warm embrace, Xiao Nuo felt a deep sense of disappointment in her heart and she silently cursed at him. “Stupid pervert, when did he become so obedient? How could he actually let her go? What a useless coward.”

If Ding Ning knew of her thoughts at this time, he might have directly pushed her down in anger and smacked the big butt he had been drooling over.

“Someone is coming.”

As the footsteps came closer and closer, Xiao Nuo quickly tidied her messy bangs and said, in an urgent voice, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Seeing Ding Ning’s suspicious gaze, she immediately blushed with embarrassment and stomped her foot in anger. “Stupid pervert, don’t think such things.”

“What am I thinking about?”

Ding Ning wore an expression of perfect innocence, which made Xiao Nuo pause; perhaps this stupid pervert wasn’t thinking of such things?

It was only after she saw his mischievous gaze that she suddenly came to her senses. A stupid pervert’s thoughts were always so, there was no way she could do him an injustice.

She stared at him angrily before running away with her perky butt and red face to the bathroom. Not because her underwear was wet but because she was completely red-faced. If someone saw her like this, who knew what they would think.

“Brother Ding, you really are here, haha.”

From a distance, Secretary Xu began to wave and quickened his footsteps.

Qi Ruoxian was shocked. He had no idea when Secretary Xu had grown so close to Ding Ning that he had begun calling him brother.

“Brother Xu, what brings you here?”

Ding Ning went forward with surprise and shook his hand. He had no idea that Secretary Xu was here. After all, Xiao Nuo had not had time to tell him what had happened in the meeting.

“Ah, mine is just a busy life. See here, a murder case just happened today and the city leaders consider it of great importance. Major Du has sent me here to supervise this case, and to solve it as quickly as possible.”

Secretary Xu was all smiles and did not treat Ding Ning like an outsider at all.

“Hello, Director Qi.”

Secretary Xu could ignore Director Qi’s existence but Ding Ning could not do so. He politely greeted Director Qi.

“Dr. Ding, how do you have time today to inspect our division’s work?”

Director Qi spoke with great skill. With one joke, he pulled close their relationship.

“Director Qi, you are mocking me. I came voluntarily to explain the issue.”

Ding Ning followed his lead and replied half-jokingly.

“Ah, what a jokester you are. Captain Xiao has already reported the situation to me. If you have no problems with it, I’ll have the office draw up the documents to hire you as a special police consultant overnight.”

Director Qi really thought that Ding Ning was joking and spoke with a laugh.

Ding Ning paused. He thought Xiao Nuo’s explanation of hiring him as a consultant was just to mess with Jiang Hongbin, he had not expected her to make good on it.

But thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with being a police consultant. He would at least have a special identity. He immediately replied seriously, “Director Qi, being a consultant is no problem but as you know, I’m still completing my master’s degree. I won’t have time to sit on duty at the police station...”

“You don’t need to worry about this. I’ve already said you are a special consultant. Unless we run into some difficult matter, the police will not bother you. Your time will be yours. As for specific logistics and benefits, just discuss them with Captain Xiao. I am only in charge of signing the hiring document.”

It had to be said, with Secretary Xu’s attitude toward Ding Ning, Director Qi also gave him the most freedom possible. This reassured Ding Ning and he repeatedly expressed his gratitude.

“Oh, right, Brother Ding, why are you here at the police station today?”

Secretary Xu waited until they stopped talking before asking with curiosity.

Ding Ning laughed awkwardly. “It’s about the murder case you mentioned earlier. It’s the one concerning the Gu father and son, right? I was present at the time.”

“What? You were present? That’s great. The surveillance equipment at the scene was broken. Although there were many witnesses, no one is willing to come out and provide a statement. This case has reached a stalemate. We were just about to interview the crowd to try and get a detailed process of the case. Since you were present, that is great news.”

Director Qi said with surprise.

Ding Ning was thoughtful. It looked like Xiao Nuo did not talk about him at the meeting. It seemed that she was worried about him being involved in this case. This made his heart feel warm.

But since he dared to raise the subject, he was not worried about this matter being connected to him. After all, he didn’t kill anymore. At most, he hurt a few people.

“Director Qi, Secretary Xu, you both are here.”

Having gotten her emotions under control and recovered her usual coolness, Xiao Nuo came out from the bathroom. Seeing the two bigshots talking warmly with Ding Ning, she made her greeting with surprise.

“Captain Xiao, you came just at the right time. Dr. Ding said that he was a witness to the Gu father and so murder case. Come to my office and let’s hear about the situation together.”

Director Qi was very happy. This was a case being overseen by the city leaders. Ding Ning voluntarily coming to provide information about the actual situation was very useful in solving the case.


Xiao Nuo stealthily shot Ding Ning a glance. She had not reported the situation Ding Ning told her about because she wanted to remove him from this matter. Yet here he was, turning himself in. It completely enraged her.

Ding Ning winked at her, indicating that she should be at ease, then followed Director Qi and Secretary Xu to the Director’s office.

With a blank expression, Xiao Nuo took out her laptop. She was going to take notes as they talked.

Ding Ning practically and realistically laid out the details of the matter. After listening to his story, Secretary Xu and Director Qi both had their brows pulled together tightly.

“Brother Ding, you are saying that you defeated the king of black fist, Jie Lin?”

Secretary Xu asked with disbelief. He didn’t know the other people but he had heard of the king of black fist.

Such a person had been defeated at Ding Ning’s hands. Didn’t that mean that Ding Ning was not only a doctor but also an accomplished martial artist?

“Yes, I spoke very clearly earlier.”

Ding Ning answered very naturally as he calmly took a sip of his tea.

“Wait, Dr. Ding, what did you say the other three bodyguards were called?”

Director Qi asked tensely, his brows furrowed tightly.

“One was called Mikelson. The other two were brothers, but I don’t know their names. Jie Lin called them something like the Everson brothers.”

Ding Ning’s memory was very good. Although he had face-blindness when it came to black people and thought they all looked much the same, he remembered the name after a little thought.

“Peter Mikelson, from North Africa, a lone killer. Wanted by the American FBI for killing an American politician in 2015. In the capture process, he killed three FBI agents and escaped. He is a B listed wanted criminal with the American government offering a five hundred thousand dollar bounty. Today, he is still on the run. The Cadi Everson brothers are twins, from Jamaica. Members of the Venomous Snake gang, most of their activity is centered on South-east Asia. In 2016, the Venomous Snake gang allied with the anti-government group and tried to overthrow the Myan government but ultimately failed. The entire gang was killed and only the two brothers escaped. The Myan government has a million-dollar bounty on their heads. There remains no news of them to this day.”

Previously, Xiao Nuo had not paid any attention to the black bodyguards Ding Ning had spoken of. Looking them up now by their names, she was immediately shocked.

Director Qi’s expression became very strange as he looked Ding Ning up and down. “You also know martial arts, Dr. Ding?”

“Not really martial arts. As you know, traditional Chinese medicine runs in my family. In the medical arts, there are also some ways to strengthen the body. I’ve been practicing since I was very young, and so I’m a little stronger, a little faster, and a bit more attuned to my surroundings compared to other people. It’s nothing more than that.”

Ding Ning said humbly.

Without prior agreement, the three of them frowned together. They did not believe his words at all. What kind of strengthening medical arts could allow him to defeat three wanted criminals?

Secretary Xu’s brows were tightly furrowed. After a moment of silence, he said, “According to Brother Ding, Gu Fangran was killed by Northern River Liu family’s Yu Qian?”

“Correct. Yu Qian was his master’s pride. He was already feeling low after being defeated by me when he was then abandoned by his senior brother. At this time, Gu Fangran unwisely ordered him to be killed. It was only then that he became angry and killed him.”

Secretary Xu and Director Qi looked at each other and saw the heaviness in each other’s eyes. Director Qi was quiet for a moment then said, “Looks like we’ll have to hand over this case.”

“What for? Such criminal cases should be handled by the criminal police team.”

Xiao Nuo panicked at hearing this. She did not want to transfer this case to someone else. She was afraid someone would use this case to create problems that would be harmful to Ding Ning.

“Xiao Nuo, these are the rules. We have to transfer cases that involve martial artists to the country’s special department. There is no room for bargaining.”

Director Qi shook his head wordlessly. “The brothers of the police force have no way of capturing martial artists like Yu Qian. They would just be injured and killed.”


Xiao Nuo bit her lip, she was filled with discontent, but she knew that Director Qi was right. Faced with a powerful martial artist, the brothers of the police force would just be going to their deaths. She could not only protect Ding Ning and forget about the lives of her colleagues.

“Director Qi, which department will it be transferred to?”

Ding Ning asked curiously. He was very interested in the country’s special departments.

“Apologies, Dr. Ding. There is a secret code of conduct. I cannot speak of it.”

Director Qi replied apologetically.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

Ding Ning scratched his head and smiled with disappointment but he felt increasingly curious. Was it the National Security Agency? Or was it the Bureau of Religions?

The Bureau of Religions was filled with Ancient Warriors. For a B ranking martial artist like Yu Qian, they probably did not need to take action. It was more likely this was being transferred to the National Security Bureau.

“Director Qi, since Ding Ning can defeat Yu Qian, that means he is definitely a martial artist. Martial artists should have the authority to know, right?”

Secretary Xu suddenly spoke. He had seen the disappointment in Ding Ning’s eyes.

“This... is true. Since Dr. Ding wishes to know, it won’t hurt to tell you but you must not let this information slip out, otherwise, it will likely bring you great trouble.”

Director Qi hesitated. Secretary Xu’s words were very reasonable. Although that department was a mystery to normal people, it wasn’t much of a mystery to martial artists. Ding Ning did indeed have the authority to know.

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