Medical Sovereign

Chapter 297 - A Special Adviser

Chapter 297 A Special Adviser

“Do you need to cradle her in your arms to get the information? If we arrive a little later, are you going to have sex with her?”

Jiang Hongbin tried to stir up trouble and create splits between Ding Ning and Xiao Nuo, not with the best of intentions. Meanwhile, he cast a threatening glare at Ding Ning.

“Deputy Captain Jiang, you have a pretty good imagination. I suppose that even if you have never done such a thing, you must have thought about it before.”

Calmly, Ding Ning also glanced at him and asked lightly.

“You... what nonsense are you talking about? Don’t try to change the topic there and stop splashing dirty water on me. We are now talking about your problem.”

Burning with a frenzy of rage, Jiang Hongbin roared. Subconsciously, he glanced at Xiao Nuo. “Captain Xiao, he is not a cop. Then why could he enter the interrogation room to question a prisoner? Also, he must have had a crush on this female prisoner and promised her some benefits to make her do whatever he wants.”

“It was impossible. Brother Ding is not that kind of man. Actually, it was me who asked him to help with the interrogation.”

Fang Xiaomu was already very embarrassed because he had failed to inform Ding Ning in advance. At this moment, straightening up his neck, Fang Xiaomu decided all at once to take the responsibility upon himself.

“Did you call him Brother Ding? Are you that familiar with him? Our professional police officers have not been able to let them speak. Why did you think he could get something from their mouths? Fang Xiaomu, you are merely a police officer. What rights do you have to invite an outsider to join the interrogation? From now on, you will be suspended from your duties. You will not get your job back until you realize your mistakes.”

Jiang Hongbin growled like a mad dog.

“Who do you think you are? Do you have any rights to suspend him? Captain Xiao is here but did not comment. What are you yelling for, Deputy Captain? It seems that you haven’t taken any notice of her at all!”

Ding Ning’s eyebrows drew tight together, and there was a touch of coldness flashed across the bottom of his eyes.

“You... Humph, I believe that Captain Xiao will agree with my decision.”

Jiang Hongbin peeped to see Xiao Nuo’s expressionless face and said in confidence with chest and head high.

“I disagree. Ding Ning is originally a special adviser that I specially invited. I have approved of Fang Xiaomu inviting him to participate in the interrogation.”

At this point, Xiao Nuo’s cold and clam voice sounded like God’s voice to Fang Xiaomu. Upon hearing her words, Fang Xiaomu made a great effort to stop himself from jumping up with joy. Appreciating her understanding and full support, Ding Ning winked at Xiao Nuo. “This jealous but reasonable woman is sensible enough to take care of the whole situation. A special adviser of the police team? It sounds great.”

“Captain Xiao, are you kidding? What qualifications does he have to be an adviser of our police team? Even if he has, he still had threatened and lured a female prisoner into having sex with him...”

Jiang Hongbin’s eyes were red out of jealous. Becoming angry from embarrassment, he desperately tried to drag Ding Ning down by slandering.

“Fu*king shut up! Which eye of you saw me threatening and luring her? And by which eye did you witness the affair between us? And for your information, she is Li Xiaoman, a student. She is now and will continue to be a suspect before the judge pronounces her guilty. But why did you call her female prisoner? Have you ever investigated the case? Do you have any evidence to prove that she had committed a crime? I really don’t know how a person like you managed to be a Deputy Captain. Judging by your performance, you don’t have a single bit of professional quality.”

Ding Ning gave a low bellow and said with indignation.

Jiang Hongbin became so angry that his whole body was shivering with viciousness flicking in his eyes. “I didn’t see how you threatened and seduced her, but I saw you and the woman clinging tightly to each other. Captain Xiao and Fang Xiaomu also saw the scene. How do you explain that?”

In unison, Xiao Nuo and Fang Xiaomu also turned to look at him, expecting an explanation.

“I am a doctor. Li Xiaoman was severely beaten. Out of humanitarian spirit, I treated her. So? Any problems with that? Sometimes, our eyes can also cheat us. A cameraperson of a movie can fake a kiss by some photographic skills when he is shooting a kissing scene. I really don’t know how you perform your duties as a criminal policeman because you are so dogmatic. Don’t you know that sometimes what we saw is not necessarily the truth? I think that it is necessary to review all the cases that you had been in charge of. I am sure that there must be many unjust, false, and erroneous cases.”

Ding Ning teased Jiang Hongbin mercilessly. Then, he moved the chair used for interrogation a little aside, revealing the bruise on Li Xiaoman’s neck. To everyone’s surprise, a medicine bottle appeared in his hand. Ding Ning was putting the ointment on her neck! By doing this, Ding Ning intended to explain to Xiao Nuo, but not to Jiang Hongbin.

At this moment, Li Xiaoman seemed to be aware of Ding Ning’s unfavorable situation. Timidly, she added, “Brother Ding was treating the wound for me. He had never threatened or seduced me.”

Jiang Hongbin’s face became green and red. In a rage, he shouted at Xiao Nuo. “Even if I misunderstood him, but why could he become an adviser of our police team? I don’t agree.”

“I asked him to come. I don’t care whether you agree or not.”

Xiao Nuo showed him no respect and said in an extremely overbearing manner. She didn’t even bother to look at him. Instead, her eyes fell on the clothes on Ding Ning’s chest, which was drenched in tears. Eyes slightly narrowed, Xiao Nuo then fixed them on Ding Ning.

Secretly, Ding Ning complained. “What a jealous woman! She is overly professional and can even discover such a light trace.” But Ding Ning thought that he had nothing to be ashamed of. Unashamedly, he looked Xiao Nuo right in her eyes, his gaze clear and cool.

“You... Xiao Nuo, although you are the captain, you act arbitrarily. Hiring an adviser should be a big thing for our team. But you did it without asking anyone else. It was too domineering, wasn’t it?”

Being driven beyond his forbearance, Jiang Hongbin roared at the top of his voice.

“Director Qi and I made this decision together. Do you have any opinions about that, Deputy Captain Jiang?”

Xiao Nuo’s face was expressionless. After casting a glance at him, she said with a cavalier attitude.

“I don’t believe that! How could Director Qi invite a layperson to be our adviser? I am going to ask Director Qi what was going on.”

Clenching his fists, Jiang Hongbin snarled with red eyes.

“Do as you please!”

Xiao Nuo slightly lifted her mouth corners and gave him an ice-cold smile. She said calmly, “This is the decision of your superiors. What right do you have to go against it? Don’t take yourself too seriously.”

“You... Humph!”

Jiang Hongbin’s face turned red, and he snorted. “Bang!” Furiously, he slammed the door and strode away.

Ding Ning patted Li Xiaoman’s shoulder to tell her not to worry. Then, he stood up and walked to Xiao Nuo. Feeling a little worried, he asked, “Nuonuo, the thing about the adviser...”

“I made it up, but it is true now.”

Xiao Nuo took out her phone, quickly edited a text message and sent it out.

In the director’s office, Director Qi saw the message from Xiao Nuo and couldn’t help shaking his head bitterly. “God, she just won’t give me a little piece of quiet time.”

“What happened, Director Qi? What happened this time?”

Sitting on the sofa while drinking his tea, Secretary Xu saw that his expression was a little unnatural, and so he asked with some concern.

Before the world-class jewelry auction, someone killed a deputy to the district people’s congress in public. Such a case of bad influence made Mayor Du break into a furious rage. That was why he sent his most trusted person Secretary Xu here to supervise the case in person. The same night, Secretary Xu held an emergency meeting to convey the instructions of the city leaders and urged the Municipal Police Bureau to crack the case as soon as possible. Thus, at this crucial point, he didn’t want to hear any bad news.

“Nothing. That guy Ding Ning came to the bureau and had a small conflict with Jiang Hongbin. Captain Xiao asked me to cooperate with her and make Ding Ning a special adviser of the criminal police team.”

Director Qi replied with a smile. He had a good personal relationship with Secretary Xu, so he didn’t intend to keep him in the dark about this.

“Is Ding Ning here? Where is he?”

To Director Qi’s surprise, after he said that, Secretary Xu’s eyes brightened immediately. Well, he didn’t know that Secretary Xu was about to find some time to thank Ding Ning in this few days. Since Secretary Xu took the pills that Ding Ning gave him, he performed perfectly in the bed. Brimming with energy, he seemed to be back at his early twenties and could fully satisfy his wife each time.

But it was a pity that being entangled by many affairs these days, he was too busy to express his thanks. Though he had met Ding Ning in the day, many leaders were also there such that Secretary Xu couldn’t find a chance to talk to him.

Secretary Xu thought he might as well take this chance to greet him. Even if he could talk nothing more with Ding Ning, it was also a chance to make some friendly contacts. After all, it seemed that Mayor Du would ask Ding Ning for help. Therefore, he should take good care of the already-built relationship with Ding Ning and must not alienate himself from him.

“In the interrogation room.”

“In the interrogation room? What happened? I will check it out.” In a hurry, Secretary Xu stood up.

“Jiang Hongbin is on his way here to criticize me. Wait for a moment, and let’s go there together.”

“Why does Secretary Xu care so much about Ding Ning?” Secretary Qi felt a little surprised, but it was not convenient for him to ask too much.

“Jiang Hongbin? Is he the nephew of Deputy Mayor Jiang?”

Secretary Xu slightly frowned because he didn’t have a good impression of Deputy Mayor Jiang.

“Yeah, right. Deputy Director Liu quite appreciates him.”

Director Qi said, seemingly unintentionally.

However, revealing a thoughtful expression, Secretary Xu said nothing more.

There was a lot of information in Director Qi’s words. Deputy Director Liu’s name was Liu Hanjiang, who was known as a hardliner. He and Director Qi were friends only on the surface.

Qi Ruoxian seemed to unintentionally point out that Jiang Hongbin and Liu Hanjiang were close. But by doing that, did Qi Ruoxian want to tell Secretary Xu that Liu Hanjiang had already turned to Deputy Mayor Jiang, or did he planned to make use of Secretary Xu to take Liu Hanjiang down?

Public security departments were the government’s organs of violence, which were forces that every ambitious leader wanted to grasp.

As the Municipal Police Bureau’s head, Qi Ruoxian was the one that every leader would like to draw over to his side. However, Director Qi was a cunning old fox, so he would neither choose his side easily nor show others who were closer to him.

Moreover, he was always willing to offer full support to cooperate with whoever had assigned the tasks to him. Other than that, Qi Ruoxian never attended any banquets or gatherings, and kept a distance neither too far nor too close with anyone.

Therefore, after he casually hinted at the relationship between Jiang Hongbin and Liu Hanjiang, Secretary Xu had to consider this carefully. After all, he must be very cautious before he took each step in his official career. Any negligence of him would be taken advantage of by others.

Seeing that Secretary Xu did not express his views, Director Qi showed no disappointed emotion. Continuing making natural conversations with Secretary Xu, he still looked as usual as if the words that he said just now were nothing important and were without any special intention.

“Knock! Knock! Knock!”

There was a knock at the door. Director Qi raised his brows and said, “Come in!”

“Director Qi, Hongbin reported something about that case to me, so I come to ask about the situation... Oh, Secretary Xu, you are here too!”

The person who came was not Jiang Hongbin, but Liu Hanjiang, the man they talked about just now.

Originally, it seemed that Liu Hanjiang was about to denounce Qi Ruoxian for the thing about Ding Ning. But immediately after he saw Secretary Xu, he was beginning to beam with smiles. “Since you are occupied, then I will report to you later. I will not bother you this time.”

“Old Liu, go ahead and say the things you want to report. Secretary Xu is here to supervise the case on behalf of the mayor, so there is nothing you cannot tell before him.”

With a delighted smile on his face, Director Qi threw Liu Hanjiang a hard nut.

“That... Well, Director Qi, Captain Xiao hired a special adviser and said that you had approved it, so Hongbin went to ask me whether it was true or not. As I didn’t quite clear about the situation, I had to come here to ask you.”

Liu Hanjiang’s face was a bit ugly. But he still said all of this determinately while grinding his teeth. He said mildly and indirectly, but it still sounded like a query.

“If Jiang Hongbin had some doubts, he could go directly to me. There is no need for you to take the trouble to ask me personally. After all, I am not a ferocious tiger that eats people. Did he think that my mind was not broad enough for subordinates reporting any new information?”

Director Qi avoided giving a direct answer. Instead, smiling hypocritically, he slightly reproached them and deliberately emphasized the word “subordinates.”

However, Secretary Xu took the tense situation calmly and stayed absolutely still as if he had heard nothing. Drinking his tea leisurely, he watched the two old foxes crossing their verbal swords there.

Liu Hanjiang’s mouth corners twitched a little, and a humiliated and indignant expression flicked in his eyes. He said with hidden sarcasm.

“Isn’t this a discipline in the organization? Hongbin was also afraid that it would be out of line if he went above me to you. Thus, he talked to me first. Besides, it is always good for an old person like me to go around and take more exercise.”

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