Medical Sovereign

Chapter 268 - A War on the Internet

Chapter 268 A War on the Internet

Although Ding Ning had expected this, his heart still inevitably gave birth to a feeling of deep sorrow.

The paper was published in a critical national academic periodical in the control of the Ministry of Health. The publication of the paper indicated that it had passed the review, which proved the country’s recognition of the paper.

But it did not occur to Ding Ning that some people in his country couldn’t sit still and jumped out like mad dogs to abuse him to show their loyalty even before those western countries stepped out to argue against him. How ironic it was!

“Why are people from the same country so eager to harm each other? Do they only worship foreign things or they have some underlying motives?”

“There is such a group of people who highly praise western medicine. But they degrade the treasures left by their ancestors and think these treasures are of no use. Since when can traditional medicine recover?”

“What are they up to?” Ding Ning found it was hard to understand these people’s attitudes. Somehow, Ding Ning’s heart was filled with indignation.

So he actively logged into his microblog and posted an article on his microblog page titled Which Country Are You From?

The article included the following contents.

“During the long history, the Shenzhou nation has gone through five thousand years of ups and downs. The river of its culture runs a long course from a remote source. Culture is the crystallization of the human spirit. It includes all spiritual products such as language, literature, and art.”

“Liu Xiang in the Han Dynasty said in his book ‘The Garden of Saying’: ‘By force, we can conquer a country but cannot rule its people’s minds. If we don’t change our strategies to run the country by virtue and culture, others will recover the country by force sooner or later.’ The ‘culture’ here is a contrast to ‘force,’ which means to educate the people.”

“Wang Rong in Southern Qi Dynasty said in the Qu Shui’s Poetic Preface: ‘Set heavenly principles to influence the social customs; apply culture to the people.’”

“The term ‘culture’ also meant to civilize the people and govern them by making use of culture. It was sufficient to show that culture reflected people’s spiritual civilization and ideological level in an era.”

“Culture should advance with the progress of the times. It could not remain stagnant, nor could it go backward.”

“But nowadays, foreign culture was eroding the thoughts of the people in our country. People in Shenzhou Country could only understand the fragments of the traditional culture, and they doubted the practical significance of traditional cultural values.”

“We should rethink our culture. Before the Qing Dynasty, it was always the foreign cultural customs that were passively integrated into the culture of Shenzhou Country. Whenever there was any cultural conflict, the Shenzhou Country’s culture would win!”

“The importance of culture to a country and a nation is incalculable. When a country or a nation loses its unique cultural wealth, the country or the nation will make no progress.”

“Generation after generation, our ancestors made constant efforts and left the cultural heritage for us. Why will we abandon the heritage and instead be enchanted by western culture? Why can the western culture that was born hundreds of years ago defeat the culture that has been inherited for five thousand years?”

“Perhaps, someone will say that he is trying to ‘surpass western countries by learning from them.’ But may I ask, do you understand the meaning of this sentence?”

“Now, let me tell you that the meaning of this sentence is to learn advanced technologies from western countries to compete against them. Do the same thing that others have done to us!”

“Some people only understand half of the meaning of the sentence. Then, they lose all sense of shame and flatter cultures from western countries. But they completely debased our traditional culture that has been inherited for 5,000 years in the Shenzhou Country.”

“I want to ask you: which country are you from? How many benefits have the westerners given you such that you are willing to become such a diligent traitor?”

Feeling quite resentful, Ding Ning accomplished the article with one effort. Then, he didn’t hesitate to inform “World-renowned” through his microblog, the meaning of which was self-evident.

As soon as Ding Ning published the article, his fans copied it like mad. Meanwhile, people in the Anti-Ding Group who boycotted Ding Ning were suddenly silenced. For the time being, these people gave no response.

This move of Ding Ning was too cruel. He stood on the moral high ground and criticized those people that went against him were traitors who betrayed their country and didn’t have national pride. By raising the matter up to the level of a country, Ding Ning made them dare not to make any remarks again.

The followers of “World-renowned” who did not know the truth immediately changed their position. All the winds of popular opinion now went to support Ding Ning.

Of course, many of them supported Ding Ning only because of their patriotic passion. Ding Ning’s article successfully changed the position of those angry youths. They might neither understand what Chinese medicine anesthesia was nor do they know that it was a milestone in the development of medicine. Those people only knew that traditional Chinese medicine belonged to their own country. This reason was enough for them to support Ding Ning.

Even so, the number of people who joined Ding Ning’s fan club still rose suddenly and sharply. In a flash, it had broken through 3 million and was still growing at an alarming rate.

“Whether the medical skills of Ding Ning are real or not, I’d like to be him fan only because he loves our country.”

“Support domestic products and boycott imports. Western medicine is imported while traditional Chinese medicine is from Shenzhou Country. As a person who was born in this country must support domestic things. That is to say, we should support Ding Ning.”

“That is well said. Shenzhou Country has five thousand years of culture. How can we let the barbarians from the west invade our culture? In previous, I didn’t understand the truth. But now, Ding Ning’s words woke me up. Anyway, I was determined to be Ding Ning’s fan.”

“Come on, Ding Ning. We support you.”

“‘World-renowned,’ you are a traitor and a quisling. Roll out of Shenzhou Country!”

“‘World-renowned,’ you are a traitor and a quisling. Roll out of Shenzhou Country! +1.”

“‘World-renowned,’ you are a traitor and a quisling. Roll out of Shenzhou Country! +2.”

“‘World-renowned,’ you are a traitor and a quisling. Roll out of Shenzhou Country! +3.”

“‘World-renowned,’ you are a traitor and a quisling. Roll out of Shenzhou Country! +10086.”


There appeared numerous closely published posts on the pages of the microblog of “World-renowned”, who was the most active one and had led a rumpus before. In almost all of these posts that had instantly blown up on his microblog, people asked “World-renown” to get out of the Shenzhou Country.

In the director’s office at a hospital in Yan Jing, a man in his forties looked at the insense cries on his computer screen, which made him unable to cry. In just two hours, his two million fans dropped to less than one hundred thousand, most of which were artificial followers.

The most excessive thing was that some of those fans turned their attack direction and launched the attacks against him. They shouted loudly to drive him out of Shenzhou Country. Some of them even betrayed him. They put his name, the name of the hospital that he worked, and even his home address on the internet. The acts of them showed “World-renowned” the horrible power of cyber violence.

His name was Huo Renli. He was a returnee who had obtained a doctor’s degree and had just worked in Shenzhou Country for a few years. Now he was the proud and self-satisfied director of the neurosurgery department in a well-known hospital in Yan Jing.

In fact, he didn’t have a grudge against him. It was only that Huo Renli believed in western medicine. Also, he was a proud and conceited person who despised traditional Chinese medicine in his heart because he thought that it was pseudoscience.

Improving his popularity to attract more fans by striking Ding Ning was Huo Renli’s ultimate aim. To achieve this aim, he even recruited an online water army.

But Huo Renli didn’t expect that he became the camel which intended to go to seek horns but finally lost its ears. Merely by an article, Ding Ning reversed the situation. Not only did Ding Ning make the fans of Huo Renli leave him like crazy, but even the personal safety of Huo Renli was threatened.

Huo Renli had seen with his own eyes how those angry young people crazily smashed the cars from Fuso. With a promising future ahead, he didn’t want others to boycott him only because they took him as a spokesman for the imports.

“No, I have to find a way to reverse the situation. Even if I cannot defeat Ding Ning, I must never watch myself fall into danger.”

Wearing a twisted face, Huo Renli kept thinking hard to come up with a practical plan. Looking at so many comments against him on the pages of his microblog, he found that his heart was bleeding.

Huo Renli racked his brain and wrote a magnificent piece of writing in his blog. After examining it closely over and over again, he hit the send button.

Right after that, he nervously watched his microblog and wanted to see how his article worked.

In this article on his microblog, Huo Renli first solemnly stated that he never looked down on traditional Chinese medicine, nor did he have a servile attitude to foreign things like some people with evil intentions had described, nor did he deliberately target some people.

Very professionally, he listed a lot of data as supporting evidence from the medical standpoint. Meanwhile, he uploaded a large number of human bodies’ X-rays. All the things he had done were to fully prove that there were no meridians existed in the human body. Huo Renli tried to overthrow Ding Ning’s theory.

Like Dantian, meridians only existed in the ideological sphere. Huo Renli presented the well-founded facts and reasoned things out, which more or less had some effects. Thus, although some people without a strong stand didn’t immediately change their standpoint, the number of people who denounced Huo Renli greatly decreased.

The practitioners of western medicine who didn’t dare fart before immediately jumped out again. They posted articles on their microblogs to support Huo Renli’s theory, but they did not dare to defame Ding Ning as wantonly as before.

Seeing that they advocated free academic debates with professional and scientific attitudes, those netizens also stopped their clatters and eagerly waited for Ding Ning to respond.

Watched by all the people’s eager eyes, Ding Ning climbed up from Ling Yun, whose face flushed. Then, he habitually switched on his phone and opened his microblog.

After he saw Huo Renli’s article, Ding Ning disdainfully twitched his mouth and input a paragraph. “Acupoints are things that cannot be detected by instruments, but aren’t they the true existences? The western instruments cannot detect it, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. This phenomenon can only prove that the so-called western science and technology is in the rough.”

A tossed stone raised a thousand ripples. Although the international medical community hadn’t yet recognized the acupuncture points and meridians, the netizens had no doubt that the acupuncture points did exist.

After all, most people had experienced the pedicures. In their daily lives, they had inadvertently touched the acupuncture point named Xiaohai. Their own feelings told them that the acupuncture points were real.

These people thought, “It is true. Since the acupuncture points are real, then why can they say that the meridians do not exist? Merely because the meridians cannot be detected, they delayed their existence. But isn’t it too arbitrary?”

In particular, when these people thought that even those developed countries in the west couldn’t detect the acupuncture points and meridians which traditional Chinese physicians in the magical Shenzhou Country could accurately perceive. It gave them a strong sense of national pride.

As a result, the online public opinion once again tended to support Ding Ning. Even if there were a few people held different opinions, the comments they made were drowned in the army that supported Ding Ning.

Before Huo Renli could react, Ding Ning uploaded another article on his microblog.

“Don’t take ignorance as something that you can hold on to fawn on foreigners. Aren’t there many phenomena that the science cannot explain still exist in places like Death Valley, Bermuda Triangle, etc.? Things that cannot be explained scientifically may still exist. It can only show that the so-called western technology that you believe in and worship is not advanced enough. So it is not qualified enough to explore the long-standing culture of Shenzhou Country. The supreme western culture in your eyes is only the culture that those barbarians have developed in the last hundreds of years. Therefore, how can it compare with the culture of Shenzhou Country which has a history of 5,000 years? Shut up now. The rotten apple injures its neighbors. Don’t smear the words ‘medical science’ and never be the rotten apple.”

As soon as Ding Ning released this article on his microblog, he caused another uproar on the Internet. Now that Ding Ning was not only targeting the “World-renowned,” but also directly targeting all those Western countries.

This was not Ding Ning’s fault because “World-renowned” was not enough sensible. The time when Huo Renli published his article, Ding Ning was enjoying the beauty in his arms and was to erect his pen*s to continue his three hundred more rounds of sex. But Huo Renli’s move instantly brought Ding Ning a bad mood. Hence, Ding Ning certainly became a little angry.


Biting his teeth, Huo Renli smashed a teacup. He snarled in a low voice. “Ding Ning, who the hell are you? You are just a graduate student. What right have you to dictate to me and insult me as the rotten apple?”

Some people in this world were like Huo Renli. He only remembered the humiliation that Ding Ning brought to him, but he forgot that he was the one who took the initiative to insulted Ding Ning. All the faults were others. In his view, he was always right.


While Huo Renli was still thinking hard about how to fight against Ding Ning, the phone on his table suddenly rang and startled him.

“It is so late now. Who is calling me at my office?” Feeling quite annoyed in his heart, Huo Renli picked up the phone and said impatiently. “Hey, who is that? Why are you calling in the middle of the night? Are you sick?”

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