Medical Sovereign

Chapter 197 Deserted Island

The person Yun Sihai released was the bald man. His name was Sun Shilong, and people in the underworld called him Brother Long. He was ambushed and arrested by Brother Kun’s gang in a gang fight, and when he was about to be executed, Yun Sihai accidentally saved him.

Yun Sihai suddenly killed Brother Kun, which made Brother Kun’s gang leaderless and caused an internal conflict in the gang. Yun Sihai successfully escaped with the aid of Brother Long’s subordinate.

Yun Sihai who was disheartened refused the recruitment of Brother Long, and became a killer with his cruelty. Later he became a professional mercenary and fell in love with a female mercenary.

When they carried out a task, the female mercenary got shot and died in order to cover him. Yun Sihai buried his lover with tears. After that, he had never fallen in love with anyone and lived a befuddled life.

Afterward, as he got older, he gradually got tired of the life of working as a mercenary. At that time, Brother Long, who had already made a name for himself, found him and instantly became partners with him. Brother Long forged his identity and let him sneak back to Ninghai and establish a shop where they conducted gambling on stones and secretly ran drug dealing.

He roamed about the world and settled down anywhere. That was the reason why he named himself Yun Sihai.

With the connections he accumulated when he worked as a mercenary in Myan, coupled with the secret support of Brother Long, Yun Sihai greatly developed the business of Fantastic Stones Shop and made great profits which were comparable to those from drug dealing.

What made Ding Ning feel regretful was that the person in charge of contacting Yun Sihai was Brother Long and Yun Sihai didn’t know the identity of the big boss behind Brother Long.

Nevertheless, Yun Sihai clearly explained the transaction with which he framed Mu Yanran. The truth made him quite surprised.

The person who negotiated about the transaction with him was Wang Cheng. Originally Wang Cheng’s humble identity made him unqualified to talk with Yun Sihai. It was Wu Jianghan, a peripheral subordinate of Yun Sihai, who introduced them to each other.

Ding Ning suddenly recalled that a man named Brother Han mentioned by Wang Cheng and Huang Niu. He instantly realized that this Brother Han turned out to be Wu Jianghan.

Unexpectedly, Brother Han, who was worshiped by Huang Niu and Wang Cheng, was just a peripheral subordinate of Yun Sihai. It could be seen how powerful Yun Sihai was.

As Ding Ning expected, Wang Cheng was just a chess piece on the surface. The person behind him was very cunning. He had never shown up personally but commanded him remotely.

Wang Cheng and Yun Sihai could respectively get half of the 300 million yuan. Getting 150 million yuan only by fiddling with the raw stones was enough to cause the greed of Yun Sihai. Thus, he simply hid it from Brother Long and consented to this deal.

In terms of why the raw stones with which he had fiddled had not been discovered by the procurement staff of Tianfu Company, although Yun Sihai had no idea, he still gave an answer by guessing.

The person in charge of picking the raw stones must have been bribed. After all, the raw stones that were re-bonded after being cut open could only fool outsiders. It was impossible that the experienced purchasing staff could not discover any trace.

It coincided with Ding Ning’s analysis. He had long suspected that there must be a mole.

Ding Ning, who had cleared his mind, did not kill Yun Sihai as he expected, but simply treated him and gave him some food so that he could neither commit suicide nor escape.

Under the pleading of Yun Sihai, Ding Ning generously drove off the snakes, insects, rats and ants, so that Yun Sihai, who was about to have a mental breakdown, calmed a little and then fell asleep.

Despite his pitiful family background, Ding Ning would not forgive him for attempting to rape Mu Yanran. He did not kill him just because he was still useful and could be the best witness at the crucial time.

Of course, what Yun Sihai said had all been recorded by him as the evidence.

After getting out of the interrogation stone room, Ding Ning began to curiously explore the poison gas laboratory established by Japanese.

There were many stone rooms like prisons on both sides of the underground base. In each stone room, there was an underground pothole separated by tempered glass.

Although the bones in the potholes had long been decayed, from the twisted struggling postures of the black bones, he could still tell the fear and pain they had experienced before they died.

It made Ding Ning feel resentful. These damn Japanese were so heartless, and ruthless that they used living people for their experiments. What made them most unforgivable was that these people were all Chinese compatriots.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. He couldn’t verify their identities, so he decided to bury their bones.

Ding Ning opened the potholes one by one, worked tirelessly to clean up the bones that weathered into bone powder when meeting the wind, and buried them in the small courtyard.

Even though the little maid volunteered to help, they finished after being busy for more than two hours.

After being absorbed by Ling Fei and Chu Yunnan for three years, few poison gas was left. Ding Ning simply opened the gas tank and released the remaining poison gas completely.

"Gee!" Chu Yunna suddenly exclaimed, attracting Ding Ning’s attention.

"What happened?"

"Brother, look at your 9000-year-old ganoderma lucidum. Why is it moving?"

Chu Yunna surprisedly stared at the 9000-year-old ganoderma lucidum which Ding Ning put in the in the underground cavern on purpose to prevent it from being stolen.

Ding Ning stared at it. The deathly 9000-year-old ganoderma lucidum gave out a layer of faint fluorescent light, and the part where he cut a small piece a few days ago was squirming slightly, seemingly repairing itself.

Feeling that the thin poison gas was rapidly absorbed by the 9000-year-old ganoderma lucidum as the energy to repair itself and the surrounding decaying and humid air became fresh again, Ding Ning looked thoughtful.

Many scientists considered ganoderma lucidum a large myxomycete complexus, but failed to observe its cell structure under the microscope. Thus, up to now, no one could give an accurate answer of what kind of creature it was.

In the Compendium of Vegetation, there were a few words about the introduction of ganoderma lucidum. It was only said that ganoderma lucidum was a rare treasure which could be used as medicine and for making pills of immortatily with the magical effect of turning the foul and rotten into the rare and ethereal and making the bones within dead flesh grow again. The book obviously showed a great admiration of it, but was it a plant? A fungus? Or an animal? There was still no accurate statement.

He knew that ganoderma lucidum was amazing, but did not expect that the ganoderma lucidum more than nine thousand years old could be capable of absorbing gas and purifying the air.

It made him feel refreshed and picture a beautiful scene of a heaven of peace and happiness in his mind.

If he placed the 9000-year-old ganoderma lucidum in a place for a period, could it create a legendary cave paradise?

Looking back upon the place where he found the 9000-year-old ganoderma lucidum, he remembered that the air there seemed to be fresher than that in other places and was full of vitality.

Was that the legendary spiritual aura? As Ding Ning thought, his eyes became brighter. He pulled Chu Yunna and went back to the small courtyard quickly, "Nana, is there a computer in your room?"

"Yes, I check the recipes online every day. Brother, are you hungry? I can make you a midnight snack."

Chu Yunna was eager to do that, with the anticipation of showing her cooking skills in her eyes.

"Okay, thank you, Nana."

Ding Ning petted her head with a smile, watching her cheerfully go to make a midnight snack, with tender warmth in his heart.

After turning on the computer, Ding Ning opened the map of Ninghai and carefully read it. Ninghai was close to rivers, and Chongming Island, Changxing Island and Hengsha Island were famous.

In the easternmost sea, there was Snake Island. In Jinshan District, there was Big Jinshan Island, Small Jinshan Island, Fushan Island and so on.

In Pu River located in the urban area of Ninghai, there was Fuxing Island. In the upper stream of Pu River which was close to Dianshan Lake, there were two little-known islands.

On the edge of Chongming Island, there were islands newly deposited in recent years, such as Dongfengsha, Qingcaosha, Jiuchongsha and so on.

Chongming Island, Changxing Island and Hengsha Island were inhabited. Except for them, there were 23 uninhabited islands.

Ding Ning soon targeted at an uninhabited island southeast of Snake Island, and had an increasingly clear plan which was to occupy an island and transform it into a cave paradise.

It seemed to be very difficult for others to occupy an uninhabited island. After all, many things needed to be transported by ships. But for Ding Ning who had Air Force Wings, it was no big deal.

The only problem was how to occupy a desert island by legal means. After all, it was in the waters of China, even if it was deserted, it must belong to the state.

But these were still distant. He needed to have a look at it first and then carefully consider it. He immediately gorged himself on the midnight snack prepared by Chu Yunna and did not forget to praise her.

He held Chu Yunna, who was cheerful, jumped on the back of Air Force Wing No.1 and went straight to the sea.

Ninghai was originally divided into the upper riverside and the lower riverside. Afterward, the lower riverside was submerged by the sea, and only Ninghai was left.

Snake Island was located at the junction of the East Sea, the Yellow Sea and the estuary of Yangtze River, known as "the first sentry post of Ninghai" and "maritime screen of Ninghai".

It was a rock island formed by the extrusion and extension of the continental shelf tens of thousands of years ago. It covered an area of about 8.88 hectares, with a straight-line distance 41 nautical miles away from Ninghai. It had a very important status in military, politics and economy.

Ding Ning coveted the superior location of Snake Island, but knew that he could never be the private contractor of such an island.

His goal was an undeveloped and unnamed volcanic island southeast of Snake Island, and it was several times larger than Snake Island.

It was far from the coastline with no fresh water source on the island, which made it not suitable for aquaculture and being developed into a tourist attraction. Therefore, it had been abandoned, and no one wanted to be the contractor of it.

Nevertheless, it was a natural cave paradise for Ding Ning. Although with no fresh water, the whole island was not suitable for habitation, it had beautiful scenery, exuberant vegetation and a natural beach on the east side.

Chu Yunna nestled in Ding Ning’s arms, and blushed in excitement. It was the first time that she had flown on Air Force Wing No.1. The special enjoyment made her beam with joy and enviously touched the feathers of Air Force Wing No.1.

"Brother, I want a big bird too."

"My big bird also belongs to you. If you want it, I can give it to you."

Air Force Wing No.1 landed on the beach. Ding Ning was very satisfied with the environment here and said casually.

With a chuckle, Chu Yunna suddenly jumped down and threw herself down on Ding Ning, "I want your big bird now."

Ding Ning could neither cry nor laugh. Why did this innocent girl become so lewd as well? The big bird he talked about was Air Force Wing No.1, not the one in his pants.

With her face blushing and her long eyelashes shivering slightly, she clumsily kissed Ding Ning’s lips and whispered like in a dream, "Brother, sleep with me. I will be very obedient!"

"Nana, don’t be impulsive. Tell me first, who taught you this?"

Ding Ning turned his head in panic and felt his heart pounding rapidly. She deftly took off his pants and seemingly intended to sleep with him.

Although he had been longing to sleep with this girl, he wanted to give up at the last moment. After all, Chu Yunna considered him her master, but he still considered her his sister.

"I learned this online. It’s simple. I want to have a try."

Chu Yunna blinked her innocent big eyes and naturally said, but got up from Ding Ning’s body.

Before Ding Ning felt relieved, Chu Yunna slowly took off her clothes and nakedly rushed to the sea.

"Nana, it’s dangerous. Come back soon!"

Ding Ning was shocked. He put on his pants in a hurry and chased after her.

The beach at night was not as beautiful as it was during the day. It looked like a horrible huge monster hidden in the darkness and full of unknown danger.

"Haha, I want to give myself to brother. Of course, I should restore my original look!"

Just as Ding Ning ran to the beach, Chu Yunna came out of the sea. The biological simulation skin had been washed off, and she showed her fascinating curvaceous shape.

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