Medical Sovereign

Chapter 174 The Generous Ling Yun

"How can you be so disobedient? Mom is doing this for you."

Chu Yunxiu hurriedly chased after her and continued to talk about it. Ling Yun ignored her and took out the key to open the room where Ding Ning lived. When Chu Yunxiu was about to say more, she slammed the door.


Under the order of Ding Ning, Doudou barked crazily.

Chu Yunxiu was angry and she stomped around. She could not force Ling Yun so she turned back into the room and held Doudou. She continually comforted it.

Ding Ning heard Ling Yun wash in the bathroom. He quietly opened the door and squeezed into the dark room.

Ling Yun did not even turn on the lights. She simply washed her face and lay down on the bed. Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling and she let the tears flow down and wet the bedding.

Her inconsolable appearance made Ding Ning’s heart full of pain. And when he could not help wanting to go forward and explain it to her, Ling Yun suddenly sobbed deliriously.

"Ding Ning, why... why do you do this to me? Do you know how much I love you? I feel so sad... Oh..."

"Sorry... I’m sorry. I didn’t expect things to happen like this."

Ding Ning stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her in distress.


Ling Yun was shocked. As the screaming sound just came out, she covered her mouth with her hand and looked through tears at the familiar face under the moonlight and said, "When did you get here?"

"I followed you in. Ling Yun, things are not what you think. Listen to my explanation."

Ding Ning grabbed her hand and spoke in a soft voice.

Ling Yun seemed to have some resistance. She tried to pull back her hand but it was grabbed by Ding Ning. Her face was serious and she turned her head to look away and said, "I saw it with my own eyes and I heard it with my own ears. What else is there to explain?"

"I also saw you holding Liu Junwei’s arm with my own eyes. I still gave you a chance to explain."

Ding Ning knew Ling Yun and knew that she was deliberately taking advantage. This girl was astute and wanted to take the initiative to control the rhythm of negotiations.

He would not give her the chance. Otherwise, the next negotiation would be very passive.

"I... Didn’t I explain it to you? I was not used to wearing high heels and my feet hurt. So I held his arm."

Sure enough, Ling Yun was in the wrong and turned her head back. She looked at him and the momentum immediately reduced.

"Yeah, you explained it to me and I also believed you. But did you give me the opportunity to explain?"

Ding Ning felt guilty but spoke with confidence.

"Well, for the sake of fairness, I will give you the chance to explain."

Ling Yun seemed to feel that she had some lack of confidence. She forcibly withdrew her hand, sat up, held her knees with both hands, and put on a posture of listening with respectful attention.

"She is Xiao Nuo, the captain of the Ninghai SWAT Team. I’ve not known her for long. In fact, I know her because of your father."

Ding Ning gritted his teeth and decided to tell the truth. At this time, perhaps the existence of Ling Fei would make Ling Yun shift her attention.

"Who are you talking about? My dad?"

Sure enough, Ling Yun’s eyes immediately brightened. She opened her mouth wide and incredulously looked at Ding Ning.

Ding Ning took the opportunity to climb onto the bed and take her in his arms as he said, "Yes, because of your father. Your father is not dead, he is still alive..."

Ling Yun resisted his hug very much at the beginning, but she was soon immersed in Ding Ning’s story and her body gradually relaxed, snuggling in his arms. Her eyes were sparkling with incredible light.

Ding Ning told her all he could about what happened during this time, but he did not reveal that he had a superpower. He only said that under his own treatment, Ling Fei and Chu Yunna had recovered their health.

Even so, Ling Yun was stunned and in disbelief and then said, "You mean that Uncle Jia is actually my father?"

"Of course, he is your father. Even the fake name is so obvious, Jia Mingzhi. Haha. But he can’t meet you now. I can only change their faces. Before the threat of the mystic group is relieved, he can only slowly integrate into your life with his current identity."

Speaking of this, Ding Ning said seriously, "Remember, you can’t tell anyone about this. Otherwise, you and Aunt Chu will have your lives in danger."

Ling Yun nodded seriously. There were tears in her eyes as she said, "No wonder he did not dare to meet us. It is no wonder that the first time I saw him, there was an inexplicable intimacy. He is my father. Ding Ning, thank you for saving my father."

"You are my girlfriend. Your dad is my future father-in-law. You don’t need to thank me."

Ding Ning breathed a sigh of relief and finally finished it, which cost him countless brain cells.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yun suddenly changed her face and said, "Who is your girlfriend? You tell me clearly, what is it between you and that female SWAT policewoman tonight? And what about Chu Yunna? Her name is only one word different from my mother’s name. Did you secretly love my mom and treat her as a substitute for my mother?"

Ding Ning was speechless. The brain circuits of this girl were really different from normal people. He said angrily, "What are you talking about? Your mother doesn’t like me. Would I still secretly love her? Treating her as a substitute is also your father’s business. Chu Yunna was rescued by your father and has nothing to do with me."

"Hmph! Don’t avoid the truth and lie to me. Even if Chu Yunna has nothing to do with you, then what about that Xiao Nuo? Tell me honestly."

Ling Yun took up a posture that she would not stop if she did not interrogate him clearly. But her body remained in his arms and she did not resist him.

"Nothing. There is someone who entangles her. She doesn’t like that guy. It’s just that she has a good relationship with me. So she asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend and to be a shield. I was putting on a performance and was encountered by you."

Ding Ning guiltily explained it. In order to distract the attention of this girl, his hand touched her chest along the gap of her pajamas.

"No, I hate you. You know when a woman has her period, her feelings are the strongest."

Ling Yun said that she hated him, but she had already turned her head back. Her beautiful eyes were flirtatious and she took the initiative to kiss him.

Finally, everything was fine. Ding Ning was at ease and kissed her deeply.

After the kiss, Ling Yun’s face flushed and she was short of breath. She held Ding Ning’s face and said seriously, "Ding Ning, in fact, I don’t mind if you have any vague relationship with other women. As long as you still want me, I will never leave you."

"Ling Yun, you... What are you saying? How could I not want you?"

There were so many thoughts in Ding Ning’s heart. He did not know if Ling Yun had said these words from the heart, or if she was testing him. He could only answer vaguely.

"You don’t know. Just now when I saw that scene, my heart was as full of pain like it was being torn, as if the sky would fall. I know too much about you. I can see that the words you told to that Xiao Nuo were true. You were definitely not acting. To be honest, I’m very jealous and angry. Even on the way back, I was thinking, I must break up with you and I must leave you."

There were complex and unclear emotions in Ling Yun’s eyes. The corners of her mouth outlined a self-deprecating smile as she said, "But then I discovered that I couldn’t do it. I love you, I can’t imagine how I would live without you. So I still came to this house and waited for you. I knew that if you still cared a little about me, you would definitely come to find me."

After saying that, Ling Yun looked at him affectionately and said, "I am very lucky, you still came here. From the moment you appeared, the explanation was not important to me. I already knew that you are not an ordinary person, not one woman can control you. So even if you have other women, I will not blame you. As long as you have me in your heart and will not leave me, I will be satisfied."

Ding Ning was so moved. He did not expect that Ling Yun would say such words. As Ling Yun said, they knew each other too well. He could see that Ling Yun said these words sincerely.

This made him feel a strong touch from the bottom of his heart. He movingly and tightly held her in his arms and closed his eyes to feel her heartbeat.

While emptying their minds and relaxing their souls with no other thoughts, there was only the kind of emotional blending without distractions between the two of them. Their two hearts were never before as close as they were at this moment.

Ling Yun slightly squinted and had a sly smile. She was suiting the remedy to the case. She knew that Ding Ning was a person who paid attention to feelings. The more she was tolerant and the more she was generous, the more he would feel guilty and the more he would constrain himself.

Only a woman with a big chest but no brain would do a stupid thing like crying and screaming, which would only make her man more annoyed.

Of course, she was also paving the way for her future. Even Ding Ning did not know that he had a habit of talking in his sleep. And Ling Yun’s biggest hobby was to secretly listen to his somniloquy.

A year ago, she had already learned from his somniloquy that he had already been engaged, but she had always pretended not to know.

From the point of view of the engagement, she was the mistress. But she wanted to defend her love, and even if she could not stop Ding Ning from fulfilling his engagement, she had to win a place for her in his heart.

No one knew Ding Ning better than her. Although he still had a lot of secrets that he did not tell her, she knew that the man she fell in love with had strong ambition. One day, he would soar and nobody could stop him.

When she was a child, she saw so many times when her mother was alone, her tears had wet the pillow. So she told herself that in this life she would never let her mother’s tragedy repeat itself in her life. She would never let her own happiness go.

Happiness that is caught in the hands is happiness. Happiness is being able to accompany your lover day and night. Therefore, she had already prepared to share Ding Ning with other women.

Ever since she discovered that she fell in love with Ding Ning, Ling Yun had done enough homework on the creature that is man. It could be said that she knew men, who thought with the lower part of their body more than most women.

Like Ling Fei, the best dad, it was definitely a rare breed. Ding Ning did not belong to that one.

This guy was actually a surprise package inside his bones. He really thought that she didn’t know when he often peeked at her chest and long legs. She just enjoyed the feeling of him peeking at her.

But when she saw Ding Ning hugging Xiao Nuo and saying soulful words, she realized that the biggest emotional crisis had arrived.

To say that she did not have one bit of ill feelings was an absolute lie. She felt jealous and so sad that she wanted to die. But she knew that such a thing would not be avoided even if it did not happen now.

So she shed tears and forced herself to face it calmly. She had to save him, give him the opportunity to explain, and keep him at her side.

She knew that when a man was willing to give you an explanation with a lie, it showed that he still cared about you in his heart.

But once a man was too lazy to explain it to you, it was really completely over.

Therefore, she insisted on staying here despite the strong opposition of her mother. She was gambling. She was gambling that she was in Ding Ning’s heart. She was gambling that Ding Ning would come to find her to explain it to her.

Fortunately, from the moment Ding Ning appeared, she knew that she had won the gamble. Then she expressed that she would forgive his past misdeeds with a tolerant attitude and firmly grabbed his heart while touching him.

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