Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars?

Chapter 166 - Chapter 166: Chapter 121 Big Brother, Please Don’t Let Your Hand Tremble_1

Chapter 166: Chapter 121 Big Brother, Please Don’t Let Your Hand Tremble_1

During the fight against the supreme deity monster, the location was within the mountains.

Nations could make use of the opportunity to evacuate the populace, sending helicopters to carry out long-range surveillance and capture related imagery.

Now the target was the Sea Deity Monster, located deep in the sea trench, naturally making it impossible to spectate from the sidelines.

Even if Jiang Chen brought the Sea Deity Monster to the surface, helicopters couldn’t cross the vast ocean to film in the middle of the sea.

Warships and the like, were even more out of the question—

Given the earthquakes caused by the combat with the supreme deity monster, the aftershocks from fighting the Sea Deity Monster were enough to easily obliterate any fleet on this planet!

Thus, military leaders from various countries had to abandon this tempting idea and concentrate their main efforts on evacuating the populace and reducing disaster losses instead.

Even so, the impact brought about by the disaster far exceeded their estimates.

Not only were the coastal cities closest to the target sea area completely engulfed by tsunamis, swept clean into flat lands.

But even some more distant island nations were affected by the tsunamis and suffered considerable losses.

It was impossible to completely cover up all of these incidents and their effects.

However, when people saw a headless whale more than two thousand meters long, as majestic as mountains, being brought back to shore by Jiang Chen, they were completely lost for words.

This Sea Deity Monster appeared even larger and more formidable than the previous supreme deity monster!

Even though it had lost its life, being the oldest creature on this planet, it still exerted an innate suppression rooted deep in the genes of humans.

Merely looking at its carcass caused an intrinsic shudder in the hearts of humans.

“Mr. Jiang, this Sea Deity Monster, compared to the supreme deity monster a few days ago…”

The officials responsible for liaisons from various countries, fighting back the urge to urinate, asked nervously.

Jiang Chen gave them an affirmative response.

“This is the brother of a Supreme Deity, its strength is much greater.”

“Even I didn’t find it so simple to deal with, and I even lost two Mecha during the fight.”

“The ‘gods’ that are to come will inevitably be even more powerful.”

This Sea Deity Monster was so strong.

That it made the mecha pilot who had dominated the Supreme Deity feel troubled?

The hearts of military leaders from various nations trembled, considering the numerous horrifying monsters that existed on the planet, they became even more cooperative with Jiang Chen.

All the materials, equipment, and facilities that Jiang Chen needed were provided without any bargaining.

Compared to survival, a few resources were truly trivial.

In the midst of this process.

The generals from the three major kingdoms of the Earth Cataclysm world came together—

In the past, the three kingdoms had engaged in all-out wars, cold wars, trade wars, and various other forms of conflict.

But while individuals might care deeply about enmity, nations care more about the bigger picture.

When Jiang Chen, an outsider mecha pilot, time and again defeated ancient monsters, unveiling hidden crises, and revealing the terror of abyssal creatures.

These nations could no longer sit idly by.

They temporarily set aside their hatred and sat at the same round table.

They truly began to discuss the future of civilization.

In this process, numerous proposals regarding the cultivation and focus on mecha pilots were brought to the negotiation table.

After intense haggling, some proposals failed to reach consensus and were set aside for the time being.

Some proposals barely passed.

Especially the policies related to the establishment of mecha pilots, monitoring and control of future mecha pilots were naturally passed unanimously.

Moreover, the information on the first batch of civilization’s mecha pilots was also brought to the negotiation table.

“Xiang Jing…”

“According to intelligence, this girl achieved an SSS-class evaluation in the basic trials, the highest evaluation among current mecha pilots.”

“At the same time, she has also attracted significant attention from the otherworldly mecha pilot.”

“To put it in the terms of the traditional combat kingdom, she is considered a successor…”

From this perspective, there’s a possibility that she might become as powerful an entity as the otherworldly mecha pilot.

Nations would certainly want to have her within their grasp.

But considering the attention of the otherworldly mecha pilot…

Although Jiang Chen said he would stay here for only ten days, since he could come once, naturally he could also come a second time.

If anything were to happen to Xiang Jing, considering the brutal methods the mecha pilot used against the supreme deity monster, the outcome might not be very pleasant.

“To kill the chicken to warn the monkeys, while the blood of the chicken is not yet dry, even the most foolish politician wouldn’t choose this time to jump out and court death.”

Ultimately, they decided to adopt a gentler approach towards Xiang Jing and this batch of mecha pilots, absorbing them as the backbone of the organization and providing them with excellent treatment.

Finally, after discussing all issues.

The name of the organization intended to bring together and regulate all mecha pilots became the last agenda item.

The name was the least important. In a matter of minutes, the generals reached a consensus

“Let’s call it…”

“The Mecha Pilots Alliance.”

Unbeknownst to Jiang Chen, the civilization of this planet was following a path somewhat similar to Planet Blue Star.

After repairing the damaged Mecha, he took the tools and materials provided by various countries and returned to the mountain range where the supreme deity monster had died.

After the death of the supreme deity monster, he had extracted all of the most valuable essence blood and materials.

The remaining carcass, being too large, did not have appropriate tools for transport.

So, he simply left the remaining carcass and materials to the nations of the Earth Cataclysm world

At the beginning of dealing with the Flaming Molten Lava Monster, he had asked if they needed help disposing of the carcass.

He could directly cremate it with transcendent fire, or send it into space, dumping it in the cosmic junkyard, to prevent affecting the local environment.

But clearly, Jiang Chen had underestimated the civilization of this world.

The generals declined his kind offer, swiftly arranged for personnel to arrive at the scene, and started the carcass disposal work.

For the civilizations affected by Earth Cataclysm, the corpses of these ancient creatures were treasures all over.

Their flesh could be used to extract and produce super ability serums, and all parts including the skin, bones, and internal organs had their respective uses.

Even the issue of preservation was solved by individuals with special supernatural abilities.

As a result, in recent days, the corpses of these strange beings had become extremely valuable resources that were divided and dissected by various forces.

This included even the supreme deity monsters.

After undergoing strict sterilization and testing, the flesh of these ancient creatures was quickly served on the dining tables of the elites of some forces.

Some of the elites believed that consuming the flesh of these immortal creatures could lead to longevity, kidney strengthening, virility enhancement, and many other effects…

Jiang Chen, in theory, did not approve of such acts.

These ancient creatures had high enigmatic value, and even in death, their flesh would remain active for a considerable amount of time.

Moreover, even if it were stewed into cooked meat, or even charred.

The enigmatic properties might not disappear completely.

If ordinary people consumed it excessively, it might indeed extend one’s life, but there was a higher probability that they would be affected by the enigmatic flesh and mutate into mindless monsters.

However, theory is just theory.

If they wanted to eat, could Jiang Chen stop them?

On the contrary, Jiang Chen also joined in and tasted dishes like stewed Supreme Deity, raw Supreme Deity, and Sea Deity sashimi…

Well, in the end, they all gathered together.

Of course, although Jiang Chen’s enigmatic value was a weakness, he still had a value of 32,400, so tasting enigmatic flesh was not a problem at all.

The drawback was that the taste was average, not as good as the grilled meat prepared by the boss, Li Xiao.

Although the corpses of the strange creatures were regarded as new resources and received attention from all sides,

the amount was still too large.

Especially the supreme deity monsters, with their bodies larger than a kilometer, standing tall like small mountains.

Moreover, because the flesh was highly active, even though it lost some potency after death, mining it remained quite troublesome.

In two days, the nations had only managed to collect scattered pieces from the mountains.

The bodies of the supreme deity monsters were still relatively intact, and only a very small part had been excavated.

At this time, Jiang Chen arrived at this mountain range, tore off a chunk of the supreme deity monster’s body, and brought it to the broken peak to begin his operation.

First was the broken peak.

He expended some effort to set it upright.

Then, using the Flaming Molten Lava ability, he created a massive sword of molten fire and gradually shaved off a small section of the mountain top, peeling it away.

In the end, he carved out an immense stone round platform from a small mountain peak.

Afterward, recalling the scene he had seen in the Merfolk Empire, he began to inscribe it onto the platform—

He was indeed attempting to create an altar similar to the one used by the Merfolk Great Priest to summon the Sea Deity!

Only, the scale of this altar was countless times larger than the one in the Merfolk Empire.

The materials used were remnants of the bodies of the “divine beings,” the supreme deity monster and the Sea Deity Monster.

As for whether this method of reproduction could actually work…

Jiang Chen didn’t know, nor did he care.

If it failed, it would be just a slight waste of time, no great loss.

The local archaeologists were still working hard to decode the records of the ancient civilization, searching for traces of other divine beings.

If successful, whatever was attracted by this altar would surely be related to these ancient creatures.

It could be their siblings, or perhaps their parents.

No matter who appeared, Jiang Chen could engage in a pleasant and friendly exchange with them and send them off to reunite with their family.

After roughly reproducing the Merfolk altar from his memory,

Jiang Chen placed small fragments of the Sea Deity and the Supreme Deity monsters on the Merfolk altar and filled the surface designs of the altar with their essence blood.

Then, through the reserved holes, he flew into the bottom of the mountain altar, arriving at its center.

Bio-organic Force Field activated!

Gravity Iron Fists activated!

With a strength of several hundred thousand, combined with the versatile Bio-organic Force Field, and the anti-gravity field provided by the Gravity Iron Fists, Jiang Chen lifted the entire altar and soared into the sky—

Activating the altar in the high sky was to increase the range of the aura’s coverage.

If necessary, he could push the altar, orbiting the planet in near-Earth space for a round.

To prevent any strange creatures from missing the broadcast.

Another reason was to change the battlefield.

If the battle took place high in the sky, there would be no need to worry about causing too much collateral damage, allowing him to unleash his power without restraint.

If worried about the altar falling, it could be shattered directly, its fragments incinerated to ashes by the transcendent fire.

After all, it was just ordinary stone with no transcendent resistance, which would burn up quickly once broken.

Near the mountains, the people responsible for mining the body of the supreme deity monster were unaware of Jiang Chen’s plans.

Watching the giant stone altar gradually ascend into the sky, they felt their legs go weak and had the urge to kneel in worship.

They should know…

The small mountain peak Jiang Chen used to build the giant stone altar was the highest peak recorded by the ancient civilization!

If such a boulder fell from the heavens…

It would bring about a true apocalyptic disaster!

It was not until this moment that most people truly realized that the mecha pilot who had slain the supreme deity monster and resolved the Doomsday Calamity…

possessed the power to unleash calamities and easily destroy civilizations on his own!

Their hearts trembled as they nervously watched the sky.

Big brother, hold it steady, please don’t shake!

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