Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars?

Chapter 140 - Chapter 140: Chapter 108: You are the Best in Quality Among These Newcomers_2

Chapter 140: Chapter 108: You are the Best in Quality Among These Newcomers_2

“I need to first confirm the type of abyssal monster and how it causes disasters,”

“That way, whether it’s preventing in advance or taking action to exterminate, it can be done with ease,”

Jiang Chen thought about his plan and it didn’t take him long.

He took out a cloak, casually draped it over himself, and his figure immediately disappeared from the spot.

[Invisibility Cloak]

An external piece of magic-side equipment, produced by the Symbol of the Alliance.

Although it’s of a lower grade and can be detected by abyssal monsters with keen senses,

it’s extremely useful in a modern backdrop like this for concealment, aerial reconnaissance, and the like.

With the cloak on, Jiang Chen flew straight up and activated High-Energy Vision.

Through a bird’s-eye view, he scanned over half of the city below.

The location chosen by the Abyss Rune is never purely random.

Since it appeared here, this city was bound to suffer a monster attack!

This was something he could be one hundred percent certain of!

When Jiang Chen observed patiently with his High-Energy Vision, he indeed noticed something odd.

Every few seconds, a layer of energy fluctuations would emerge on the city’s surface.

This layer of energy fluctuation rose from the ground and disappeared incredibly fast.

If it wasn’t for Jiang Chen’s high agility bringing a high reaction rate, he might not even have noticed this energy fluctuation.

When he took note of this energy fluctuation and felt its frequency, it was as if he could see the earth breathing, trembling…

Jiang Chen looked slightly shocked, and then his eyes widened.

“Earth Cataclysm means…”

“It’s referring to this?!”

A massively powerful wave of energy suddenly spread from the ground.

After spreading throughout the city, the buildings began to sway slightly, with only that twenty-meter-tall building shaking a bit more noticeably.

It seemed to have little effect.

However, Jiang Chen’s expression turned ugly.

These underground abnormalities could actually trigger earthquakes, creating natural disasters!

No wonder they were capable of destroying civilizations!

“If it’s the force of an earthquake, the accompanying natural disasters will be tsunamis, volcanoes… disasters of that magnitude,”

“If the level is too high, I won’t be able to minimize the damage by much…”

“I must crush it before the disaster fully takes shape!”

Jiang Chen’s gaze shifted, looking towards a corner of the city.

As the energy fluctuation spread,

many high-energy reactions appeared there.

Xiang Hui was an ordinary high school senior…

At least he used to be.

Until three months ago, he “accidentally” obtained a gene injection and successfully awakened a Supernatural Ability called [Combat Instinct].

Afterward, when he went to the martial arts school to test his ability, he was unexpectedly taken in by the martial arts school master as a closed-door disciple, to cultivate traditional secret combat techniques.

Thanks to Combat Instinct, his training progressed rapidly, and he covertly resolved many unexpected troubles, gaining considerable benefits.

Although still a high school senior, he had incidentally become a powerful dual cultivator.


No amount of incidents could compare to everything before his eyes now.

He took his sister out for her birthday and incidentally bought her a gift, during which a slight earthquake occurred.

The earthquake itself wasn’t significant–many even failed to notice it.

However, after the earthquake,

The street outside the mall heaved upwards, and several ugly, ferocious monsters tore through the ground and crawled out, letting out piercing screeches.

They resembled pangolins, covered in thick scales, yet were taller than a bus, with sharp claws and teeth, and their movements were incredibly agile.

With a single pounce, they appeared beside pedestrians in an instant, ripping them open, greedily devouring their innards as if savoring the greatest delicacies.

This scene stupefied many bystanders, causing them to tremble weakly and uncontrollably let out screams.




At this moment, only Xiang Hui managed to maintain a semblance of calm.

Although he didn’t understand why the monster had appeared, he knew that screaming wasn’t important right now, escaping was.

He grabbed his sister and quietly retreated to the back of the crowd, planning to escape through the mall’s back alleys.

Just then, one of the monsters set its sights on them.

It shook its long tail, turning into a brown shadow and pouncing their way.

Xiang Hui couldn’t quite make out its movements, but instinctively drew the metal rod from his waist, channeled his Inner Strength, and struck back hand over hand.

The metal rod was knocked away, but Xiang Hui survived the encounter, retreating several steps.

However, it was only a brief reprieve.

Xiang Hui was weaponless, and the monster remained vicious.

As he faced despair, his gaze fell on something behind the monster, and his eyes suddenly widened.

A man in a jacket fell from the sky, his right hand forming a fist as if by reflex, his mouth shaping two syllables no one could understand,


A surging abyss atmosphere erupted forth.

It formed gears and plates, encasing the man in the jacket.

In an instant, a gold-red mecha standing over four meters tall plummeted down, crushing a monster into meat pulp!

It was almost as if time stopped, the gold-red mecha turned into several afterimages, appearing behind several monsters at once and lifting its metallic fingers for a powerful grasp.

With a squelch,

The monsters, which had just been rampaging indiscriminately, were directly squeezed into an explosion.

A piece of flesh even splashed onto Xiang Hui’s face.

He didn’t feel the slightest bit of disgust, but rather stared dumbfounded at the gold-red mecha, his mind replaying the brutally violent scene over and over again, a voice in his heart seemed to be howling.

What traditional combat, what supernatural ability…

Nothing compares to this behemoth!

First monster attacks, then a gold-red mecha.

Everyone at the scene was completely dumbstruck, none dared to move a muscle.

The gold-red mecha was soon accompanied by a girl smoldering like charred embers; after a brief interaction, the ash girl walked to the center of the road and jumped into the pit.

Afterward, the gold-red mecha scanned around, its gaze settling on Xiang Hui.

It moved with heavy steps, and in the heart of the frantically jumping Xiang Hui, it approached him.

Is it coming for me?

First, a sudden awakening of my supernatural power, then being taken as a disciple by a traditional combat warrior…

Now, would I be chosen by this mysterious person piloting a giant mecha?

Indeed, in Xiang Hui’s anticipation,

A strange voice came from inside the gold-red mecha, finally forming words they could understand,

“Not bad, very calm, and so quick to awaken the Abyss Rune…”

“You have the best potential among these newcomers.”

“Interested in becoming a mecha pilot?”

“I am willing!”

Xiang Hui nodded vigorously.

The gold-red mecha paused, then moved him aside with its hand.

“Sorry, I wasn’t talking to you.”

With that, the gold-red mecha looked at Xiang Hui’s sister.

On her collarbone, a pitch-black eye pattern was clearly visible!

“I mean… do you want to, like me, pilot a mecha and crush these abyss monsters?”

“Oh, I forgot to mention, as one chosen by the abyss, you don’t have a choice.”

The girl lifted her head, gazing admiringly at the giant mecha that had saved her, and tentatively reached out to touch its outstretched hand.

The metal armor, seemingly cold, was actually burning hot to the touch.

“I am willing.”

Xiang Hui fell silent for a moment.

He could never have imagined that the one chosen by the mysterious figure to become a mecha pilot would be his sister.

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